Joe Biden NEEDS to be Impeached

Ole Potatohead got a twofer. One in his "office" and one in his garage. In the office foreigners had access and in his garage his cokehead son had access.

By the way, just so we understand. The foreigners that had access to his office are also the ones that made his family filthy rich. We are talking treason.
Good thing they turned the stuff over without requiring subpeonas, eh?
Biden's cabinet could move to remove him, they won't, but they could under the 25th

The 25th amendment is for when a President is temporarily unable to perform his duties. It makes the vice-President the 'Acting President', it is NOT a permanent removal.

His cabinet could 'remove' him, but all he needs to do is to write a letter to the senate saying that he is resuming his duties and he will be back on the job.

It would take a vote of 75% of BOTH houses of Congress to keep him from resuming his duties...even then the Vice-President remains an 'Acting President' only.

Try reading the amendment!
Whatever it takes, it needs to be done

Better one man be "punished" than for the whole country to go to Hell

which has already happened but gets worse every day
The 25th amendment is for when a President is temporarily unable to perform his duties. It makes the vice-President the 'Acting President', it is NOT a permanent removal.

His cabinet could 'remove' him, but all he needs to do is to write a letter to the senate saying that he is resuming his duties and he will be back on the job.

It would take a vote of 75% of BOTH houses of Congress to keep him from resuming his duties...even then the Vice-President remains an 'Acting President' only.

Try reading the amendment!
exactly what I said, you gave more details which is great, but the bottom line remains, the cabinet could do it but they won't. The dems are more scared of the idiot Kamala than of senile ole joe.

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