Joe Biden post on X labels “Extreme MAGA REPUBLICANS” as the enemy

Do you think it's just a coincidence that the DOJ, the NY, and the GA lawsuits are all being brought by hyperpartisan Democrat prosecutors? Really? Just a coincidence?
Yes, I do believe they are NOT coordinated. Each one of those prosecutors in the states had their own agendas, or criminal or civil law evidence to bring those charges and/or other reasons... the democratic party is not behind or a party to, them imo.

Who in their right mind working for the Party would have the Alvin Bragg case for Stormy Daniel's be one that the Dem Party would want, or want to be, the first announcement and first criminal case? Or civilly the 30 year old sexual abuse defamation case? E.J Carolle?

Seriously, I am not any kind of political genius (or genius of any kind for that matters), and surely the Party has experts in this nasty game of politics, that could do a better job of coordinating the cases being brought, and when...IF THEY WERE INVOLVED, don't ya think?

The prosecutors may be individually registered Democrats, the D party, is not coordinating it...

there also has been no signs of the Party being involved.

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Yes, I do believe they are NOT coordinated. Each one of those prosecutors in the states had their own agendas, or criminal or civil law evidence to bring those charges and/or other reasons... the democratic party is not behind or a party to, them imo.

Who in their right mind working for the Party would have the Alvin Bragg case for Stormy Daniel's be one that the Dem Party would want, or want to be, the first announcement and first criminal case? Or civilly the 30 year old sexual abuse defamation case? E.J Carolle?

Seriously, I am not any kind of political genius (or genius of any kind for that matters), and surely the Party has experts in this nasty game of politics, that could do a better job of coordinating the cases being brought, and when...IF THEY WERE INVOLVED, don't ya think?

The prosecutors may be individually registered Democrats, the D party, is not coordinating it...

LOL You don't think the geniuses at the DNC find value in their minions chanting "91 felonies" like trained monkeys every time Trump's name is mentioned?
there also has been no signs of the Party being involved.
So again, it's just a coincidence that Fani Willis happened to drop by the White House for a chat before she filed her charges in Georgia?
LOL You don't think the geniuses at the DNC find value in their minions chanting "91 felonies" like trained monkeys every time Trump's name is mentioned?

So again, it's just a coincidence that Fani Willis happened to drop by the White House for a chat before she filed her charges in Georgia?
No, I do not think she went there to coordinate things with the whitehouse....more than likely she went to D.C. for information or evidence she wanted to get her hands on for the state of Georgia's case.

State prosecutors do not work for, nor report to, nor are paid by, the DOJ.
No, I do not think she went there to coordinate things with the whitehouse....more than likely she went to D.C. for information or evidence she wanted to get her hands on for the state of Georgia's case.
She got this information and/or evidence from the White House?

And her boyfriend visited the White House twice before charging Trump?

ANd you don't think that shows coordination with this scheme of lawfare?
State prosecutors do not work for, nor report to, nor are paid by, the DOJ.
LOL Not what we're arguing.
She got this information and/or evidence from the White House?

And her boyfriend visited the White House twice before charging Trump?

ANd you don't think that shows coordination with this scheme of lawfare?

LOL Not what we're arguing.
When did this take place? Why would they not seek every means to help their investigation? Why would you even want to tie the investigator's or prosecutor's hands?

no one in their right mind would ever think Trump would have the arrogance above all arrogance, to run for office again after his actions before and after J6, and total lack of action on 1/6? This investigation began with Trump trying to convince the Georgia Secretary of state, to find 10,780 votes, so trump could illegally claim victory over the winner, Joe Biden.....among the many other election interference fraudulent schemes.

Then after the J6 investigation and sworn testimony hearings, much more of the fraudulent schemes came out. It's possible that is the information prosecutors were seeking that related to their investigation and case.... If I were a prosecutor, I would try to get that....

I think Trump is just reaching out in to the oblivion for any thing of nothingness to get this trial cancelled. He has not defended or denied the accusations, because he knows he broke the law, and this Georgia case, can't be self pardoned or stopped by his DOJ if he becomes President.
When did this take place?

Didn't you read the link I gave you? Fani's fuckbuddy visited the White House on May 23, 2022, and on Nov. 18, 2022 before charging Trump
Why would they not seek every means to help their investigation? Why would you even want to tie the investigator's or prosecutor's hands?

no one in their right mind would ever think Trump would have the arrogance above all arrogance, to run for office again after his actions before and after J6, and total lack of action on 1/6? This investigation began with Trump trying to convince the Georgia Secretary of state, to find 10,780 votes, so trump could illegally claim victory over the winner, Joe Biden.....among the many other election interference fraudulent schemes.

Then after the J6 investigation and sworn testimony hearings, much more of the fraudulent schemes came out. It's possible that is the information prosecutors were seeking that related to their investigation and case.... If I were a prosecutor, I would try to get that....

I think Trump is just reaching out in to the oblivion for any thing of nothingness to get this trial cancelled. He has not defended or denied the accusations, because he knows he broke the law, and this Georgia case, can't be self pardoned or stopped by his DOJ if he becomes President.

Care, you seem very honest for a lefty. She and her fuckbuddy were meeting with the WHite House, Trump's chief political opponent. What possible information could the WH have regarding and alleged crime that took place in Georgia, years prior.

You don't have to defend all of Biden's scumbaggery. You particularly shouldn't feel any need to defend this demonstrably corrupt prosecution in Georgia. Don't waste your integrity on ot.

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