Joe Biden, slides in from behind, to win the DNC's support

So far, he has not said anything against what his boss has done to this once great nation,

how many VP's can you name that has gone against their "Boss" ? :up:
NONE !!! ... All of them are "yes-men".

so you just blew your own words straight to hell. ha ha ha :lmao:
No, I did NOT. I said exactly what I have said for many years now. VP's are nothing more than "yes-men", period. So, please tell me how I blew any of my words straight to hell? Please explain, thanks.
Biden might have been better than Obama.

But to me he looks like he's suffering from early stages of Dementia.

All these Democrats have been in government so long most of them are getting up in their 70s, 80s. Sanders looks like he's close to 100

man we TERM LIMITS in congress bad. It was never meant to be a CAREER for these people

that's how they ALL become corrupted
Hillary?? Back stabbed?
Thrown under the bus?

Man you righties think your 12 clown circus will all walk away winners....Good luck with that....
What Joe Biden has going for him, is he is a good man...probably too good, to be President of the USA.... doesn't have the 'fight' in him, to be able to get things done with a Republican Majority...but maybe? Where as Hillary is stronger, and could better get things accomplished imho.

As far as the Republican candidates, its probably going to be Jeb, is my prediction...he's hired all the big political campaign guns out from underneath the other R candidates already....but it's better for Jeb to stay out of it, till after the R candidates chew themselves up and spit themselves out...
Just curious here. But, how long have you known Joe Biden? Have the two of you spend a lot of time together? Do you keep in touch with each other? Have the two of you had long conversations concerning politics and his thoughts on legislation and policy? Just curious since you stated that he was a good man, probably too good to be president.
How long have you known him Sonny? How much time have you spent with him? Do you spend a lot of time together? Have the two of you had long conversations concerning politics etc etc etc etc etc....

How can YOU say or imply he is not a "good" man and have your opinion on such based on your response to me regarding it, when you have not done any of those things you are trying to hold me to, before I came to my opinion?
Fuck you.
What Joe Biden has going for him, is he is a good man...probably too good, to be President of the USA.... doesn't have the 'fight' in him, to be able to get things done with a Republican Majority...but maybe? Where as Hillary is stronger, and could better get things accomplished imho.

As far as the Republican candidates, its probably going to be Jeb, is my prediction...he's hired all the big political campaign guns out from underneath the other R candidates already....but it's better for Jeb to stay out of it, till after the R candidates chew themselves up and spit themselves out...
Just curious here. But, how long have you known Joe Biden? Have the two of you spend a lot of time together? Do you keep in touch with each other? Have the two of you had long conversations concerning politics and his thoughts on legislation and policy? Just curious since you stated that he was a good man, probably too good to be president.
How long have you known him Sonny? How much time have you spent with him? Do you spend a lot of time together? Have the two of you had long conversations concerning politics etc etc etc etc etc....

How can YOU say or imply he is not a "good" man and have your opinion on such based on your response to me regarding it, when you have not done any of those things you are trying to hold me to, before I came to my opinion?
Fuck you.
WOW !!!!
What Joe Biden has going for him, is he is a good man...probably too good, to be President of the USA.... doesn't have the 'fight' in him, to be able to get things done with a Republican Majority...but maybe? Where as Hillary is stronger, and could better get things accomplished imho.

As far as the Republican candidates, its probably going to be Jeb, is my prediction...he's hired all the big political campaign guns out from underneath the other R candidates already....but it's better for Jeb to stay out of it, till after the R candidates chew themselves up and spit themselves out...
Just curious here. But, how long have you known Joe Biden? Have the two of you spend a lot of time together? Do you keep in touch with each other? Have the two of you had long conversations concerning politics and his thoughts on legislation and policy? Just curious since you stated that he was a good man, probably too good to be president.
How long have you known him Sonny? How much time have you spent with him? Do you spend a lot of time together? Have the two of you had long conversations concerning politics etc etc etc etc etc....

How can YOU say or imply he is not a "good" man and have your opinion on such based on your response to me regarding it, when you have not done any of those things you are trying to hold me to, before I came to my opinion?
Fuck you.
WOW !!!!
He'll be using a condom....
he's too good ?

wow, that's some hero worshipping just for a Politician...and why they now think they are our master/royalty and has the right to LORD over us
I can't help but feel the DNC doesn't feel comfortable with a woman as their President....they didn't feel such in 2008 with Hillary, and I can just see them pulling Biden, (now that his son has been buried) out of the wood work, to run against Hillary in the primaries. (the DNC are such chicken shits, hate controversy, don't have the strength the Clintons have....with dealing with, in most cases, fabricated controversy by the right wing blogs and media)

This could be good for the DNC with Joe Biden in the running as well, as far as... in keeping or even getting the Democratic Primary interesting....and in the end, getting the Democratic Party members, out to vote.... I dunno?

I guess I am just waiting for Hillary to be back-stabbed by them....

Vice President Biden is not running.
Normal people work 20, 30 years and then RETIRE

not these politicians in the Democrat party. They'll be brought in on a hospital gurney next so they can cast a vote to Raise taxes on us if they had to.

it's become such a joke on us
Normal people work 20, 30 years and then RETIRE

not these politicians in the Democrat party. They'll be brought in on a hospital gurney next so they can cast a vote to Raise taxes on us if they had to.

it's become such a joke on us
It's not their fault. The stupid voters keep electing them. You can't blame them for staying and increasing their bank account, especially the off-shore bank accounts. They're just doing what stupid damn voters allow them to do.
Normal people work 20, 30 years and then RETIRE

not these politicians in the Democrat party. They'll be brought in on a hospital gurney next so they can cast a vote to Raise taxes on us if they had to.

it's become such a joke on us
It's not their fault. The stupid voters keep electing them. You can't blame them for staying and increasing their bank account, especially the off-shore bank accounts. They're just doing what stupid damn voters allow them to do.

I know. that's why us voters would have had been the ones to demand term limits on them, like we have on the President. BUT it's probably too late now
Joe is too old.

He's already 72.

By the time he got into the White House he'd be 73 or 74.

The job of President greatly ages a man.

Joe hasn't got that much of a cushion left.

Same goes for anybody else up in that age bracket (70+).

Older folks have assumed and succeeded in that very job in the past, from time to time.

But the Nation is entering into a period when it needs fresh faces and fresh ideas and new energy, as well as a bit of actual governing experience.

We aren't going to get that with some of the current crop - on either side of the aisle.

Time to begin culling the herd, and weeding-out those less likely to bring such energies to the table.
What Joe Biden has going for him, is he is a good man...probably too good, to be President of the USA.... doesn't have the 'fight' in him, to be able to get things done with a Republican Majority...but maybe? Where as Hillary is stronger, and could better get things accomplished imho.

As far as the Republican candidates, its probably going to be Jeb, is my prediction...he's hired all the big political campaign guns out from underneath the other R candidates already....but it's better for Jeb to stay out of it, till after the R candidates chew themselves up and spit themselves out...

Biden has already run for President twice, and the voters weren't biting.

More to the point, he really hasn't done anything that you do when you are considering a run for president. He hasn't lined up donors or volunteers.

And you simply can't jump into the game this late without having done that, as Rick Perry and Fred Thompson proved.

But it could be that he was more concerned with his son and his son's brain cancer, and eventual death....

I just wouldn't be surprised if he were pulled in to the race, now.
Biden is owed some good Karma but I don't think becoming president can make up for losing 3 family members.
If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.
If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.

that they are even talking like this means they don't have a lot faith in her, evidently
could be a good sign for Republicans
I can't help but feel the DNC doesn't feel comfortable with a woman as their President....they didn't feel such in 2008 with Hillary, and I can just see them pulling Biden, (now that his son has been buried) out of the wood work, to run against Hillary in the primaries. (the DNC are such chicken shits, hate controversy, don't have the strength the Clintons have....with dealing with, in most cases, fabricated controversy by the right wing blogs and media)

This could be good for the DNC with Joe Biden in the running as well, as far as... in keeping or even getting the Democratic Primary interesting....and in the end, getting the Democratic Party members, out to vote.... I dunno?

I guess I am just waiting for Hillary to be back-stabbed by them....
It is part of the VAST right wing conspiracy to control the DNC via Vulcan Mind Meld. Biden has 0 chance dear lol
If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.
Actually she was a GREAT candidate, even with her early mistakes, and was about tied in votes/delegates with Obama down to the DNC decisions near the very end of the primary. And she got MORE total votes than Obama if you count Michigan, where Obama was not on the ballot.... without Michigan, they both got around 18 million votes each.

I guess I was reminded of Biden at his son's funeral, with all the people lined up, just wanting a chance to shake his hand or even get a kiss on the cheek...people like him, as a person, as a human being...

Also, wondering if the DNC will try to make this Dem primary, a little more interesting...I think that Hillary will win, hands down, against anyone in the primary but I am just trying to figure out how to pull in more people to actually take interest in the competition....

And lastly, I felt pretty burned by the DNC's decisions in the 2008 primaries, as a Hillary supporter the first time around and have had a hard time knocking it....

Outside of that, I think Obama/Biden is and was a much better President than McCain/Palin ever could be...although I was too pissed off at the DNC etc... to vote for Obama, I'm glad he was chosen as President by others.
Biden hasn't a prayer... his constant verbal blunders are the least of it.... it would be Obama II.... we have barely survived Obama I.
Biden might have been better than Obama.

But to me he looks like he's suffering from early stages of Dementia.

All these Democrats have been in government so long most of them are getting up in their 70s, 80s. Sanders looks like he's close to 100

man we TERM LIMITS in congress bad. It was never meant to be a CAREER for these people

that's how they ALL become corrupted

We do have Term limits, Staph. They are called "Elections".

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