Joe Biden, slides in from behind, to win the DNC's support

If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.

No, Hillary lost in 2008 because she voted to give Bush the authority to make a war the rank and file hated.

Obama opposed the Iraq War before it was cool.
If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.

No, Hillary lost in 2008 because she voted to give Bush the authority to make a war the rank and file hated.

Obama opposed the Iraq War before it was cool.
This is true, but O was not in the US Senate at the time he opposed it, so he was not shoveled the same Intel as Congress was......

But I would think he still would have been against it, even if he was a US Senator at the time, based on how he has handled himself since he was elected.
If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.

No, Hillary lost in 2008 because she voted to give Bush the authority to make a war the rank and file hated.

Obama opposed the Iraq War before it was cool.
That did play a part in why she lost but it was not the only reason. What dragged her down then are the same things hurting her now that sense of entitlement, the idea the rules don't apply to her.
If Hillary was a better candidate this likely wouldn't be an issue. Simply having the last name Clinton doesn't make you a great candidate 2008 proved that.

No, Hillary lost in 2008 because she voted to give Bush the authority to make a war the rank and file hated.

Obama opposed the Iraq War before it was cool.
That did play a part in why she lost but it was not the only reason. What dragged her down then are the same things hurting her now that sense of entitlement, the idea the rules don't apply to her.
18 million primary votes vs 18 million primary no means was she crushed or dragged down....she did good, but I agree she could have done better...
I can't help but feel the DNC doesn't feel comfortable with a woman as their President....they didn't feel such in 2008 with Hillary, and I can just see them pulling Biden, (now that his son has been buried) out of the wood work, to run against Hillary in the primaries. (the DNC are such chicken shits, hate controversy, don't have the strength the Clintons have....with dealing with, in most cases, fabricated controversy by the right wing blogs and media)

This could be good for the DNC with Joe Biden in the running as well, as far as... in keeping or even getting the Democratic Primary interesting....and in the end, getting the Democratic Party members, out to vote.... I dunno?

I guess I am just waiting for Hillary to be back-stabbed by them....

The DNC hates the clintons. If I was Hillary I would hire a food taster.
That did play a part in why she lost but it was not the only reason. What dragged her down then are the same things hurting her now that sense of entitlement, the idea the rules don't apply to her.

Not really.

I've discussed this before, but it bears repeating. Why did Hillary lose the nomination in 2008?

Well, here's the dirty little secret, she got more votes than Obama did. But because of the way the Democrats allocated delegates, Obama got more delegates. Michigan and Florida didn't get any delegates because they skipped the line in the primaries, and superdelegates switched to Obama.

Yes, part of the reason was that she voted for Iraq, and the rank and file Democrats HATED "Bush's War on a Lie" at that point.

Another reason why a lot voted against her was because they looked at the Republicans talking smack about Vince Foster and Whitewater and Monica and all the other horseshit they brought up in the 1990's and said, "Do we really want to go through that again?" Of course, electing the Negro made the Republicans even more batshit crazy.

Part of it was Hillary's own tactical errors. Letting Bill run off his mouth about South Carolina. Not having any infrastructure on the ground after Super Tuesday. (Allowing Obama to run up delegate counts in states the Democrats weren't going to take in November.)

But the more important thing was, Hillary didn't lose. Obama won.

I don't see anyone who could beat her this time out, on either side.
That did play a part in why she lost but it was not the only reason. What dragged her down then are the same things hurting her now that sense of entitlement, the idea the rules don't apply to her.

Not really.

I've discussed this before, but it bears repeating. Why did Hillary lose the nomination in 2008?

Well, here's the dirty little secret, she got more votes than Obama did. But because of the way the Democrats allocated delegates, Obama got more delegates. Michigan and Florida didn't get any delegates because they skipped the line in the primaries, and superdelegates switched to Obama.

Yes, part of the reason was that she voted for Iraq, and the rank and file Democrats HATED "Bush's War on a Lie" at that point.

Another reason why a lot voted against her was because they looked at the Republicans talking smack about Vince Foster and Whitewater and Monica and all the other horseshit they brought up in the 1990's and said, "Do we really want to go through that again?" Of course, electing the Negro made the Republicans even more batshit crazy.

Part of it was Hillary's own tactical errors. Letting Bill run off his mouth about South Carolina. Not having any infrastructure on the ground after Super Tuesday. (Allowing Obama to run up delegate counts in states the Democrats weren't going to take in November.)

But the more important thing was, Hillary didn't lose. Obama won.

I don't see anyone who could beat her this time out, on either side.
That's what everyone thought in 2008 as well.
Hillary and the other candidate need to step aside for Biden, its cold and heartless to campaign against him.

Do the right thing
Yes you do realize your side was saying Hillary was unbeatable in 2008 and she lost right? Going back to a previous post of yours where stated Hillary didn't lose Obama won in 2008 for him to win she had to lose.

Not sure who you think my side was. In 2008, I campaigned and worked for McCain.
Yes you do realize your side was saying Hillary was unbeatable in 2008 and she lost right? Going back to a previous post of yours where stated Hillary didn't lose Obama won in 2008 for him to win she had to lose.

Not sure who you think my side was. In 2008, I campaigned and worked for McCain.
None of your post I have ever read suggest that you have ever supported a Republican but whatever.
Yes you do realize your side was saying Hillary was unbeatable in 2008 and she lost right? Going back to a previous post of yours where stated Hillary didn't lose Obama won in 2008 for him to win she had to lose.

Not sure who you think my side was. In 2008, I campaigned and worked for McCain.

Yeah, and I played drums for Frank Zappa in 1979-1980
None of your post I have ever read suggest that you have ever supported a Republican but whatever.

Really? So you've read my posts from 2007 or 2008?

Or do you think people think the same way all through their lives.

If you lived through 2008 and 2009 and how bad Bush fucked up everything, you either rethought your philosophy...

Or you just lived in denial and pretended it was those damned liberals even though the GOP was in charge..
None of your post I have ever read suggest that you have ever supported a Republican but whatever.

Really? So you've read my posts from 2007 or 2008?

Or do you think people think the same way all through their lives.

If you lived through 2008 and 2009 and how bad Bush fucked up everything, you either rethought your philosophy...

Or you just lived in denial and pretended it was those damned liberals even though the GOP was in charge..
Did I say I have read all your post from 2007-2008? I'm stating my opinion of your claim based on your post I have read maybe you did work for McCain maybe you didn't but based on what I have read from you along with the fact people can claim anything online I'm skeptical if you have a problem with that tough shit.
I'm going to be surprised if Biden doesn't soon announce his resignation from the VP chair to spend time with family, much less launch another Presidential run. I have to imagine the man is reflecting grudgingly on a life spending too much time too far away from home.
Did I say I have read all your post from 2007-2008? I'm stating my opinion of your claim based on your post I have read maybe you did work for McCain maybe you didn't but based on what I have read from you along with the fact people can claim anything online I'm skeptical if you have a problem with that tough shit.

So you are stating an opinion based on no evidence because you just find it impossible to believe that a conservative could reject his philosophy after getting totally screwed over by an employer during a Republican caused recession?

Yeah, because that could never, ever happen. People aren't allowed to change their minds in the face of overwealming events.
Did I say I have read all your post from 2007-2008? I'm stating my opinion of your claim based on your post I have read maybe you did work for McCain maybe you didn't but based on what I have read from you along with the fact people can claim anything online I'm skeptical if you have a problem with that tough shit.

So you are stating an opinion based on no evidence because you just find it impossible to believe that a conservative could reject his philosophy after getting totally screwed over by an employer during a Republican caused recession?

Yeah, because that could never, ever happen. People aren't allowed to change their minds in the face of overwealming events.
I'm stating an opinion based on what I have seen you post since I have been posting on this board. You seem to have a hard time grasping that.
I'm stating an opinion based on what I have seen you post since I have been posting on this board. You seem to have a hard time grasping that.

Again, an opinion based on no evidence... we got that, thanks.

Kind of what I expect out of the Talking Snake Right.

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