Joe Biden Spending 50 Million To Intensify "Convicted Felon" Smear Of Trump

Yet, economic statistics show no such thing

What they do show is that under Trump the economy LOST 3 million jobs while Biden has GAINED 15 million

As usual, we only gain jobs when Democrats are running things
Yet, economic statistics show no such thing

What they do show is that under Trump the economy LOST 3 million jobs while Biden has GAINED 15 million

As usual, we only gain jobs when Democrats are running things
Returning to work isn't creating jobs. Most the new jobs are partime. But we know you loons lie.
Returning to work isn't creating jobs. Most the new jobs are partime. But we know you loons lie.
You think all those jobs were just waiting for workers to return to?
Many companies went out of business
Many employees said screw that job

Biden has many more jobs than Trump ever had
Actually, it's pretty well known how bad it is to be a convicted felon. And there are different levels of convict. A Convict can also be charged with X number of misdemeanors and still be a convict and not lose a single right after his time is served.

So let's talk about a person convicted of a Felony, a felon. And tRump is just now starting to feel that force. He's already lost his right to own or possess firearms. He'd better stay rich because he would feel all the rest of the negatives of being a convicted felon.

The Right to Vote
The Right to hold Public Office (state level and below)
The Right to Bear Arms
The Right to Travel Abroad
Loss of Public and Social Benefits
And more.

Some states have the ability for you to buy your States Rights back but NY isn't one of them.

Tell me how you can be President when you can't pass a Security Level Check or Travel Abroad? How about entering into critical agreements? A convicted Felon will not be able to deal with most of the rest of the world in either agreements nor travel.
All that is rendered void when Trump is elected POTUS.....The people vett a POTUS.....When he leaves office then they apply.....Of course his conviction will have been overturned by then.

Maybe that should not be the case with those elected to federal office but it is.....It torques me no end to see the likes of "The Squad" to be privy to any of our nation's secrets or foreign intelligence.

About the best congressional leadership can do with them is to keep them off of committees that deal with such things.

It's also the reason that the dems will pay only lip service to it.....They like leaking everything to the press and to our enemies.
Returning to work isn't creating jobs. Most the new jobs are partime. But we know you loons lie.
You think all those jobs were just waiting for workers to return to?
Many companies went out of business
Many employees said screw that job

Biden has many more jobs than Trump ever had
It torques me no end to see the likes of "The Squad" to be privy to any of our nation's secrets or foreign intelligence.
But you have no problem voting for Trump who is under felony indictment for failing to protect Top Secret Information
They got exactly what they were pushing for, and now the production of commercials with the theme 'Trump-is-a-convicted-felon' will be ran non-stop until the election.
You think all those jobs were just waiting for workers to return to?
Many companies went out of business
Many employees said screw that job

Biden has many more jobs than Trump ever had
Low paid partime jobs. The jobs reports always get revised lower somehow under Biden.
Democrats are still in plan B- weaponize the criminal justice system against Trump with trumped-up charges - run a smear campaign of convicted felon.

Joe Biden is spending $50 million to remind you Donald Trump is a convicted felon​

  • Joe Biden doesn't want swing voters to forget that Donald Trump is now a felon.
  • The Biden campaign is spending $50 million on a media blitz that includes a biting attack ad on Trump.
  • The ad highlights Trump's conviction while painting Biden as "fighting for your family.

Great ad. Filets the blob. Probably ruined the knife though with his blubber.
Lol, Biden stole classified documents and had them store in the garage of the house Hunter was smoking crack in.

Both Biden and Mike Pence had classified documents in their possession. When they found them, they immediately reported and turned them in.

Trump admitted he took them on purpose, refused to admit he had them and attempted to hide them

Why Trump was indicted and Biden and Pence were not
Both Biden and Mike Pence had classified documents in their possession. When they found them, they immediately reported and turned them in.

Trump admitted he took them on purpose, refused to admit he had them and attempted to hide them

Why Trump was indicted and Biden and Pence were not
Biden had to steal them, so he knew he had them.
Democrats are still in plan B- weaponize the criminal justice system against Trump with trumped-up charges - run a smear campaign of convicted felon.

Joe Biden is spending $50 million to remind you Donald Trump is a convicted felon​

  • Joe Biden doesn't want swing voters to forget that Donald Trump is now a felon.
  • The Biden campaign is spending $50 million on a media blitz that includes a biting attack ad on Trump.
  • The ad highlights Trump's conviction while painting Biden as "fighting for your family.
If Biden is trying to distance himself from being "The Big Guy" behind the weaponization of law enforcement and the courts, he's doing a really, really bad job of it.
Democrats are still in plan B- weaponize the criminal justice system against Trump with trumped-up charges - run a smear campaign of convicted felon.

Joe Biden is spending $50 million to remind you Donald Trump is a convicted felon​

  • Joe Biden doesn't want swing voters to forget that Donald Trump is now a felon.
  • The Biden campaign is spending $50 million on a media blitz that includes a biting attack ad on Trump.
  • The ad highlights Trump's conviction while painting Biden as "fighting for your family.

They could gain more favor if they announced building $50mil worth of Free Veteran housing in Witchita KS to begin to help homeless USA veteran citizens. That could build a large compound of maybe 500 small houses or one big APT with 1000 units?

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