Joe Biden Swears That He Is Not A Socialist

I don't hear him talking about healthcare too often. That's the big evil socialist thing, right? Trying to give everybody healthcare, scary. We might end up like those communist dictatorships in Scandinavia where a lot of young people own their own homes by 25.
You hate Caucasians. most of those Caucasians are of the same ethnic background. Our Caucasians are multiple ethnic backgrounds. Then we get into other races and ethnic backgrounds between them. Religion than comes into it. And gender and everything else. And how much destruction to their territory over the centuries from endless Euro wars did they get? What is their working initiative in producing quality? What is their corruption level? There can be more.
The government doesn't do anything perfectly if that's what you mean. There will always be mistakes and shortcomings. I don't think it's realistic to say that the government never doesn't good though. I also don't think it's realistic to believe that we could never improve it.
Everything government does involved using force against innocent people. Nothing good can come from that. Can you name a single government program that has net positive results?
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What do Dims support that will keep our country strong and competitive in the future? Keep parasites on the government tit doesn't make us competitive.
The Democrats are fucking idiots. They're too busy worrying about the crucifixion of Trump, legitimizing trans people and catering to feminists.
Everything government does involved using force against innocent people. Nothing good can come from that. Cam you name a single government program that has net positive results?
If there are no net positive results in your opinion then I guess from your perspective there shouldn't be a government at all. That sounds like fun.
The government doesn't do anything perfectly if that's what you mean. There will always be mistakes and shortcomings. I don't think it's realistic to say that the government never doesn't good though. I also don't think it's realistic to believe that we could never improve it.
I simply dont agree.
Farmers, bar tenders and lawyers have no business controlling our healthcare or anything else.
The founders knew that. Thats why states have 99% of the power(supposed to).
Also, we will NEVER improve the federal govt because America is full of complete idiots. Look at our President and Congress. Look at the last President and Congress. And the ones before that etc
I already tried that! Every time I try to look up "socalist" on Google, it keeps changing it to "socialist".

So I misspelled the word,.. so what? You don't have to be a bitch about it and I'm sure that Meister can fix it. You know, I've been working on not cussing people out more lately,.. so I won't. I'm going to let her do it for me instead. :fu:(And this is for just your attitude in general, not only for this time.)

there shouldn't be a government at all.
All they should be doing is protecting us from invasion, setting regulations for citizenship and making sure states arent fucking over their citizens. Thats basically all the power they have and all they should be doing.
If there are no net positive results in your opinion then I guess from your perspective there shouldn't be a government at all. That sounds like fun.

that's right. Government is nothing more than a criminal gang.
All they should be doing is protecting us from invasion, setting regulations for citizenship and making sure states arent fucking over their citizens. Thats basically all the power they have and all they should be doing.
The Chinese are going to be running the world in a hundred years. Do you think we'll be able to stop that?
And that's because he probably isn't. The people that control him are. Either that or communists.

What I think really meant is "I'm not a socialist because I don't want to live like a socialist, I just want Americans to live like socialists so I and my party can remain in power and so we can afford to live freely.".

Or maybe it's just "I am not a socialist. I may want everything to be like a socialist country. But I'm not going to call it a socialist country specifically using that word."
The Chinese are going to be running the world in a hundred years. Do you think we'll be able to stop that?
Plus, I dont think giving a bunch of corrupt dumbfucks more power over our lives will curb that at all.
america feeds on chinese labor.

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