Joe Biden Swears That He Is Not A Socialist

Joe Biden Swears That He Is Not A Socalist​

What is a socalist? Someone from Southern California? I'm pretty sure Biden is not from there.

HACK: Why are you a socialist?

BIDEN: I'm not a socialist.

HACK: *snort* Yeah, right! :rolleyes:
He talked a lot about healthcare just yesterday, you should listen more. Isn't BBB just rife with socialism?
Wasn't giving people 600 dollars a month per young child a socialized policy? Free educations, etc. ?
I mean......come on, MAN
Truth be told I don't listen to him that much. If he actually gets something done I'm sure I'll hear about it though. I'm not holding my breath but I'm willing to have my mind changed.
And the Trumpsters once again go out of their way to demonstrate their ignorance of actual socialism.

And once again you go out of your way to demonstrate your ignorance.
Ah! Scandinavia! Highest suicide region in the world, highest taxes and it’s biggest industrial output is pickled herring!
Not to mention a population about the size of Miami, Florida and extremely strict immigration policies. Not quite so easy to manage providing free healthcare when you have a population of 350 million and climbing with wide open borders and a nonstop flood of border crashers.
I don't hear him talking about healthcare too often. That's the big evil socialist thing, right? Trying to give everybody healthcare, scary. We might end up like those communist dictatorships in Scandinavia where a lot of young people own their own homes by 25.
Scandinavia? Where they have 21 million in population? We probably have 21 million in
illegal immigrants.....which Joe wants to give free medical to them. Another socialized program for illegals.
Sheeesh, dude
Scandinavia? Where they have 21 million in population? We probably have 21 million in
illegal immigrants.....which Joe wants to give free medical to them. Another socialized program for illegals.
Sheeesh, dude
Yeah, we have a bigger country. We also have a lot more resources and money to work with. Oh, and we're the United States, which means we're fucking awesome.

Maybe we should stop defending those flowers in Europe with billions of our own tax dollars and instead use that shit to help people here. Let's stop giving away a hundred billion dollars a year in general charity as well. It would also be nice if we could stop wasting our blood and treasure trying to referee savages in Africa and the Middle East. Fuck them and let them figure out their own shit.

How can you have a deep love and respect for this country but also not realize that we could easily do anything Europe is doing? We could do it better than them.

We should be focused on educating our people and keeping them as healthy as possible. That's how we stay competitive with China in the future. Do you care about that, or are you only focused on what will happen in your lifetime? I hope you people don't think of yourselves as nationalists, because you're not.
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Yeah, we have a bigger country. We also have a lot more resources and money to work with. Oh, and we're the United States, which means we're fucking awesome.

Maybe we should stop defending those flowers in Europe with billions of our own tax dollars and instead use that shit to help people here. Let's stop giving away a hundred billion dollars a year in general charity as well.

How can you have a deep love and respect for this country but also not realize that we could easily do anything Europe is doing? We could do it better than them.

We should be focused on educating our people and keeping them as healthy as possible. That's how we stay competitive with China in the future. Do you care about that, or are you only focused on what will happen in your lifetime? I hope you people don't think of yourselves as nationalists, because you're not.
Ask yourself this, "How many trillion are we in debt?"
Ask yourself this, "How many trillion are we in debt?"
I just gave you a solution to the money problem. Acting like it's impossible for us to have a public healthcare system is just nonsense. You're smarter than that. You should know damn well that we could pull it off if we wanted to.
He is a consummate politician who changed positions over his career based on his national profile.

By consummate politician you mean out for only himself and becoming as wealthy as possible at the expense of taxpayers....right? Poopeypants is a moron.
I just gave you a solution to the money problem. Acting like it's impossible for us to have a public healthcare system is just nonsense. You're smarter than that. You should know damn well that we could pull it off if we wanted to.
Perhaps, you don't know just how complex this has become globally with the economic ties we
have, this isn't the 1940's. I imagine you are young and will leave it at that.
Perhaps, you don't know just how complex this has become globally with the economic ties we
have, this isn't the 1940's. I imagine you are young and will leave it at that.
More vague nonsense. We could do it if we wanted to, and we should because we need to be competitive with China in the future. We need educated and healthy people. The older generations in this country are seriously letting this nation down. Your generation will be remembered as the one that caused our decline.
Yeah, we have a bigger country. We also have a lot more resources and money to work with. Oh, and we're the United States, which means we're fucking awesome.

Maybe we should stop defending those flowers in Europe with billions of our own tax dollars and instead use that shit to help people here. Let's stop giving away a hundred billion dollars a year in general charity as well. It would also be nice if we could stop wasting our blood and treasure trying to referee savages in Africa and the Middle East. Fuck them and let them figure out their own shit.

How can you have a deep love and respect for this country but also not realize that we could easily do anything Europe is doing? We could do it better than them.

We should be focused on educating our people and keeping them as healthy as possible. That's how we stay competitive with China in the future. Do you care about that, or are you only focused on what will happen in your lifetime? I hope you people don't think of yourselves as nationalists, because you're not.
We aren't educating our "people" very well, we have fallen off the cliff compared to other first world countries.
We have done a hell of a job indoctrinating the "people" in our schools.
We aren't educating our "people" very well, we have fallen off the cliff compared to other first world countries.
We have done a hell of a job indoctrinating the "people" in our schools.
Don't forget that I'm not one of those woke pussy Democrats. Tax dollars should never fund some worthless gender studies degree for some dumbass feminist. The degrees paid for by the public should be chosen based on utility and need. Of course we need to be selective.

We need to incentivize young people to become educated in useful fields that will help us stay competitive in the technological future.
More vague nonsense. We could do it if we wanted to, and we should because we need to be competitive with China in the future. We need educated and healthy people. The older generations in this country are seriously letting this nation down. Your generation will be remembered as the one that caused our decline.
Nonsense, show me where Socialism has been successful without using a country with only 30 million.
We are 29+ trillion in debt right now and counting. What are you going to do to solve it?
Tax the rich and corporations.? :auiqs.jpg: Don't be childish.
You're going to have to tax the fuck out of everybody and have a two class society.

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