Joe Biden's 2020 Immigration Platform - Selling Out America To Ensure GOP Never Wins Another Election


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
20+ Million illegals granted citizenship through EO
- It was illegal for Barry to affect Immigration Law by EO when he did it - it will be if Joe Does It
- So much for promising to create more American jobs and putting more Americans back to work

No more borders
No more deportations of illegal, criminal illegal aliens
Tax-Payer-funded healthcare for illegals
Tax-Payer-Funded education
EXPANSION of Sanctuary Cities
No more arresting / jailing violent criminal illegals
Welfare, Unemployment, Food stamps, housing - a new, larger Welfare State based on the LPSD's 'economic slavery' policies

Do snowflakes even bother thinking - REALLY THINKING - through any of this stuff? What it will all mean, what the consequences will be?

Supporting this is a definite sign that anyone who does is a sheep who does not think for themselves...
Executive Orders can be cancelled with the stroke of a pen- can you find any a Republican POTUS cancelled?
Executive Orders can be cancelled with the stroke of a pen-

Not True. According to Chief Justice Roberts an Un-Constitutional EO can NOT just be cancelled / wiped from the books with the stoke of a pen. It can not even be erased / reversed when the USSC unanimously acknowledges / rules it to be Un-Constitutional. According to Roberts the economic / social impact of eliminating the Un-Constitutional edict must be addressed....and if the impact is too great it overrides whatthe Constitution says.

Case in point, if eliminating Un-Constitutional DACA causes 'too harsh' an impact on illegals already here you just can't get rid of it.

The fact that the EO is Un-Constitutional is no longer enough to get rid f it.
Not True. According to Chief Justice Roberts an Un-Constitutional EO can NOT just be cancelled / wiped from the books with the stoke of a pen. It can not even be erased / reversed when the USSC unanimously acknowledges / rules it to be Un-Constitutional. According to Roberts the economic / social impact of eliminating the Un-Constitutional edict must be addressed....and if the impact is too great it overrides whatthe Constitution says.

Case in point, if eliminating Un-Constitutional DACA causes 'too harsh' an impact on illegals already here you just can't get rid of it.

The fact that the EO is Un-Constitutional is no longer enough to get rid f it.
The man in a Black Dress is wrong (and not just this time) - and, for the record, Miss Justice Roberts, your job is to determine IF a law is constitutional. Period. End of story- NOT make law- fucking idiot(s)-

Who are you going to side with when they come for your beliefs? And History proves they will. Make no mistake about it.

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