Joe Biden's Booming Labor Market Does it Again !!!!

Lowest unemployment rate for blacks in history!

Not true Trump had that though.
+253,000 new jobs !!!!!! What a smoker !!!!

God Bless Joe Biden and God Bless Joe Biden's booming labor market, the best labor market in US history.

Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity, and now Joe Biden has given us the Golden Age of jobs.

This is what happens when you invest in jobs and infrastructure, vs giving handouts/welfare to the ultra wealthy. We all win this way and the annual deficit is much lower than what he inherited from Trump.


Is that you filthy stupid partisan ignorant bullshit for today?

Where you completely ignore what a disaster this Potatohead clown for the US since he stole the election?

With massive inflation, millions of Illegals, decreased family income, higher taxes. artificial high cost of energy, weakened military, near recession economic growth, higher interest rates, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it and banks failing right and left?

You are a fucking idiot and prove it every time you post your bullshit.

Potatohead is the worst President this country ever had and you an idiot for supporting him. Must come from you being an inbred.

Of course aren't you the idiot that was bragging about Potatohead's deficit ONLY being $1.4 trillion this year? LOL!
Leftist stupidity:
By claiming the high number of Jobs created through Dem run city crime & declines chasing businesses to close and create those jobs elsewhere, and by jobs filled by a workforce that moved to more stable Conservative regions, means the brag is about how well they destroyed the major cities and created a forced migration to safe havens in well run conservative towns and cities.
Are the proponents of this method of counting job creation actually destroying cities on purpose in order to just have 1 mirage of a thing they did good, hoping to dupe the people with misinformation?
If you say; "no, that's silly" then you are saying they are just incompetent and liberal policies are the problem.=either way is a problem.
FURTHERMORE: if the job numbers are so good, economy is so good as falsely stated by the propaganda, then why is homelessness a huge issue like never before? Are the Homeless without jobs counted at all?-oops You don't even see them as human beings, which is just what we suspected. =epic fail!

Fun fact: 4000 hired to provide more help to people during 2023 tax season-
Dems brag 4000 new job openings, raising our debt then complaining Repubs are about to cause default.
The Inflation Reduction Act (which is opposite it's name to hire 87,000 irs Agents, Dems brag 87,000 new jobs are created, plus leave out 87,000 more guns were purchased, 8,000 more guns misplaced, 8,000 more illegal guns circulating the streets used to hold you hostage to your homes.
Unfortunately in my opinion using your analogy ( the cancer cell one) the democrats are using their policies of deterioting left leaning areas such as for example California to spread to other areas of the nation such as Florida and Texas by making things so bad that these people have no choice but to migrate to better well to do areas. However if they bring the same left leaning mind state with them then these areas will also become left leaning eventually like osmosis in water or like cancer cells spreading out to eventually kill the host body..One can see that in areas such as Oregan and Washington state where many residents who fled California ended up settling .This of course doesn’t even begin to mention the people that are coming across the borders in large numbers who are fleeing other failed societies and are undocumented and living on the edge of society….Jobs come and go but peoples mental states last a life time unless they can be convinced to think out of their left leaning box… When companies and entrepreneurs want to better themselves and others they create lasting jobs and wealth and prosperity and they also kill off old cells( archaic ways of doing things or obsolete methods) to keep thehost( the country) healthy and disease free…
Unfortunately in my opinion using your analogy ( the cancer cell one) the democrats are using their policies of deterioting left leaning areas such as for example California to spread to other areas of the nation such as Florida and Texas by making things so bad that these people have no choice but to migrate to better well to do areas. However if they bring the same left leaning mind state with them then these areas will also become left leaning eventually like osmosis in water or like cancer cells spreading out to eventually kill the host body..One can see that in areas such as Oregan and Washington state where many residents who fled California ended up settling .This of course doesn’t even begin to mention the people that are coming across the borders in large numbers who are fleeing other failed societies and are undocumented and living on the edge of society….Jobs come and go but peoples mental states last a life time unless they can be convinced to think out of their left leaning box… When companies and entrepreneurs want to better themselves and others they create lasting jobs and wealth and prosperity and they also kill off old cells( archaic ways of doing things or obsolete methods) to keep thehost( the country) healthy and disease free…
Thought of that, but they never take into account people seeing the difference in governance usually switch parties even if they maintain liberal leanings in their new surroundings it's usually social liberal leanings with conservative fiscal values.
I did prove it, but I'm also cool with you admitting the first 351,754 was an inflated number to oust a duly elected president, because you are an enemy & threat to democracy-checkmate again..
This is too easy, can you set your
AI bots to level 5 or 6 to make it harder to win, you keep leaving your precious king open.

Saying you proved it when you utterly failed to show millions of workers have died from covid makes you look even dumber than before.

See below your post, you are admitting Dems inflated covid deaths in the Trump era to thwart democracy. You also are talking around the fact I am discussing covid deaths that also includes drugs and depression deaths due to lockdown despair because it affects the labor numbers and is in correlation. Remember they only show 1.3 -1.4 million actual covid deaths but drug and suicides and murders remove workers as well.
You also keep smokescreening in your ad hominem responses, you keep selectively avoiding other issues you can't refute: that being the giant elephant in the room;

Nothing you posted says millions of workers died from covid. Congrats! Your perfect streak of being wrong is intact.
Leftist stupidity:
By claiming the high number of Jobs created through Dem run city crime & declines chasing businesses to close and create those jobs elsewhere, and by jobs filled by a workforce that moved to more stable Conservative regions, means the brag is about how well they destroyed the major cities and created a forced migration to safe havens in well run conservative towns and cities.
Are the proponents of this method of counting job creation actually destroying cities on purpose in order to just have 1 mirage of a thing they did good, hoping to dupe the people with misinformation?
If you say; "no, that's silly" then you are saying they are just incompetent and liberal policies are the problem.=either way is a problem.
FURTHERMORE: if the job numbers are so good, economy is so good as falsely stated by the propaganda, then why is homelessness a huge issue like never before? Are the Homeless without jobs counted at all?-oops You don't even see them as human beings, which is just what we suspected. =epic fail!

Fun fact: 4000 hired to provide more help to people during 2023 tax season-
Dems brag 4000 new job openings, raising our debt then complaining Repubs are about to cause default.
The Inflation Reduction Act (which is opposite it's name to hire 87,000 irs Agents, Dems brag 87,000 new jobs are created, plus leave out 87,000 more guns were purchased, 8,000 more guns misplaced, 8,000 more illegal guns circulating the streets used to hold you hostage to your homes.

Irrelevant to the job market.

employed (ces)

Feb/2023: 155,420,000
Mar/2023: 155,673,000*

[* = all time high]
Irrelevant to the job market.

employed (ces)

Feb/2023: 155,420,000
Mar/2023: 155,673,000*

[* = all time high]
But you let in 200,000 that we know of each month and your liar in chief likes to count 1 person with 3 jobs as 3 employed, that includes 3 different jobs switched within a year counted as 3 and you the dupe is none the wiser.
YOU'VE yet to supply a link to non biased data, its up to you to prove your point since your party is always faking numbers and use propaganda and word play to fool it's brainwashed masses.
Therefore if you list every single person of the claimed 155,673,000 and list their employment, then you can claim you made your point, otherwise all you got is data that's corrupted by known liars & manipulators, and remember this is your own method of computing the science, so don't blame me if you can't live up to your own methods of scientific evaluation.
+253,000 new jobs !!!!!! What a smoker !!!!

God Bless Joe Biden and God Bless Joe Biden's booming labor market, the best labor market in US history.

Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity, and now Joe Biden has given us the Golden Age of jobs.

This is what happens when you invest in jobs and infrastructure, vs giving handouts/welfare to the ultra wealthy. We all win this way and the annual deficit is much lower than what he inherited from Trump.


wonderful jobs at mc donalds burgher king and taco bell......nobody can afford to eat at nice places anymore
Nothing you posted says millions of workers died from covid. Congrats! Your perfect streak of being wrong is intact.
Yes go back to those web sites and do the math, but now you have to show us the numbers and prove your numbers, which you have not, so you just busted yourself and deflected again.
Saying you proved it when you utterly failed to show millions of workers have died from covid makes you look even dumber than before.

When a stupid person calls you dumb, that's a double negative, so thanks for the compliment! You'd get that but we already established your intellect.
But you let in 200,000 that we know of each month and your liar in chief likes to count 1 person with 3 jobs as 3 employed, that includes 3 different jobs switched within a year counted as 3 and you the dupe is none the wiser.
YOU'VE yet to supply a link to non biased data, its up to you to prove your point since your party is always faking numbers and use propaganda and word play to fool it's brainwashed masses.
Therefore if you list every single person of the claimed 155,673,000 and list their employment, then you can claim you made your point, otherwise all you got is data that's corrupted by known liars & manipulators, and remember this is your own method of computing the science, so don't blame me if you can't live up to your own methods of scientific evaluation.
View attachment 782849

There's nothing I need to link. I made no claims. All I did was challenge you to prove your claim that millions of workers have died from covid.

Needless to say, you couldn't.
Yes go back to those web sites and do the math, but now you have to show us the numbers and prove your numbers, which you have not, so you just busted yourself and deflected again.

I don't have to do shit. Nothing you posted indicates millions of workers died of covid.

Yet another one of your lies exposed.
When a stupid person calls you dumb, that's a double negative, so thanks for the compliment! You'd get that but we already established your intellect.
View attachment 782853

Take it however you need to in order to feel better about yourself, your bullshit that millions of workers died from covid is still exposed as bullshit.
The best time for the American economy was when the rest of the world was in the flames of world wars. That is why the Biden administration is trying so hard to plunge the world into another massacre. Obviously, the degenerates hope that they will be unaffected by the war.
There's nothing I need to link. I made no claims. All I did was challenge you to prove your claim that millions of workers have died from covid.

Needless to say, you couldn't.
And you admited you can't link and name these job numbers to real people and real jobs, because if you did they'd prove me right, the number fudging was counting 1 persons many jobs and failed regions migration to new jobs in the new regions.
I win the argument again.
All this attempt to top post a pretend jobs number is blowing up in your face when people get to read how the magic numbers are fudged. REMEMBER, it's your Pinocchio in chief and his press secretary that fudges drug death numbers, illegal immigration and border numbers, fudges debt numbers, fudges poll numbers, fudges classified document numbers, fudges covid numbers, and as he admits, doesn't even know the number of his own age.
At some point in everyone's life we all gamble on a fart and lose, you gambled on the old fart and lost, and now you are embarassed by THE MESS and trying to put a bow of toilet paper around it and claim that mess as a gift. Nobody is accepting that gift, it's still all b.s. and you're leaving that mess for the next administration & generation.

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