Joe Biden's Booming Labor Market Does it Again !!!!

I don't have to do shit. Nothing you posted indicates millions of workers died of covid.

Yet another one of your lies exposed.
Nothing you posted indicates job growth and employment that didn't involve coming out of covid lockdown anomalies, job migration, and fudged numbers by using single person's 2-3 jobs and due to new short hour structured jobs used by companies to circumvent higher wages. Busted by your own argument.-you just lost an argument to yourself🗣. 😄
+253,000 new jobs !!!!!! What a smoker !!!!

God Bless Joe Biden and God Bless Joe Biden's booming labor market, the best labor market in US history.

Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity, and now Joe Biden has given us the Golden Age of jobs.

This is what happens when you invest in jobs and infrastructure, vs giving handouts/welfare to the ultra wealthy. We all win this way and the annual deficit is much lower than what he inherited from Trump.


Those are not all NEW jobs. the vast majority are people returning to work after the covid foolishness.

We are now 30 trillion in debt with no end in sight. At some point the country will just have to declare bankruptcy and tell China and the other creditors to pound sand.
Those are not all NEW jobs. the vast majority are people returning to work after the covid foolishness.

Dude, we have been above the pre-COVID levels of number employed for months and months now. Do at least try to keep up.

We are now 30 trillion in debt with no end in sight. At some point the country will just have to declare bankruptcy and tell China and the other creditors to pound sand.

We are at 32T and yes there is no end in sight since you all will not quit voting for the duppoly
Those are not all NEW jobs. the vast majority are people returning to work after the covid foolishness.

We are now 30 trillion in debt with no end in sight. At some point the country will just have to declare bankruptcy and tell China and the other creditors to pound sand.
I hope you do realize that the debt is just as shell game to scare people after all it is in paper money with no backing but setting that aside foreign ownership of debt is just over 7 trillion the rest is owed to various government institutions , private businesses and private individuals who are based in the United States . Further government assets are absolutely massive combined with individual private assets are something like 1500 per cent of gdp.. That is not to mention any money the US government derives from overseas investments that are off the books as are assets found in other countries… I liken this to an individual earning 50000 dollars a year but spending 60000 dollars and saying gosh I am in the hole by 10000 a year however that individual doesn’t tell you his home is worth 1.5 million and he has 400000 in Iras plus a rental property or two generating income for him plus stocks that earn him dividends which he reinvests back in every year to avoid taxes… That is your government only telling you part of the tale omitting out the rest because quite frankly if they told you the truth then they would not need to take your tax money from you and you could have a much much higher standard of living then you can ever imagine but that is how government works unfortunately…
Nothing you posted indicates job growth and employment that didn't involve coming out of covid lockdown anomalies, job migration, and fudged numbers by using single person's 2-3 jobs and due to new short hour structured jobs used by companies to circumvent higher wages. Busted by your own argument.-you just lost an argument to yourself🗣. 😄
The government always tells the truth…..There are lies damned lies and statistics…….Sarcasm…
And you admited you can't link and name these job numbers to real people and real jobs, because if you did they'd prove me right, the number fudging was counting 1 persons many jobs and failed regions migration to new jobs in the new regions.
I win the argument again.
All this attempt to top post a pretend jobs number is blowing up in your face when people get to read how the magic numbers are fudged. REMEMBER, it's your Pinocchio in chief and his press secretary that fudges drug death numbers, illegal immigration and border numbers, fudges debt numbers, fudges poll numbers, fudges classified document numbers, fudges covid numbers, and as he admits, doesn't even know the number of his own age.
At some point in everyone's life we all gamble on a fart and lose, you gambled on the old fart and lost, and now you are embarassed by THE MESS and trying to put a bow of toilet paper around it and claim that mess as a gift. Nobody is accepting that gift, it's still all b.s. and you're leaving that mess for the next administration & generation.
Ahhh the numbers are fudged excuse...
How pathetic.

The republicans are such a joke, and Bush and Trump are such a failure, that republicans must resort to the "they fudged the numbers" excuse whenever things don't go their way. Which usually means the economy is doing better than they want because they root against America when a dem is running the show.

The numbers are real and legit, they are reported the same way Trump and other republicans report them.

For the past 100+ years the GOP has failed miserably managing the economy, the party of recessions, as every single republican has had at least 1 recession, yet only 1 dem president has had a recession in the same time frame.

Better yet, jobs, GDP growth, the stock market, AND deficit reduction have all outperformed under dem presidents vs their GOP counerparts.

This has continued for 100+ years.

At what point do the pathetic excuses stop and republicans just man the fuck up and accept they are a total joke, a total failure, and have nothing to offer America but excuses for their repeated failure.

The facts and evidence prove everything I said.
Those are not all NEW jobs. the vast majority are people returning to work after the covid foolishness.

We are now 30 trillion in debt with no end in sight. At some point the country will just have to declare bankruptcy and tell China and the other creditors to pound sand.
Hey retard
the US has long ago surpassed the numbers of jobs pre-covid.

You're just mad because Biden has the best labor market ever and all Trump had was failure and debt. Lots of debt.
25% of our total debt in just 4 years of failure.
The government always tells the truth…..There are lies damned lies and statistics…….Sarcasm…
Silly man doesn't realize he is saying Biden isn't president, because "he never proved the 81 million" voted for him and since they counted more voters voted then there were registered voters it sets up a pattern of using fudged numbers and double-tripple counting:
Fact: only in the Biden administration era are people having to tear their napkins in half to make 1 whole napkin 2 half sheets, only in the Biden era do people have to seperate the 2ply tissue into 2 1plys (ewww gooey).
Only in the Biden era are you using only 2 sheets of thin toilet paper to wipe instead of 4 sheets & playing Russian roulette with your paper holding up☝. *Enjoy your eating out dining experience in the Biden Era, because Your chef can't afford that plush quilted layered paper, think about that one. 🤢
Only in the Biden era do you have to drive 30 minutes to go to a store that used to be only a mile from your house untill they were forced to close.
Only in the Biden era can you buy a house for just $50 from camping world and place it any damn place you want.
Only in the Biden era do you donate $100 to Bidens Cancer Charity so he can kickback most of it to his own campaign through all donations going towards administrations (who are donors) high salaries.
Only in the Biden era are illegal imigrants getting $ 4,000 hotel rooms while you can't afford Hotel 6 and legal residents who served the country have to live in trailers and tents.
Only in the Biden era do you have to play Russian roulette with your gas gauge waiting till fumes to fill up.
Only in the Biden era are you once again practicing nuke drills.
But there is 1good thing, because the left always fudges numbers, Biden will never ever know the real nuke codes, nor could he remember them, and even if given a cheat sheet cue card, he'd still read it wrong anyway.
And you admited you can't link and name these job numbers to real people and real jobs, because if you did they'd prove me right, the number fudging was counting 1 persons many jobs and failed regions migration to new jobs in the new regions.
I win the argument again.
All this attempt to top post a pretend jobs number is blowing up in your face when people get to read how the magic numbers are fudged. REMEMBER, it's your Pinocchio in chief and his press secretary that fudges drug death numbers, illegal immigration and border numbers, fudges debt numbers, fudges poll numbers, fudges classified document numbers, fudges covid numbers, and as he admits, doesn't even know the number of his own age.
At some point in everyone's life we all gamble on a fart and lose, you gambled on the old fart and lost, and now you are embarassed by THE MESS and trying to put a bow of toilet paper around it and claim that mess as a gift. Nobody is accepting that gift, it's still all b.s. and you're leaving that mess for the next administration & generation.


STILL not proof that millions of workers died from covid.
Nothing you posted indicates job growth and employment that didn't involve coming out of covid lockdown anomalies, job migration, and fudged numbers by using single person's 2-3 jobs and due to new short hour structured jobs used by companies to circumvent higher wages. Busted by your own argument.-you just lost an argument to yourself🗣. 😄


STILL not proof that millions of workers died from covid.
Those are not all NEW jobs. the vast majority are people returning to work after the covid foolishness.

We are now 30 trillion in debt with no end in sight. At some point the country will just have to declare bankruptcy and tell China and the other creditors to pound sand.

Nope, we've exceeded the number of people employed before covid.
Silly man doesn't realize he is saying Biden isn't president, because "he never proved the 81 million" voted for him and since they counted more voters voted then there were registered voters it sets up a pattern of using fudged numbers and double-tripple counting:

I never said there was no fraud at all. Sporadic cases around the country do occur. I've posted some on this site myself. The case you linked involved 8 manipulated ballots with some switching the political party from Democrat to Republican.
And still not proof millions of people were dumb enough to vote for Biden (or Fetterman).

You're insane to think millions didn't vote for Biden. :cuckoo:

Your senility aside, you still haven't shown evidence that millions of workers died from covid.
You're insane to think millions didn't vote for Biden. :cuckoo:

Your senility aside, you still haven't shown evidence that millions of workers died from covid.
I didn't say that you did using your logic of requiring evidence, I said 81 million the millions was poking fun at how you comprehend plurality more than 1 million and you just proved my point you do know what Millions means when you need to. :)
So you are saying you are nuts to think millions didn't die.
Oh I see, you suddenly aren't counting the immigration deaths, because Dems don't see them as Humans


I didn't say that you did using your logic of requiring evidence, I said 81 million the millions was poking fun at how you comprehend plurality more than 1 million and you just proved my point you do know what Millions means when you need to. :)
So you are saying you are nuts to think millions didn't die.
Oh I see, you suddenly aren't counting the immigration deaths, because Dems don't see them as Humans

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Liar, this is what you actually said... "still not proof millions of people were dumb enough to vote for Biden"

And again, you failed to prove millions of workers died from covid.
Hey retard
the US has long ago surpassed the numbers of jobs pre-covid.

You're just mad because Biden has the best labor market ever and all Trump had was failure and debt. Lots of debt.
25% of our total debt in just 4 years of failure.
how much did obozo add to the debt? in actual dollars and % increase?
when obozo came to office our debt was around 9 trillion, when he left it was around 20 trillion, he doubled it. What other president had doubled the debt? answer: none.
when obozo came to office our debt was around 9 trillion, when he left it was around 20 trillion, he doubled it. What other president had doubled the debt? answer: none.

Reagan tripled it. Bush Jr. nearly doubled it, same as Obama. Trump added more in 4 years than any other president.

Where's your outrage, con?

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