Pot is a mild sedative and keeps people from getting “angry”

My doctor recommends that I smoke it when I get depressed.

Have you ever smoked it?

For a few years, I worked at a biker bar called Boondocks, and the owner didn't mind if people smoked cannabis in the back parking lot. I noticed that the people who only smoked marijuana were good tippers, fun to be around, and never had a problem with them. Those who smoked and drank? Had to watch them after they had a few beers. The people who drank only were the ones I had to watch the closest.

And yeah, marijuana mellows a person out, and makes them more agreeable. However, even though you might be more agreeable, your inhibitions are still in full effect. If you wouldn't do something sober, you won't do it if you are stoned.

Alcohol on the other hand is the true gateway drug. Why? It reduces your inhibitions and you are more likely to do stupid stuff when you are drunk.

Personally? I think that there should be a bowl full of 10 mcg THC candies at the entrance of each Congressional chamber, and it should be required that each member going into the chamber have at least 2. Maybe then Congress could actually start working together for this country.
Bullshit thread since the racist garden gnome Jeff Sessions has a war on pot going as we speak
Your logical fallacies are:
Red Herring
Ad Hominem
Sessions doesn’t have a war on pot ( and all drugs) ?????
Put up or shut up.

Sessions is a necessary evil to take down MS-13 in America.
Your new boogie man. The MS- 13.
A racist at the top law position in the country is never acceptable. Add in his war on drugs policy, that’s never worked in 40 years , you have another total disaster in a major position in this administration like most of the others.
Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.
Bullshit thread since the racist garden gnome Jeff Sessions has a war on pot going as we speak
Your logical fallacies are:
Red Herring
Ad Hominem
Sessions doesn’t have a war on pot ( and all drugs) ?????
Put up or shut up.

Sessions is a necessary evil to take down MS-13 in America.
Your new boogie man. The MS- 13.
A racist at the top law position in the country is never acceptable. Add in his war on drugs policy, that’s never worked in 40 years , you have another total disaster in a major position in this administration like most of the others.

MS-13 Threat Assessment
Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.
Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.
Says no doctor on the planet. But an internet troll named Broke Loser says it so it must be true.
Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.
Says no doctor on the planet. But an internet troll named Broke Loser says it so it must be true.

Yep, all bullshit...fabricated by pussies. Another angle to loot taxpayers.
How many ER doctors, nurses and the like whom have witnessed brutal CHILD deaths on a daily basis over 30 year careers are diagnosed with PTSD?
That’s all you need to know.....TA-DA!
How is that a fallacy?

Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Bullshit thread since the racist garden gnome Jeff Sessions
A clear attack on the OP as well as Jeff Sessions.

A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion.

Jeff Sessions has a war on pot going as we speak

Joe Kennedy wants to keep pot illegal, so cops can search stoners' cars.

The issue at topic was Joe Kennedy and pot...not Jeff Sessions and pot. You are attempting to conflate two unrelated individuals to achieve a false conclusion.
Did you learn a new word this week so you tried to ( incorrectly) use it here?
Ad hominem

Sessions doesn’t have a war on pot ( and all drugs) ?????
Then you should start a thread on Jeff Sessions. You are conflating to steer the argument away from Kennedy...not to draw a correlation. Other than the word pot..there is no relationship. Please reassess angle of attack.

Show your evidence or shut the fuck up.
Argumentative: Not conducive to the free exchange of thought.
Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
How is that a fallacy?

Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Bullshit thread since the racist garden gnome Jeff Sessions
A clear attack on the OP as well as Jeff Sessions.

A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion.

Jeff Sessions has a war on pot going as we speak

Joe Kennedy wants to keep pot illegal, so cops can search stoners' cars.

The issue at topic was Joe Kennedy and pot...not Jeff Sessions and pot. You are attempting to conflate two unrelated individuals to achieve a false conclusion.
Did you learn a new word this week so you tried to ( incorrectly) use it here?
Ad hominem

Sessions doesn’t have a war on pot ( and all drugs) ?????
Then you should start a thread on Jeff Sessions. You are conflating to steer the argument away from Kennedy...not to draw a correlation. Other than the word pot..there is no relationship. Please reassess angle of attack.

Show your evidence or shut the fuck up.
Argumentative: Not conducive to the free exchange of thought.
Thanks for proving you have no evidence that I was wrong about Sessions. You’re now dismissed..
And...................like I've said before................the year that CO legalized it for recreational use, their opiate overdose rates went down by 25 percent and have continued to drop since.
You're fucking high and propagating disinformation.

A hidden horror: Heroin deaths rise in Colorado

Marijuana was legalized in January 2014 and opioid deaths rose and continued to rise until Senate bill 15-053 went into effect in April of 2015.

Joe Kennedy III explains why he’s one of the few Democrats not so hot about pot

Over the past decade, Massachusetts has been one of the states at the forefront of the pro-marijuana movement. But one of the state’s rising political stars is not on board.

“This one is a tough one for me, because my views do not exactly line up with my own state, and it’s something that I’m struggling with,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III said in a podcast interview this week with Vox.com’s Ezra Klein.

Even as he has seen his national profile continue to rise, the 37-year-old Democratic congressman has taken heat from the left over his opposition to marijuana legalization (including for medical purposes), which has become increasingly popular both within his party and across the country. After he was tagged to deliver his party’s response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in January, pro-marijuana outlets scoured Kennedy’s voting history in the House and found that he was among the few Democratic representatives who consistently voted against even mildly pro-marijuana bills — even measures that many Republicans supported.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) gives Kennedy a D grade, which is tied for the lowest grade among the groups’ scorecard for Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation.

“I don’t think marijuana should be legalized,” Kennedy flatly told Boston magazine in 2016, two months before the Massachusetts voters approved a referendum to do just that.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have now moved to legalize recreational marijuana. As Massachusetts nears the full enactment of its voter-approved law, Kennedy says it’s his job to “take a deep breath” — though not necessarily inhale.

“We just gotta be thoughtful about this,” he told Klein. “It’s not something where I wanna get in a position where you kind of rush through, because clearly public opinion is on one side of this and moving pretty hard in one direction.”

Kennedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman says the congressman thinks the finalized regulations for Massachusetts’ legal marijuana market, which were released this week by the state’s Cannabis Control Commission, are “a step in the right direction” — though he still has some worries.

“He still has public health and safety concerns regarding issues like driving under the influence and adolescent access, which he hopes the state will prioritize as it moves closer to implementation,” Kaufman said.

In his interview with Klein, the congressman cited some of the unintended consequences of decriminalizing and legalizing the drug. Recalling his days working as a state prosecutor when Massachusetts voted in 2008 to decriminalize marijuana, Kennedy said the decision affected the ability of police officers to search and seize other illegal items, such as guns, from vehicles.

“If you smelled [marijuana] in a car, you could search a car,” Kennedy said. “When it became decriminalized, you couldn’t do that.”...

So basically Democrats have nothing to offer but higher taxes, black supremacy, and, if Joe Kennedy gets his way, more searches and seizures via anti-marijuana laws.

Liberal faggots hate the police, yet they worship the liberal faggot politicians who write the laws that give the cops probable cause to pull over/detain/search black people.

Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll
Not to worry...haven’t you heard...it’s only doctors, lawyers and positive contributors among society whom are stoners these days. Just ask a LibTard.

In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll

An editorial from the U.K....that’s how you refute my claim? Funny shit.
Nobody said there are no PTSD claims in law enforcement..shit, they want some free shit too. I said, how many claims when compared to soldiers? Pay attention and stay focused. Back to the drawing board huh?
In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll

An editorial from the U.K....that’s how you refute my claim? Funny shit.
Nobody said there are no PTSD claims in law enforcement..shit, they want some free shit too. I said, how many claims when compared to soldiers? Pay attention and stay focused. Back to the drawing board huh?
No it’s called facts ... and data.

More than half of all police forces in England and Wales have told the BBC the number of officers having to take long-term sick leave because of mental health problems has been increasing over the last six years. 5 live Investigates has spoken to officers struggling to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) brought on by some of the disturbing things they've experienced during the course of their job.

They reported EXACTLY what the police said about their PTSD symptoms.

You’re about as bright as a small appliance bulb.
In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll

An editorial from the U.K....that’s how you refute my claim? Funny shit.
Nobody said there are no PTSD claims in law enforcement..shit, they want some free shit too. I said, how many claims when compared to soldiers? Pay attention and stay focused. Back to the drawing board huh?
You have deep psychiatric problems. Seek help.
In CO, I have talked to many veterans who when they came back from the wars, the VA had them on 10 to 15 pills/day. When CO legalized it for recreational purposes, a lot of veterans decided to see if marijuana helped with their PTSD and other problems. Most of them that I talked to were able to get down to just 1 or 2 pills/day, and some were able to wean themselves off completely.

They told me that one of the biggest benefits of doing that was that they no longer had the nasty side effects from the prescription medication, because marijuana has no lasting physical side effects.

A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll

An editorial from the U.K....that’s how you refute my claim? Funny shit.
Nobody said there are no PTSD claims in law enforcement..shit, they want some free shit too. I said, how many claims when compared to soldiers? Pay attention and stay focused. Back to the drawing board huh?
This is what you said: “PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit. “
Find one real doctor that has said this:
We’ll be waiting.
A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll

An editorial from the U.K....that’s how you refute my claim? Funny shit.
Nobody said there are no PTSD claims in law enforcement..shit, they want some free shit too. I said, how many claims when compared to soldiers? Pay attention and stay focused. Back to the drawing board huh?
No it’s called facts ... and data.

More than half of all police forces in England and Wales have told the BBC the number of officers having to take long-term sick leave because of mental health problems has been increasing over the last six years. 5 live Investigates has spoken to officers struggling to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) brought on by some of the disturbing things they've experienced during the course of their job.

They reported EXACTLY what the police said about their PTSD symptoms.

You’re about as bright as a small appliance bulb.

So enlighten us...show us the “facts and data”....remember, we’re in the United States Of America.
We’re standing by waiting.
A whole other topic...PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit.
The impact a drug has on a mental patient is mostly due to patient perception. Nothing more.

Really? PTSD is made up? Tell that to all the veterans who served in a war zone who came back messed up.

How many years did you serve? Me? I did a full 20 year career and was in 4 different war zones.

Awesome...you’re a total badass, I’m sure.
Police officers work in “war zones” their entire careers...how many are diagnosed with PTSD?
Face it bud...PTSD picked up speed and became almost glamorous...every doctor in America couldn’t wait for an ex soldier to simply say...”Hey Doc, I’m depressed” so they could slap them with the diagnosis.
Look, I’m all for taking better care of our Vets but not on some fairytale, pussy bullshit....this PTSD shit has gotten way out of hand, every fuckin soldier that put four years in claims that shit now days.
Whenever a Trump Supporter makes a point you can be sure the direct opposite is true.

Police speak out on mental health toll

An editorial from the U.K....that’s how you refute my claim? Funny shit.
Nobody said there are no PTSD claims in law enforcement..shit, they want some free shit too. I said, how many claims when compared to soldiers? Pay attention and stay focused. Back to the drawing board huh?
This is what you said: “PTSD is made up, fabricated bullshit. “
Find one real doctor that has said this:
We’ll be waiting.

Reloacating those goalposts are you? Haha
Don’t be such a sucker bud...do you have any understanding for how mental disorders are diagnosed?
It goes like this....
Patient- “Hey Doc, I’ve been extremely depressed since coming back from my last tour of duty.”
Doctor- “You have PTSD symptoms, take these magic meds and file this paperwork for your free shit.”

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