John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda

The only mystery here is why this guy held on, once the party split into two. He didn't really think he was going to be able to bridge the gap, did he?

I'd love to get a few martinis in him, stick a microphone in his face and ask him what he REALLY thinks of these people.

Probably get alot of sobs, praise for his friends, intense hatred/whining for political enemies. Then a puddle of snout oozed crying.
Conservatives are like a dog that chases a car and doesn't know what to do once they catch it

OK got the House what are you going to do with it?
More repeal Obamacare bills?
Too bad MORE PEOPLE won't stand up to their elected ASSES like him more often. WE THE PEOPLE have the control of TERM LIMITS. These people should NEVER be allowed to become a CAREER politician. they become CORRUPTED
Seek out converts or hunt down heretics. By God, I couldn't have said it better myself. Absolutely true, and a perfect metaphor for what's wrong with American politics in the present day.
John Boehner trashes conservative groups -

John Beohner has fame for crying in public, and now he is having a temper tantrum, and blaming conservatives for his downfall.

he's not having a temper tantrum at all.

and he's right... the wingnuts can't be trusted to govern.

Liberal Dictionary:
govern - spend like there's no tomorrow and cave to the opposition demands at the drop of a hat.

Con Dictionary:
govern - pretend like you're the dictator and the opposition will simply sign on to your plan because you say you aren't giving an inch. And if they don't give in just shut down the government, fail to raise the credit limit, and other such things to hopefully put the economy in turmoil and therefore get more votes next election :eusa_dance:

Except for the "fail to raise the credit limit" part, which Obama isn't willing to give an inch on, you described the Obama modus operandi to a 'T.'

the health care plan was a rightwing plan devised by the heritage foundation... which the right loved (including Romney) until the black guy wanted it.

you're welcome, winger.
he's not having a temper tantrum at all.

and he's right... the wingnuts can't be trusted to govern.

Liberal Dictionary:
govern - spend like there's no tomorrow and cave to the opposition demands at the drop of a hat.

Con Dictionary:
govern - pretend like you're the dictator and the opposition will simply sign on to your plan because you say you aren't giving an inch. And if they don't give in just shut down the government, fail to raise the credit limit, and other such things to hopefully put the economy in turmoil and therefore get more votes next election :eusa_dance:

Except for the "fail to raise the credit limit" part, which Obama isn't willing to give an inch on, you described the Obama modus operandi to a 'T.'

Obama, Pelosi, and the Tea Party ... three peas in a pod as to governing style.

The TEA Party has never been in power, numskull.

now, they just obstruct and throw temper tantrums, winger.
The TEA Party has never been in power, numskull.
Precisely. So why do they act like they are in power?

How are they doing that?

I already said how. They make demands for things like repealing Obamacare or else they're going to shut down the government ... when they don't have the political power to repeal Obamacare or defund planned parenthood.

When have they ever got what they "demanded?" You just admitted they have never been in power, so how can you know what their "governing style" is? Why do you think it should be any different than Nazi Pelosi's, so the Democrats can keep getting their agenda passed?

They haven't gotten what they demanded because all but the nuttier of them realized that continuing the shut down or permanently failing to raise the credit limit was a fool's errand.

Do I know they'd be the same as Pelosi if they took power, not exactly. But I can tell from their rhetoric they'd be "we won the election we'll write the bill" big time. Just like Pelosi, the Tea Party believes that they are right about everything and the opposition is totally wrong, and so they cannot compromise.

you're the fool and full of DNC talking points. do you know what our dept is right now? so we told them NOT to put us in more dept, and you call people a fool..... do you care we the people have to work until MAY in order to PAY OUR SHARE?
'John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda'

Just another personal demonstration of why this Progressive, Washington Establishment, Obama @$$-Kissing, non-representative, lying, scheming, treasonous, millionaire, elitist, Socialist failure HAS TO GO!

...and YOU, too, MITCH McConnell!
'John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda'

Just another personal demonstration of why this Progressive, Washington Establishment, Obama @$$-Kissing, non-representative, lying, scheming, treasonous, millionaire, elitist, Socialist failure HAS TO GO!

...and YOU, too, MITCH McConnell!

He seems doesn't remember that conservatives are the reason he became speaker. He thought he and his cronies can handle them once he take the gavel. Fucking traitor.
'John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda'

Just another personal demonstration of why this Progressive, Washington Establishment, Obama @$$-Kissing, non-representative, lying, scheming, treasonous, millionaire, elitist, Socialist failure HAS TO GO!

...and YOU, too, MITCH McConnell!

He seems doesn't remember that conservatives are the reason he became speaker. He thought he and his cronies can handle them once he take the gavel. Fucking traitor.

exactly, these asses think they are ENTITLED to a job sucking off us taxpayers for life. That's why Obama and his party is walking all over us now. because their base doesn't care what they do. they vote for a D and allows them to run their lives
'John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda'

Just another personal demonstration of why this Progressive, Washington Establishment, Obama @$$-Kissing, non-representative, lying, scheming, treasonous, millionaire, elitist, Socialist failure HAS TO GO!

...and YOU, too, MITCH McConnell!

He seems doesn't remember that conservatives are the reason he became speaker. He thought he and his cronies can handle them once he take the gavel. Fucking traitor.

exactly, these asses think they are ENTITLED to a job sucking off us taxpayers for life. That's why Obama and his party is walking all over us now. because their base doesn't care what they do. they vote for a D and allows them to run their lives

5 Scientific Studies That Prove Republicans Are Plain Stupid

5 Scientific, Peer-Reviewed Studies That Prove Republicans Are Just Stupid


Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.
5 Studies that prove Conservatives are stupid...

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!
The hard right will win nothing until it is willing to reach out honestly to non-socons, women, and minroties.
The hard right will win nothing until it is willing to reach out honestly to non-socons, women, and minroties.

Unlike the Democratic Party:

- Created the KKK then LBJ created 'Economic Slavery' which creates a dependency on government handouts just to survive, robbing them of the ability to succeed and grow independent on their own...all just to get and keep their votes.

- Talks equality yet neither Hillary nor Obama pay the women on their staffs the same as men; Hillary spent decades attacking, slandering, humiliating, demonizing, threatening, and intimidating women who had been raped, sexually harassed, and with whom her husband had affairs...

The hard right will win nothing until it is willing to reach out honestly to non-socons, women, and minroties.

Unlike the Democratic Party:

Minorities: - Created the KKK then LBJ created 'Economic Slavery' which creates a dependency on government handouts just to survive, robbing them of the ability to succeed and grow independent on their own...all just to get and keep their votes.

Women: - Talks equality yet neither Hillary nor Obama pay the women on their staffs the same as men; Hillary spent decades attacking, slandering, humiliating, demonizing, threatening, and intimidating women who had been raped, sexually harassed, and with whom her husband had affairs...LOL!


easyt65, the Dems do quite better with women and minorities than the GOP.

I suggest we leave on the lecturing and the condemning, and instead, reach out honestly to them.

Your way ain't working, yet you condemn the mainstream of the GOP as failing, while you sit on your ass.
Why does the media always put conservatives on the defensive? Couldn't you also say with a degree of accuracy that the "establishment republicans" force the agenda? The problem with Boehner is that he considered the conservative faction of his own party to be the enemy while courting democrat support that would never happen. Next thing you know he blames his conservative base for his own failures and lack of initiative. It's simply the sign of a poor leader.
Why does the media always put conservatives on the defensive? Couldn't you also say with a degree of accuracy that the "establishment republicans" force the agenda? The problem with Boehner is that he considered the conservative faction of his own party to be the enemy while courting democrat support that would never happen. Next thing you know he blames his conservative base for his own failures and lack of initiative. It's simply the sign of a poor leader.
You have it backwards. We have a divided government, which means both sides have to compromise. The far right was completely untractable.

The only times big legislation was passed were the votes the which were open to the Democrats to help pass.

The far right would not compromise, would not play ball.
5 Studies that prove Conservatives are stupid...

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!

Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
The hard right will win nothing until it is willing to reach out honestly to non-socons, women, and minroties.

Unlike the Democratic Party:

- Created the KKK then LBJ created 'Economic Slavery' which creates a dependency on government handouts just to survive, robbing them of the ability to succeed and grow independent on their own...all just to get and keep their votes.

- Talks equality yet neither Hillary nor Obama pay the women on their staffs the same as men; Hillary spent decades attacking, slandering, humiliating, demonizing, threatening, and intimidating women who had been raped, sexually harassed, and with whom her husband had affairs...


PLEASE keep it up, we need to understand why the GOP gets fewer than 80% of every minority vote!

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