John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda

Why does the media always put conservatives on the defensive? Couldn't you also say with a degree of accuracy that the "establishment republicans" force the agenda? The problem with Boehner is that he considered the conservative faction of his own party to be the enemy while courting democrat support that would never happen. Next thing you know he blames his conservative base for his own failures and lack of initiative. It's simply the sign of a poor leader.

NO, the right wing CLEARLY has moved the needle MUCH further to the right than even Ronnie had it, WHEN he had 11 tax increases and increased cap gains taxes!
Have Republicans figured out that Barack Obama got every single bit of his agenda passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch? If they haven't, they deserve what they get. How could so many of em support Boehner and McConnell running the show for so long? They're both corrupt traitors.
5 Studies that prove Conservatives are stupid...

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!

Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
No it isn't, dumbasd.

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pauli, that you don't like BHO and his legislation is fine.

He is not a traitor, while the far right and the libertarians dance ever so closer to it.
easyt65, the Dems do quite better with women and minorities than the GOP.

That's what Bill Clinton keeps saying!

Your way ain't working, yet you condemn the mainstream of the GOP as failing, while you sit on your ass.

You don't even know what 'my way' is, though I am sure you would be more than happy to try to speak for me by throwing out B$.

I don't blame the mainstream media for the GOP's failing! The Washington Establishment, non-representative, Socialist-lite led GOP leadership is to blame. Once they took control of both the House and Senate took over they took right up where the Liberals left off. They have no courage, no conviction, and su@k at using the media and getting their message out...except no one wants to hear Boehner and McConnell's message any more.

The media, which is primarily owned by foreign orgs/nations now, don't report the news - they report agenda-driven opinion pieces.

And again, you try to pretend you know me, but can kiss the @$$ you say I have been sitting on...but I doubt yours can move fast enough to keep up with it.
5 Studies that prove Conservatives are stupid...

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!

Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
No it isn't, dumbasd.

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Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
easyt65, the Dems do quite better with women and minorities than the GOP.

That's what Bill Clinton keeps saying!

Your way ain't working, yet you condemn the mainstream of the GOP as failing, while you sit on your ass.

You don't even know what 'my way' is, though I am sure you would be more than happy to try to speak for me by throwing out B$.

I don't blame the mainstream media for the GOP's failing! The Washington Establishment, non-representative, Socialist-lite led GOP leadership is to blame. Once they took control of both the House and Senate took over they took right up where the Liberals left off. They have no courage, no conviction, and su@k at using the media and getting their message out...except no one wants to hear Boehner and McConnell's message any more.

The media, which is primarily owned by foreign orgs/nations now, don't report the news - they report agenda-driven opinion pieces.

And again, you try to pretend you know me, but can kiss the @$$ you say I have been sitting on...but I doubt yours can move fast enough to keep up with it.



yes he was BEING FIRED. and that was happening by "THE PEOPLE" who paid that sellouts Salary. WE THE PEOPLE.......He can whine and cry all he wants. go get a real job, jerkoff. Mitch Obama's bitch McConnell is next in line

John Boehner Quit Because He Was Going To Be Fired
John Boehner is out as Speaker, but it isn't really his fault - it's Mitch McConnell's.
By Ben Domenech

September 28, 2015

He departs as the least popular Speaker in three decades. The idea that this approach was one designed to appeal to some higher purpose is simply laughable. One does not fall on a sword when your head is already in the guillotine.

That said, there is a logical basis for this move, and Boehner is not wrong to take it. By leaving in the manner that he is, Boehner avoids taking his friends down with him. The spilling of even more blood among Republican moderates – many of whom will be his future lobbying targets. Incumbents who were looking at certain primary challenges now have an out. How exactly is it selfless for Boehner to clear the path to dealmaking with the Democrats, protect moderate Republicans from having to defend it, and leave a terribly messy situation for Kevin McCarthy, his likely successor? Considering the rash of bad deals – likely worse than the one to be cut this week – that appear on the December horizon. Unfortunately for McCarthy, a temporary placeholder speakership might actually be more desirable than having the job for the next six months.

ALL of it here:
John Boehner Quit Because He Was Going To Be Fired
Last edited:
yes he was. and that was happening by "THE PEOPLE" who paid that sellouts Salary. He can whine and cry all he wants. go get a real job, jerkoff. Mitch Obama's bitch McConnell is next in line

John Boehner Quit Because He Was Going To Be Fired
John Boehner is out as Speaker, but it isn't really his fault - it's Mitch McConnell's.
By Ben Domenech

September 28, 2015

He departs as the least popular Speaker in three decades. The idea that this approach was one designed to appeal to some higher purpose is simply laughable. One does not fall on a sword when your head is already in the guillotine.

That said, there is a logical basis for this move, and Boehner is not wrong to take it. By leaving in the manner that he is, Boehner avoids taking his friends down with him. The spilling of even more blood among Republican moderates – many of whom will be his future lobbying targets. Incumbents who were looking at certain primary challenges now have an out. How exactly is it selfless for Boehner to clear the path to dealmaking with the Democrats, protect moderate Republicans from having to defend it, and leave a terribly messy situation for Kevin McCarthy, his likely successor? Considering the rash of bad deals – likely worse than the one to be cut this week – that appear on the December horizon. Unfortunately for McCarthy, a temporary placeholder speakership might actually be more desirable than having the job for the next six months.

ALL of it here:
John Boehner Quit Because He Was Going To Be Fired

THIS guy we are to "believe"

Obama's Failure With Whites, Independents Will Sink Him
By Ben Domenech - November 3, 2012

Obama's Failure With Whites, Independents Will Sink Him | RealClearPolitics
Boehner refused to lead the conservative cause, and wonders why the conservatives forced him out?
Isn't that what non-performance gets you?

yes, but as we see they've become so arrogant being in there so long, they think they can TRASH the very people they Represent.
Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking

At least they didn't win 'LIE OF THE YEAR' over it like Obama did.
Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking

At least they didn't win 'LIE OF THE YEAR' over it like Obama did.

or hire someone who calls the democrat base Stupid.

and remember how Obambam was going to be the MOST TRANSPARNET? But their base doesn't care they are called stupid and lied to
Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking

At least they didn't win 'LIE OF THE YEAR' over it like Obama did.

Sorry Bubba, that was the rights Ebola BS

Before that it was Failin Palin's death panels, Romney's Chinese jeeps, A Gov't "takeover" of H/C,..

Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking

At least they didn't win 'LIE OF THE YEAR' over it like Obama did.

or hire someone who calls the democrat base Stupid.

and remember how Obambam was going to be the MOST TRANSPARNET? But their base doesn't care they are called stupid and lied to

Dem base? Hint he was talking about he low informed right dummy

John Boehner trashes conservative groups -

John Beohner has fame for crying in public, and now he is having a temper tantrum, and blaming conservatives for his downfall.

And they wonder why Trump is so popular......we gave them power in landslide elections and they spent their time calling us that we eventually got tired of that...

Karl Rove was well known for manipulating well meaning but under-educated conservatives with strategic appeals to religion, patriotism and freedom. He referred to the far right as "crazies" because their methods actually harmed their own causes.

The problem has deep roots, and it goes to how easy the Republican base is manipulated. It started in the 70s when the GOP started an outreach program to build a coalition from religious folks without much formal analytical training. This is why Reagan, who never stepped foot in a church (and passed the most liberal abortion policy in the nation as Governor of California), was able to repackage himself as a religious conservative. He understood that the GOP needed deeply religious parts of the south and Midwest to defeat the Democrats, which had locked up the over-educated coastal regions like NYC.

My point is that your leaders have been using religion and patriotism as populist tools to manipulate voters for a long time. I'm glad you're finally fighting back.
easyt65 just flames out of his ass.

Either we get real with women and minorities, or the GOP will lose forever the big elections, and eventually the smaller ones.

Americans overwhelmingly don't believe in Cruz or Huckabee or Perry or Carson.

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