John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda



John Boehner trashes conservative groups -

John Beohner has fame for crying in public, and now he is having a temper tantrum, and blaming conservatives for his downfall.

Well, I am not certain what the minority of the "Reich" wing base expects. Do they understand that Obama has what is called a VETO pen. So when for the 300th time some right wing nut case brings up defunding Obamacare--it ain't gonna happen. Shutting down the government or threatening too, only backfires on the Republican party. That means that Republicans will lose the Presidential election--and we'll have to deal with another democrat, probably Hillary Clinton that won't do border security, that won't do anything about Obamacare, and that will refuse to do anything about Planned parenthood.

Boehner is right. False prophets, unrealistic goals. I don't blame Boehner at all for quitting--who could stand to listen to another 4 years of this, after Hillary Clinton wins.

you're so cute, the reich wing, I guess we can call you a RAT commie? that comes out of the DemocRAT party




On the same day that House Speaker John Boehner announced his resignation, a whopping 72 percent of Republican primary voters said they were dissatisfied with his and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's ability to achieve GOP goals, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

...And asked if they wanted Boehner and McConnell to be removed immediately for their leadership positions, 36 percent of GOP voters said yes, versus 18 percent who said no. Forty-five percent had no opinion.

Poll: 72% of GOP Voters Dissatisfied With Boehner, McConnell


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