John Boehner trashes conservative groups who force agenda

easyt65 just flames out of his ass.

Either we get real with women and minorities, or the GOP will lose forever the big elections, and eventually the smaller ones.

Americans overwhelmingly don't believe in Cruz or Huckabee or Perry or Carson.

The lying like that on your part is some of the problem.

Our far right has real trouble realizing they are not the mainstream of America.
easyt65 just flames out of his ass.

Either we get real with women and minorities, or the GOP will lose forever the big elections, and eventually the smaller ones.

Americans overwhelmingly don't believe in Cruz or Huckabee or Perry or Carson.

The lying like that on your part is some of the problem.

Our far right has real trouble realizing they are not the mainstream of America.

5 Studies that prove Conservatives are stupid...

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!

Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
No it isn't, dumbasd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
It seems very odd he would throw in the towel and resign from Congress. I wonder if there is something else a foot? Perhaps ill-health or a hidden scandal of some sort?

He's been talking about stepping down for a year. Cantor losing his seat threw a cog in the works.

Despite what he claimed, I think the Pope's visit was the catalyst.
5 Studies that prove Conservatives are stupid...

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!

Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
No it isn't, dumbasd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D

yeah right it's funded blaa blaa blaaa. and it is one of the largest tax increases on top of creating a FASCIST Federal government by FORCING the people to BUY a product or be fined. take a gander. 65 BILLION DOLLARS off the uninsured and that would be your young adult CHILDREN. the ALREADY insured 32BILLION. Parents of special needs children: 13.2BILLION

yeah right it's funded blaa blaa blaaa. and it is one of the largest tax increases on top of creating a FASCIST Federal government by FORCING the people to BUY a product or be fined. take a gander. 65 BILLION DOLLARS off the uninsured and that would be your young adult CHILDREN. the ALREADY insured 32BILLION. Parents of special needs children: 13.2BILLION

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

The law imposes a 3.8 percent tax on net investment income that applies to people who earn more than $200,000 a year for singles, or $250,000 for joint filers. It also levies an additional Medicare tax of 0.9 percent on wages, salaries and self-employment income for people in those income groups

False Tax Claims

Most of Those Outraged by Obamacare Enjoy Big Taxpayer Subsidies Themselves

Why do conservatives have such a visceral hatred of a market-based expansion of health care coverage once championed by the Heritage Foundation – a scheme that their last presidential candidate called an expression of “the ultimate conservatism”?

It’s not only because it was passed by a Democratic president they loathe. According to a recent study of Republican base voters conducted by Democracy Corps, Obamacare “goes to the heart of Republican base thinking about the essential political battle.”

They think they face a victorious Democratic Party that is intent on expanding government to increase dependency and therefore electoral support… [They believe that] insuring the uninsured dramatically grows those dependent on government.

Tea Party participants, in particular, were very focused on those who claim “rights” in the form of government services, without taking responsibility for themselves.

Race, according to the study’s authors, plays an unspoken role in determining who is and isn’t counted among the “deserving” poor.

It also dovetails perfectly with the overarching mythology that animates today’s conservative movement: the belief that there exists a large group of shiftless people whose lifestyles are subsidized by an increasingly overburdened class of hard-working Americans. It’s the ‘makers versus takers’ narrative that animates the movement – from the lowliest right-wing blogger to Mitt Romney’s claim that 47 percent of Americans don’t pay taxes and refuse to take care of themselves.

It’s also complete nonsense. The reality is that virtually all Americans are, at various stages in their lives, both “makers” and “takers.”

Most of Those Outraged by Obamacare Enjoy Big Taxpayer Subsidies Themselves |

I see the 'Gruber' Liberals are doubling-down!

Only those who back a MORON who will look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that he is going to build a massive government social program that will not cost a dime and will pay for itself (which would be the 1st such program in world history to ever do so anywhere) can be so arrogant, elitist, and narcissistic as try to tell others that THEY are 'stupid'!

Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
No it isn't, dumbasd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?
easyt65 just flames out of his ass.

Either we get real with women and minorities, or the GOP will lose forever the big elections, and eventually the smaller ones.

Americans overwhelmingly don't believe in Cruz or Huckabee or Perry or Carson.

What does "getting real" entail? Please be specific. What policy changes should Republican support?
Wouldn't cost a dime? Dumbass we AREN'T talking about the GOPers ramming down our throats IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Medicare Part D without a single penny of funding!

Obamacares, unlike ANYTHING the GOP passed the past 34 years, IS funded!
No it isn't, dumbasd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?

MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron
No it isn't, dumbasd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?

MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron

Those are the facts as published by the CBO.

Obamacare is a colossal fraud. Any private company that tried to put something like that over on the public would have all its executives doing a perp walk while being escorted by the FBI.
Oh right I forgot, in right wing world, the GOP running ads saying Obamacares was the largest tax increase EVER, isn't factually correct. Shocking
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?

MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron

Those are the facts as published by the CBO.

Obamacare is a colossal fraud. Any private company that tried to put something like that over on the public would have all its executives doing a perp walk while being escorted by the FBI.

According to CBO it's 100%+ funded dumbass


CBO estimates that on net the ACA is expected to reduce the federal deficit, but since the passage of the law, CBO has only continued to update the estimates for the coverage provisions of the ACA which are expected to result in increases in federal spending. Overall, the coverage provisions in the ACA are expected to increase gross federal costs by $1.8 trillion over the 2015-2024 period. Medicaid and CHIP outlays are expected to increase by $792 billion over the 2015 to 2024 period as a result of the ACA coverage provisions accounting for 43 percent of the total gross costs.

CBO estimates that state spending would increase by about $46 billion from 2015 to 2024 as a result of the ACA coverage provisions. Compared to the February 2014 estimates, the federal cost estimates did not change but the estimate for state costs declined from $70 billion to $46 billion. (Figure 9) While CBO does not provide a direct explanation for this, the majority of this change is likely tied to reducing the estimate of those eligible for coverage without the ACA Medicaid expansion (reimbursed at the regular state match rate). Since overall enrollment and federal costs are the same as February, the higher estimate of newly eligible enrollees appears to be offset by a lower estimate of cost per enrollee.


Figure 9: CBO’s latest estimates show a drop in state spending for Medicaid and CHIP from 2015-2024 due to the coverage provisions in the ACA.

A Look At CBO Projections For Medicaid and CHIP
I don't know weather it's the largest tax increase EVER, it's definitely not funded. Only scumbags would claim Obamacare is funded.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?

MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron

Those are the facts as published by the CBO.

Obamacare is a colossal fraud. Any private company that tried to put something like that over on the public would have all its executives doing a perp walk while being escorted by the FBI.

According to CBO it's 100%+ funded dumbass


CBO estimates that on net the ACA is expected to reduce the federal deficit, but since the passage of the law, CBO has only continued to update the estimates for the coverage provisions of the ACA which are expected to result in increases in federal spending. Overall, the coverage provisions in the ACA are expected to increase gross federal costs by $1.8 trillion over the 2015-2024 period. Medicaid and CHIP outlays are expected to increase by $792 billion over the 2015 to 2024 period as a result of the ACA coverage provisions accounting for 43 percent of the total gross costs.

CBO estimates that state spending would increase by about $46 billion from 2015 to 2024 as a result of the ACA coverage provisions. Compared to the February 2014 estimates, the federal cost estimates did not change but the estimate for state costs declined from $70 billion to $46 billion. (Figure 9) While CBO does not provide a direct explanation for this, the majority of this change is likely tied to reducing the estimate of those eligible for coverage without the ACA Medicaid expansion (reimbursed at the regular state match rate). Since overall enrollment and federal costs are the same as February, the higher estimate of newly eligible enrollees appears to be offset by a lower estimate of cost per enrollee.


Figure 9: CBO’s latest estimates show a drop in state spending for Medicaid and CHIP from 2015-2024 due to the coverage provisions in the ACA.

A Look At CBO Projections For Medicaid and CHIP

Nothing you posted shows ACA is fully funded. The CBO reported that 10 years of revenue would be used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "fully funded."

You claim is obvious bullshit.
Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


National Bureau of Economic Research (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), told us by email, "It's certainly true that the ACA was funded while Medicare Part D was not."

"The ACA was funded in the sense that taxes were increased to pay for the estimated expenditure cost. Medicare Part D provided a new benefit with a substantial long-run cost... and did not raise any taxes."

Obamacare law was ‘funded’ and expected to save billions; not so for Medicare Part D


!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?

MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron

Those are the facts as published by the CBO.

Obamacare is a colossal fraud. Any private company that tried to put something like that over on the public would have all its executives doing a perp walk while being escorted by the FBI.

According to CBO it's 100%+ funded dumbass


CBO estimates that on net the ACA is expected to reduce the federal deficit, but since the passage of the law, CBO has only continued to update the estimates for the coverage provisions of the ACA which are expected to result in increases in federal spending. Overall, the coverage provisions in the ACA are expected to increase gross federal costs by $1.8 trillion over the 2015-2024 period. Medicaid and CHIP outlays are expected to increase by $792 billion over the 2015 to 2024 period as a result of the ACA coverage provisions accounting for 43 percent of the total gross costs.

CBO estimates that state spending would increase by about $46 billion from 2015 to 2024 as a result of the ACA coverage provisions. Compared to the February 2014 estimates, the federal cost estimates did not change but the estimate for state costs declined from $70 billion to $46 billion. (Figure 9) While CBO does not provide a direct explanation for this, the majority of this change is likely tied to reducing the estimate of those eligible for coverage without the ACA Medicaid expansion (reimbursed at the regular state match rate). Since overall enrollment and federal costs are the same as February, the higher estimate of newly eligible enrollees appears to be offset by a lower estimate of cost per enrollee.


Figure 9: CBO’s latest estimates show a drop in state spending for Medicaid and CHIP from 2015-2024 due to the coverage provisions in the ACA.

A Look At CBO Projections For Medicaid and CHIP

Nothing you posted shows ACA is fully funded. The CBO reported that 10 years of revenue would be used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "fully funded."

You claim is obvious bullshit.


What Would Be the Major Effects of Repealing the ACA?
CBO and JCT estimate that repealing the ACA would have several major effects, relative to the projections under current law:

Including the budgetary effects of macroeconomic feedback, repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period. That estimate takes into account the proposal’s impact on federal revenues and direct (or mandatory) spending, incorporating the net effects of two components:
  • Excluding the effects of macroeconomic feedback—as has been done for previous estimates related to the ACA (and most other CBO cost estimates)—CBO and JCT estimate that federal deficits would increase by $353 billion over the 2016–2025 period if the ACA was repealed.

Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act
!0 years of revenue were used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "funded." That's fraud.

Furthermore, the costs are running way above predictions. Who would have ever predicted that?

MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron

Those are the facts as published by the CBO.

Obamacare is a colossal fraud. Any private company that tried to put something like that over on the public would have all its executives doing a perp walk while being escorted by the FBI.

According to CBO it's 100%+ funded dumbass


CBO estimates that on net the ACA is expected to reduce the federal deficit, but since the passage of the law, CBO has only continued to update the estimates for the coverage provisions of the ACA which are expected to result in increases in federal spending. Overall, the coverage provisions in the ACA are expected to increase gross federal costs by $1.8 trillion over the 2015-2024 period. Medicaid and CHIP outlays are expected to increase by $792 billion over the 2015 to 2024 period as a result of the ACA coverage provisions accounting for 43 percent of the total gross costs.

CBO estimates that state spending would increase by about $46 billion from 2015 to 2024 as a result of the ACA coverage provisions. Compared to the February 2014 estimates, the federal cost estimates did not change but the estimate for state costs declined from $70 billion to $46 billion. (Figure 9) While CBO does not provide a direct explanation for this, the majority of this change is likely tied to reducing the estimate of those eligible for coverage without the ACA Medicaid expansion (reimbursed at the regular state match rate). Since overall enrollment and federal costs are the same as February, the higher estimate of newly eligible enrollees appears to be offset by a lower estimate of cost per enrollee.


Figure 9: CBO’s latest estimates show a drop in state spending for Medicaid and CHIP from 2015-2024 due to the coverage provisions in the ACA.

A Look At CBO Projections For Medicaid and CHIP

Nothing you posted shows ACA is fully funded. The CBO reported that 10 years of revenue would be used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "fully funded."

You claim is obvious bullshit.


What Would Be the Major Effects of Repealing the ACA?
CBO and JCT estimate that repealing the ACA would have several major effects, relative to the projections under current law:

Including the budgetary effects of macroeconomic feedback, repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period. That estimate takes into account the proposal’s impact on federal revenues and direct (or mandatory) spending, incorporating the net effects of two components:
  • Excluding the effects of macroeconomic feedback—as has been done for previous estimates related to the ACA (and most other CBO cost estimates)—CBO and JCT estimate that federal deficits would increase by $353 billion over the 2016–2025 period if the ACA was repealed.

Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act

You're quoting the same agency that said the ACA was "funded" even though it used 10 years of revenue to pay for 6 years of benefits.

You're a gullible dumbass.

Now crawl back into your hole.
MORE right wing bullshit NOT based in reality. Shocking

YOU posited it wasn't funded. You lied. Simple moron

Those are the facts as published by the CBO.

Obamacare is a colossal fraud. Any private company that tried to put something like that over on the public would have all its executives doing a perp walk while being escorted by the FBI.

According to CBO it's 100%+ funded dumbass


CBO estimates that on net the ACA is expected to reduce the federal deficit, but since the passage of the law, CBO has only continued to update the estimates for the coverage provisions of the ACA which are expected to result in increases in federal spending. Overall, the coverage provisions in the ACA are expected to increase gross federal costs by $1.8 trillion over the 2015-2024 period. Medicaid and CHIP outlays are expected to increase by $792 billion over the 2015 to 2024 period as a result of the ACA coverage provisions accounting for 43 percent of the total gross costs.

CBO estimates that state spending would increase by about $46 billion from 2015 to 2024 as a result of the ACA coverage provisions. Compared to the February 2014 estimates, the federal cost estimates did not change but the estimate for state costs declined from $70 billion to $46 billion. (Figure 9) While CBO does not provide a direct explanation for this, the majority of this change is likely tied to reducing the estimate of those eligible for coverage without the ACA Medicaid expansion (reimbursed at the regular state match rate). Since overall enrollment and federal costs are the same as February, the higher estimate of newly eligible enrollees appears to be offset by a lower estimate of cost per enrollee.


Figure 9: CBO’s latest estimates show a drop in state spending for Medicaid and CHIP from 2015-2024 due to the coverage provisions in the ACA.

A Look At CBO Projections For Medicaid and CHIP

Nothing you posted shows ACA is fully funded. The CBO reported that 10 years of revenue would be used to fund 6 years of the program. That isn't "fully funded."

You claim is obvious bullshit.


What Would Be the Major Effects of Repealing the ACA?
CBO and JCT estimate that repealing the ACA would have several major effects, relative to the projections under current law:

Including the budgetary effects of macroeconomic feedback, repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period. That estimate takes into account the proposal’s impact on federal revenues and direct (or mandatory) spending, incorporating the net effects of two components:
  • Excluding the effects of macroeconomic feedback—as has been done for previous estimates related to the ACA (and most other CBO cost estimates)—CBO and JCT estimate that federal deficits would increase by $353 billion over the 2016–2025 period if the ACA was repealed.

Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act

You're quoting the same agency that said the ACA was "funded" even though it used 10 years of revenue to pay for 6 years of benefits.

You're a gullible dumbass.

Now crawl back into your hole.


CBO and JCT estimate that federal deficits would increase by $353 billion over the 2016–2025 period if the ACA was repealed.
John Boehner trashes conservative groups -

John Beohner has fame for crying in public, and now he is having a temper tantrum, and blaming conservatives for his downfall.

Well, I am not certain what the minority of the "Reich" wing base expects. Do they understand that Obama has what is called a VETO pen. So when for the 300th time some right wing nut case brings up defunding Obamacare--it ain't gonna happen. Shutting down the government or threatening too, only backfires on the Republican party. That means that Republicans will lose the Presidential election--and we'll have to deal with another democrat, probably Hillary Clinton that won't do border security, that won't do anything about Obamacare, and that will refuse to do anything about Planned parenthood.

Boehner is right. False prophets, unrealistic goals. I don't blame Boehner at all for quitting--who could stand to listen to another 4 years of this, after Hillary Clinton wins.


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