John Dean: A matter of days before DA indictment of trump

With Cohen giving them the inside story...The Fat Man must be struggling to sleep at night.

Will the GOPQ finally walk away from him after the indictment?

Good.. Its time Trump's defiance of the law was stopped.
When it came to the new recordings of Trump calling Georgia officials and trying to twist them into delivering him a win in the state, Dean said that Trump could be in trouble.

"It's a little reminiscent of Nixon leaning on people, in my memory bank, where he knows how far to go but not too far particularly when he's on the phone and he knows he's being recorded on some of those conversations," Dean explained. "So, Trump doesn't know he's being recorded in this instance. And one of the telling things, Anderson, to me is the fact that these people were recording these calls.

As I recall, it was in November, late November that Lindsey Graham denied that he'd had the conversations he'd had with the secretary of state in Georgia who had, in essence, said he called and told them to throw out ballots. AndGraham denied that. After that, they started recording the calls. We don't know how many calls."

He noted that it was known that this call released Wednesday happened, but never heard what was said or the details, much less a recording.

I'll bet it never happens. I put the odds slightly higher than Trump triumphantly taking the presidency back but not a lot higher.
I think they got nothing, unless a 70plus year old account who actually worked for Trump's dad decides now to flip and turn on the Trump Crime Family. That script wouldn't fly in Hollywood. Now if they got one of the account's kids looking at federal prison and his entire savings in fines ..... But there's no evidence (-: they got that.

Cohen is probably being asked to help unravel Trump's taxes. But even he said the keeper of the keys to trump is the accountant.
I'll bet it never happens. I put the odds slightly higher than Trump triumphantly taking the presidency back but not a lot higher.
I think they got nothing, unless a 70plus year old account who actually worked for Trump's dad decides now to flip and turn on the Trump Crime Family. That script wouldn't fly in Hollywood. Now if they got one of the account's kids looking at federal prison and his entire savings in fines ..... But there's no evidence (-: they got that.

Cohen is probably being asked to help unravel Trump's taxes. But even he said the keeper of the keys to trump is the accountant.

It could be an attempt to bolster the tax stuff which IMO they may get him on but I've not been following that. Isn't that something NY is doing?

With Cohen giving them the inside story...The Fat Man must be struggling to sleep at night.

Will the GOPQ finally walk away from him after the indictment?

BlueAnon has entered the chat! LOL!
RWNJ's are insinuating the Q Nuts are democrats?
Lay off the orange kool-ade and go back to meth, it appears the orange kool-ade does permanent brain damage.
How many thousands of times have "we" read and heard about Mr. Trump over the past five years that, "THIS TIME they've really got him! He won't get away with it THIS TIME!!!"

And it ends up being just another bag of nothing.

I will believe it when I see it.
I'll bet it never happens. I put the odds slightly higher than Trump triumphantly taking the presidency back but not a lot higher.
I think they got nothing, unless a 70plus year old account who actually worked for Trump's dad decides now to flip and turn on the Trump Crime Family. That script wouldn't fly in Hollywood. Now if they got one of the account's kids looking at federal prison and his entire savings in fines ..... But there's no evidence (-: they got that.

Cohen is probably being asked to help unravel Trump's taxes. But even he said the keeper of the keys to trump is the accountant.

It could be an attempt to bolster the tax stuff which IMO they may get him on but I've not been following that. Isn't that something NY is doing?
I think the OP link was about Vance's investigation that is supposed to be about the taxes. I'm going to be shocked, shocked I tell ya, if there's not a complaint filed about taxes Trump should have paid but didn't. But a felony about conspiring to illegally undervalue assets .... now that I'd actually be shocked to see. Fred Trump's bookeeper turning on 'the Dump?" I'd be like Meyer Lansky turning on Lucky Luciano. Nevahgonnahapan
I'll bet it never happens. I put the odds slightly higher than Trump triumphantly taking the presidency back but not a lot higher.
I think they got nothing, unless a 70plus year old account who actually worked for Trump's dad decides now to flip and turn on the Trump Crime Family. That script wouldn't fly in Hollywood. Now if they got one of the account's kids looking at federal prison and his entire savings in fines ..... But there's no evidence (-: they got that.

Cohen is probably being asked to help unravel Trump's taxes. But even he said the keeper of the keys to trump is the accountant.

It could be an attempt to bolster the tax stuff which IMO they may get him on but I've not been following that. Isn't that something NY is doing?
I think the OP link was about Vance's investigation that is supposed to be about the taxes. I'm going to be shocked, shocked I tell ya, if there's not a complaint filed about taxes Trump should have paid but didn't. But a felony about conspiring to illegally undervalue assets .... now that I'd actually be shocked to see. Fred Trump's bookeeper turning on 'the Dump?" I'd be like Meyer Lansky turning on Lucky Luciano. Nevahgonnahapan

Easy Eddie did turn on Capone but like I said, I wouldn't be surprised that Trump gets hit with some money out of pocket but not anything more.
just a matter of days.....days I tell you.....can't wait to revisit this thread, in a mater of days!

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