John Fetterman Trolls Mehmet Oz's Campaign Over Questionable Grocery List

no insult to this actor intended.

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Uncle Festerman
Most wouldn't allow people like you and Fetterman around know the folks still living off their parents in their 40s
I've got more in my 401K than you'll ever make in your entire broke ass life. :laugh:
I could never support someone who spent so much time in the company of a racist elitist like Oprah.

However, it's funny that you're not familiar with crudite.
I've never even heard of the term before this thread. It doesn't sound very appetizing.

I don't want to eat crud.
Fetterman pegs the needle on the super creepy meter.
He reminds me of a combination of Uncle Fester and of the Sling Blade character.
When he speaks, he is incoherent
He is another far left knuttjob.
He would just make Schumer and Biden's inflation and recession disaster even worse if they elected him.

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Has anybody ever seen him recently not wearing a hoodie?

Also, what is up with that rectangular black tattoo on his arm? Does it cover up a mistake?

You are right, as he is super creepy!

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