John Kasich is a Putz

What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party:eusa_boohoo:
Kasich has repeatedly made it clear that he doesn't agree with or like Trump so wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical for him to show up at the nominating convention? Not to mention Kasich is a politician so it shouldn't be surprising to anybody that he's playing the angles and hedging his bets in case Trump's campaign turns into a 4 alarm disaster (which has a high probability of occurring).

Not to mention apparently Romney, McCain, George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush are also skipping this convention, so Johnny boy ain't alone on that score.
He balanced federal and state budgets, so I don't see the RINO charge ... although with you Trumpbots it seems anyone who despises Trump's level on incivility is a Rino.
He balanced federal and state budgets, so I don't see the RINO charge ... although with you Trumpbots it seems anyone who despises Trump's level on incivility is a Rino.
It appears that being a RINO is fashionable in 2016, it's a side effect of the phenomenon known as Trumpism. :D

Half of the GOP rank & file RINOs the other half are HELLIFIKNOWS.
He balanced federal and state budgets, so I don't see the RINO charge ... although with you Trumpbots it seems anyone who despises Trump's level on incivility is a Rino.
Hell, as far as Tumpites are concerned anyone to the left of their ideology is a leftist moonbat........ :lmao:
Of course it goes without saying that the Hillaryites claim just the opposite...... Ya gotta love politics!!!! :lmao:
What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party:eusa_boohoo:


Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that.

"What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!"
He's not alone.

Many Republicans aren't attending.

Kasich likely doesn't want to be associated with the disaster that is the GOP convention either.
Kasich has repeatedly made it clear that he doesn't agree with or like Trump so wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical for him to show up at the nominating convention?
Doesn't it make him a bit hypocritical to insist on Trump signing a pledge of support and then not honoring the pledge he signed himself?
Great Congressman until 1998, like so many Republicans...

then Gingrich got booted out, and spend spend spend sell out sell out sell out Kasich went...
Kasich has repeatedly made it clear that he doesn't agree with or like Trump so wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical for him to show up at the nominating convention?
Doesn't it make him a bit hypocritical to insist on Trump signing a pledge of support and then not honoring the pledge he signed himself?

Yep, but we all know that the pledge in question was only circulated to stop Trump from running third party if they found a way to successfully torpedo him during the primaries.

That was good ole boys offering the newbie a poison pill deal is all that was. A trick, a maneuver, whatever we'd like to call it.

well, the joke's on them- Trump actually won. I'm no fan of Trump, but he did win and these guys that worked that up and are now refusing to honor it because it doesn't serve the purpose for which they intended it are jerkoffs.

That includes Kasich, who I would have vastly preferred as the nominee because he'd beat Hillary like a drum in the election, and anyone else that signed onto that.

They should be supporting the nominee at this point, like it or not. It's about time they got a good dose of what holding your nose and voting for an asshole is like, just like the other 300+ million of us do every four years. Fuck all of them.
What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party:eusa_boohoo:


Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that.

"What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!"

He was an asshole when he attacked people who didn't agree with him on expanding medicare.......he is an asshole....
What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party:eusa_boohoo:
Just remember you felt this way if Trump doesn't win.

The list of people you don't need seems pretty long.
Even Newt one of his longtime best friends was saying WTF Kasich yesterday. The guy outed himself as a liar who doesn't keep his word and a cry baby. The governor of the state hosting the convention doesn't show up WTF???? Here's my Kasich impression :crybaby:I didn't win:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
John Kasich won election with 64% of the vote in the battleground state of Ohio.

Let's see Trump do that.
What's your point? It doesn't make him any less of a lying POS.
He's sticking to his principles. I know that is an unfamiliar thing to you pseudo-cons, but that can't be helped.

Trump is a fraud and a huckster. He is not a Republican. I support any Republican who refuses to be seen in the same room with him.
I have more respect for Kasich than I do Mike Pence. Mike Pence has hitched his evangelical wagon to a horse headed straight to hell. It's sickening to see him throw away his soul for a brief moment in the material world's spotlight.
John Kasich won election with 64% of the vote in the battleground state of Ohio.

Let's see Trump do that.
What's your point? It doesn't make him any less of a lying POS.
He's sticking to his principles. I know that is an unfamiliar thing to you pseudo-cons, but that can't be helped.

Trump is a fraud and a huckster. He is not a Republican. I support any Republican who refuses to be seen in the same room with him.
Nice try, but he signed a pledge, then refused to honor it. If those are his principles, he has none. And neither do you if you make excuses for him.
John Kasich won election with 64% of the vote in the battleground state of Ohio.

Let's see Trump do that.
What's your point? It doesn't make him any less of a lying POS.
He's sticking to his principles. I know that is an unfamiliar thing to you pseudo-cons, but that can't be helped.

Trump is a fraud and a huckster. He is not a Republican. I support any Republican who refuses to be seen in the same room with him.
Nice try, but he signed a pledge, then refused to honor it. If those are his principles, he has none. And neither do you if you make excuses for him.
Really? That's all you have?

Trump has violated every conservative principle there is. He is the living embodiment of everything evil in the world, and you are making a fuss over someone who is principled enough to refuse to be seen with him.

This would be hilarious if it wasn't so sickening to see you fucking retarded psychopaths destroying the conservative and Republican brands.
S.J. BluesLegend Jroc
Hey fuckheads:

GOP candidates back off pledge to support nominee -

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all stepped back from their earlier pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during Tuesday night's CNN town hall.

"All of us shouldn't even have answered that question," Kasich said of the pledge party officials asked all the candidates to sign in September.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump said, when asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he continued "to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"

Now shut the fuck up. Trump shoved the pledge up your idiot ignorant asses. No one has to honor it.

Eat shit.
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What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party:eusa_boohoo:


Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that.

"What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!"
He was the only decent candidate the GOP had, and the current Tea Party/Evangelical idiots that infest the GOP couldn't see that
Certainly, Kasich's personal stock is at an all-time low. Putz is a little harsh; I'd prefer delusional jerk. Will never win another election, in Ohio or anyplace else.

And I partly blame him for the Trump nomination. Until the race got down to "three" Republican candidates, Trump had not won a majority of votes in any REPUBLICAN primary, except New York, which doesn't count. Had Kasich dropped out when he should have, Trump would have been forced to debate Ted Cruz, one on one, before Pennsylvania, which would have put a death blow on his candidacy. With Kasich still in the race, Trump was under no pressure to debate again.
Actually, both Trump and Kasich should have refused to get on the debate stage with Cruz. Cruz is not even eligible to be president because he is not a natural born citizen of the USA.

Anyone who supports Cruz is shitting on the US Constitution.
"conservative principles"

An oxymoron if there ever was one.

The problem is conservatives haven't been practicing those principles for nearly 50 years.

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