John Kerry Blames the Tea Party for S&P's downgrade of US! WTF!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Kerry blames the tea party for credit downgrade - Washington Times

Does this guy seriously think people are retarded? Does he really think people are that uniformed? Is he that dishonest that he can try to pelt this crap? Unfuckingbelievable.

S&P stated all along, "If the US wants to keep it's AAA credit rating, then THE US MUST CUT SPENDING!!!" There was nothing about raising taxes. In fact, that probably would have been viewed negatively by S&P, as it should have been.

But this dishonest joker is now saying the Tea Party is responsible. The Tea Party is responsible for the US not dropping further to a B or C rating. If it wasn't for the Tea Party pressure, the debt ceiling would have been increased without any spending cuts! The tea party demanded cuts to keep the AAA rating, yet the Dimocrats don't have the brains to do it (their socialist base would never allow it) and the Republicans didn't have the ballz to make it happen! While Obama showed the leadership of a community organizer!

The one party that is absolutely blameless here is the Tea Party!

Kerry has become a punchline!
Typical "liberal". Not man enough to take responsibility for anything. Blame everyone else.

Seriously if these professional politicians are so drunk on spending our money that they can not recognize the fact that the SPENDING is the biggest part of the problem, are they really competent enough to have the keys to our government.
You don't honestly think they are going to blame themsleves do you??

We have a fat bloated pig of a Govt that needs cutting big time.

Don't hold yur breath for that to happen though. Its always easier to blame the other guy.
Kerry blames the tea party for credit downgrade - Washington Times

Does this guy seriously think people are retarded? Does he really think people are that uniformed? Is he that dishonest that he can try to pelt this crap? Unfuckingbelievable.

S&P stated all along, "If the US wants to keep it's AAA credit rating, then THE US MUST CUT SPENDING!!!" There was nothing about raising taxes. In fact, that probably would have been viewed negatively by S&P, as it should have been.

But this dishonest joker is now saying the Tea Party is responsible. The Tea Party is responsible for the US not dropping further to a B or C rating. If it wasn't for the Tea Party pressure, the debt ceiling would have been increased without any spending cuts! The tea party demanded cuts to keep the AAA rating, yet the Dimocrats don't have the brains to do it (their socialist base would never allow it) and the Republicans didn't have the ballz to make it happen! While Obama showed the leadership of a community organizer!

The one party that is absolutely blameless here is the Tea Party!

Kerry has become a punchline!
Should we be surprised?

After all, this is the same idiot last week who called on the media not to report on the Tea Party in any way.......Flat out called on sensorship of the Tea Party by the liberal dominated MSM.......Talk about a commie rat bastard.

It's quite funny though, seeing as these liberals idiots have been incessently whining that the Tea Party was about nothing, and would just fade away.........LMAO to see the Tea Party movement having such a huge influence these days...........They aren't going anywhere, and will only grow bigger.......GOOD!. As long as it drives these idiotic liberal moron's bonkers, it's a very good thing!
To be honest, nobody but the far left wingnuts gives a fuck what John F'in sKerry has to say...
Of course it's the TPers fault. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.
Of course it's the TPers fault. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.

Did a Teaparty candidate vote the wrong way on it?

Didnt think so :eusa_whistle:
Surely you don't expect a Democrat to take any blame for the ills of America do you? It's always the fault of somebody else. Congress is the reason America is in the sorry state that it's in and "We the People" are to blame for the really crappy people in Congress because we elected them. Same deal with the President. You have to expect a bad odor from a shit sandwich.
hes correct

Tell me, how is he correct in blaming the Tea Party?

1) S&P said we were downgraded due to absolutely no efforts by a majority in Washington to cut spending.
2) The Tea Party is the only group in Washington fighting to cut spending.

So somehow the Tea Party is responsible for the downgrade because they are fighting for the one thing that could have prevented the downgrade?

hes correct

Tell me, how is he correct in blaming the Tea Party?

1) S&P said we were downgraded due to absolutely no efforts by a majority in Washington to cut spending.
2) The Tea Party is the only group in Washington fighting to cut spending.

So somehow the Tea Party is responsible for the downgrade because they are fighting for the one thing that could have prevented the downgrade?


Frustration abounds!!!!

Dont forget Biden thinks we are terrorists..... they are running scared!
Kerry blames the tea party for credit downgrade - Washington Times

Does this guy seriously think people are retarded? Does he really think people are that uniformed? Is he that dishonest that he can try to pelt this crap? Unfuckingbelievable.

S&P stated all along, "If the US wants to keep it's AAA credit rating, then THE US MUST CUT SPENDING!!!" There was nothing about raising taxes. In fact, that probably would have been viewed negatively by S&P, as it should have been.

But this dishonest joker is now saying the Tea Party is responsible. The Tea Party is responsible for the US not dropping further to a B or C rating. If it wasn't for the Tea Party pressure, the debt ceiling would have been increased without any spending cuts! The tea party demanded cuts to keep the AAA rating, yet the Dimocrats don't have the brains to do it (their socialist base would never allow it) and the Republicans didn't have the ballz to make it happen! While Obama showed the leadership of a community organizer!

The one party that is absolutely blameless here is the Tea Party!

Kerry has become a punchline!

The Tea Party didn't spend us into oblivion--yet they are being blamed for the downgrade--which Moody's and S&P have been threatening this nation with for MONTHS--and long before the bill that no one liked passed.

As far as your comment--does John Kerry think that Americans are MORONS? The answer to that is YES.

The democrat party has always depended upon stupidity to get elected. If everyone in this nation was informed as to what is going on in Washington D.C.--democrats wouldn't have a snowballs chance in Haiiti of winning any election.
Of course it's the TPers fault. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.

Did a Teaparty candidate vote the wrong way on it?

Didnt think so :eusa_whistle:

...or maybe you're just not thinking at all. They held it hostage to their "ideals". Who else is there to blame when financial institutions realize they're not really serious? They understand something had to be passed or we'd default. That's on the TPers, NOT Obama. They could have easily had 3-4 times the cuts, if they'd accepted some renenue enhancemeents. After all, any decent economist will tell you we're not getting out of this by cuts alone.
Kerry? Pffftttt... that treasonous shit-for-brains. He has zero credibility with anyone outside Code Pink and other like-minded anti-Amercain assholes.
Of course it's the TPers fault. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.
Balance the damn budget. Put an end to the threats thrown towards corporations who are sitting on their money instead of expanding and creating jobs because this idiotic president does nothing but threaten 'em. Stop threatening small business owners with tax hikes, who are also leary of expanding and hiring due to this idiotic presidents constant threats to take away their wealth.......Let business grow and more jobs will be created, thereby creating the revenue, due to the fact that there will be boatloads of employed taxpayers providing the revenue.

Bottom line, this lame duck president is completely clueless. He's all about spending. He's all about growing the debt.......Don't be surprised if a few years down the road, after being kicked to the curb come '12, to see the Obama's declaring personal bankruptcy. Due to the fact that BHO is an economic idiot.

One of these days, hopefully, you liberals get a fucking clue.

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