John Kerry Dining With Assad


^^ 2009

Kerry added Monday that “our sense of basic humanity is offended, not only by this cowardly crime, but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up” and that Assad’s “belated decision to allow access is too late and is too late to be credible.”

But Kerry may have a bit of a credibility issue of his own: A photo is going viral showing the Kerrys and the Assads enjoying quite the intimate dinner in 2009, before then-Sen. Kerry became secretary of state.

John Kerry Wasn't Always So Harsh to Syrian President Assad


^^ My sentiments exactly.
RC -- what about it?

I'm sure you could dig up a pic of any politician taken from sometime in the past, then regurgitate it years later after things have changed and seem oh so clever. But, really, it's disingenuous. And a cheap shot. And, really not that clever.

Bottom line, things change. Alliances change. No one can know how they'll change.
I'm not trying to start a flame war here people, but I'm suggesting that no matter WHO you elect, they're all the same. They work for the same people.

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