John Nolte interviewed about politics and hollywood…insulting their customers...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte is my favorite Breitbart guy……here he is interviewed about stars shooting off their mouth's and insulting their customers…

John Nolte: 'Anti-Science' to Think Seth 'F*** You Ben Carson' Rogen Didn't Hurt 'Steve Jobs' Box Office - Breitbart

Is there any evidence that conservatives shunned Steve Jobs over Rogen’s tweet?
Hollywood is the only business I know of that doesn’t worry about what the face of their product says. If Mr. Whipple or Ronald McDonald said Christians are Nazis and people who oppose gay marriage are evil and f— Ben Carson, the people in those industries would worry about selling less toilet paper and hamburgers. But in Hollywood, Mr. Whipple — in this case Seth Rogen — can attack 50 percent of the customers, and it’s believed it doesn’t affect the bottom line.

So then, how much did Rogen’s tweet cost at the box office?
I don’t know. But it’s just anti-science to think it didn’t hurt the movie. I have more evidence than the box-office experts have when it comes to theories about what hurt the movie. What they believe was already baked into the prediction. I’m talking about an event that happened between their predictions and the flop. It’s ridiculous that these experts aren’t saying, “Gee, everyone predicted it would do this much, but it only did this much. Everyone knew about the platform release, and that Steve Jobs was oversaturated, and about this and about that, and then it bombed, so what happened between the prediction and the bomb?” But nobody is asking that. I’ll tell you what happened — Seth Rogen told one of the most popular men in the country to f— off. That’s relevant.
This is a great point…..

So if a studio marketing executive asked you how to win back the conservative fans that their stars lost, what advice would you give them?
I would never tell anyone to violate their conscience, but a sincere apology is good. I don’t ever want to blackmail people into apologizing — that’s a part of our culture, and I hate it. But conservatives want to like these people. Look at how we glom onto stars who share our values, or just don’t insult us. Look at Denzel Washington. Everyone saw him hug Barack Obama, but conservatives love the guy because he’s never called them a Nazi. I don’t care what your politics are, just don’t call me a Nazi. If Rogen or Tarantino said, "Listen, I went too far, and I shouldn’t have said it," it might hurt their reputation in the industry, and they’re much more concerned about their reputation in Hollywood than in the real world.
People don't watch Seth Rogen because he's an ulinkeable idiot. Hollywood fawns over him because they're even dumber than he is.

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