John Oliver shreds Tucker Carlson


. . . hmmm. . .

They are both assholes.

Oliver and Tucker deserve each other.

I would like to see Tucker's rebuttal.


Let's put them in a ring with metal sporks. . . to the DEATH!
If Tucker is smart, he'll see this for the distraction that it is.

Tucker speaks truths they don't want to be said. In order to silence his focus on things they don't want to talk about, they'll do what they do here. Deflect from the story or issue and then try to mire him down in some kind of school girl tit-for-tat.

He'd do best just to point, laugh, and then continue on with his show.
Did you actually watch the piece? It doesn’t sound like you did
Nope. I've heard the guy before. He couldn't think his way out of a paper bag.

. . . hmmm. . .

They are both assholes.

Oliver and Tucker deserve each other.

I would like to see Tucker's rebuttal.


Let's put them in a ring with metal sporks. . . to the DEATH!
If Tucker is smart, he'll see this for the distraction that it is.

Tucker speaks truths they don't want to be said. In order to silence his focus on things they don't want to talk about, they'll do what they do here. Deflect from the story or issue and then try to mire him down in some kind of school girl tit-for-tat.

He'd do best just to point, laugh, and then continue on with his show.
Did you actually watch the piece? It doesn’t sound like you did
Nope. I've heard the guy before. He couldn't think his way out of a paper bag.
Haha. So you don’t listen to the subject of the OP yet you feel like your opinions somehow relevant?! Y’all crack me up!!!
Wonder why he didn't just jump the border.
I wonder why any liberal would want to immigrate to a country the despise and look down on

yet here is mr oliver...
I think Oliver realizes that the US is the only place he can get rich spouting his nonsensical bullshit. But it's not his fault for making money the easiest way he knows how. It's the people who follow him and desperately want him to be right that are his vessel. They're the real problem.
Wonder why he didn't just jump the border.
I wonder why any liberal would want to immigrate to a country the despise and look down on

yet here is mr oliver...
I think Oliver realizes that the US is the only place he can get rich spouting his nonsensical bullshit. But it's not his fault for making money the easiest way he knows how. It's the people who follow him and desperately want him to be right that are his vessel. They're the real problem.
Democrats ! They always seem to be the biggest problem lately.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.
Imagine getting paid to appear in media to share your opinions! Nice career, eh? Sort of like preachers and such. "Money for nothin', checks for free!". Would that I could sign up.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
It would appear Lil Tuck the poor white boy from La Jolla, California (Mitt Romney's stomping grounds) is running not only for Dick of the Month - He'll be running for president as The New Trump and voice of White Nationalism. Don't believe me? - Hide-n-Watch! :rolleyes-41:

Easy to do.. Tucker Carlson is either dumb as a stump or desperate for ratings.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
It would appear Lil Tuck the poor white boy from La Jolla, California (Mitt Romney's stomping grounds) is running not only for Dick of the Month - He'll be running for president as The New Trump and voice of White Nationalism. Don't believe me? - Hide-n-Watch! :rolleyes-41:

Holy Crow! Shred him he did!
John Oliver is really bright. I always enjoy when you share him with us. Thx

You admitting that is very disappointing.

Oliver is a shadow of John Stewart. Half as smart and 10 times as bitter.

I don't know who John Stewart is. Sorry to disappoint you, I'm sure.

Seriously ?


Here might something else you don't know.

Oliver had a sewage plant named after him (yes, it was named after him).

View attachment 470693

I just googled John Stewart and watched a vid of his with Trevor Noah. He seems very thoughtful, too. I didn't see any comedy routines up.

That's pretty funny about the sewage plant. When the mayor says you're full of shit, lean into it and donate $55,000 to charity if they'll name it after you! By then, I'm sure the mayor was laughing, too.

Yes, their styles are different, but IMO, Oliver offered a very detailed, reasoned argument against Tucker the F***ker. I find his asides very funny. That's just me.

What was that reasoned argument?
Has John Oliver ever addressed the fact that he begged Trump to run, offered to donor money to him, because he thought he wa such a sure loser?

Oliver has admitted, multiple times, that he is an idiot and that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. :heehee:

And Fox News attorneys admitted that Lil Tuck was a clown that no one should take seriously :D

I'd have a hard time disagreeing. . .

. . . but, most reasonable folks would say that goes doubly so for these lefty comic pundits. ;)

Know what would be really fun? A series of debates involving RW college dropouts, kooks & klowns vs educated (and actually funny) LW klowns like Oliver, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, maybe a couple of the kids from SNL - Borowitz even.

We’ll make it a last man standing event. Winner (judges are u, me & OldLady) decides whether the next POTUS & Veep is DeSantis/ Carlson or status quo. You game? Will be WILD! :lol:

I would take Crowder, Gavin McInnes and Ben Shapiro against those losers any day of the week.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.
It would appear Lil Tuck the poor white boy from La Jolla, California (Mitt Romney's stomping grounds) is running not only for Dick of the Month - He'll be running for president as The New Trump and voice of White Nationalism. Don't believe me? - Hide-n-Watch! :rolleyes-41:

It appears that John Oliver is extremely jealous of Tucker's rating and popularity.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.
Oh you never heard it used as a slur on Arabs therefore it can't be racially motivated? Tell me exactly what part of the perceived Iraqi culture would prompt anybody to use the word "monkey"?

As I said I don't care what synonym you use. This is gaslighting at its most idiotic.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.
Oh you never heard it used as a slur on Arabs therefore it can't be racially motivated? Tell me exactly what part of the perceived Iraqi culture would prompt anybody to use the word "monkey"?

As I said I don't care what synonym you use. This is gaslighting at its most idiotic.

No, I’m not slightest bit convinced that was he said had racial connotations. He didn’t say Arabs were monkeys. He said Iraqis have a primative culture similar to monkeys. Again, I don’t like Tucker Carlson. I think he’s a pompous dick, but I have heard him speak on race before and found his views constantly not racist. I’m sorry I’m not convinced by that clip that he’s a racist.
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It would appear Lil Tuck the poor white boy from La Jolla, California (Mitt Romney's stomping grounds) is running not only for Dick of the Month - He'll be running for president as The New Trump and voice of White Nationalism. Don't believe me? - Hide-n-Watch! :rolleyes-41:

Holy Crow! Shred him he did!
John Oliver is really bright. I always enjoy when you share him with us. Thx

You admitting that is very disappointing.

Oliver is a shadow of John Stewart. Half as smart and 10 times as bitter.

I don't know who John Stewart is. Sorry to disappoint you, I'm sure.

Seriously ?

I had to do a search to find out who he was. Now I know why I've not heard of him before. He's been a regular on The Daily Show on Comedy Central...a waste of time.

The Daily Show is an American late-night talk and news satire television program. It airs each Monday through Thursday on Comedy Central. Describing itself as a fake news program, The Daily Show draws its comedy and satire from recent news stories, political figures, media organizations, and often uses self-referential humor as well.Wikipedia

You kids might be better informed if you watched Daily Show, Last Week Tonight (also John Oliver) and NPR as opposed to Fox, Newsmax and OAN. ;)

In 2012, a Fairleigh Dickinson University survey reported that Fox News viewers were less informed about current events than people who didn't follow the news at all. The survey had asked current events questions like "Which party has the most seats in the House of Representatives?" and also asked what source of news people followed. The Fox viewers' current events scores were in the basement. This finding was immediately trumpeted by the liberal media—by Fox, not so much—and has since become known as the Fox News effect. It conjures the image of Fox News as a black hole that sucks facts out of viewers' heads.​
I have done similar surveys, both of current events and more general knowledge. In my research too, Fox News viewers scored the lowest of over 30 popular news sources (though Fox viewers did at least score better than those saying they didn't follow the news). The chart’s horizontal black lines with tick marks indicate the margins of statistical error. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, a news satire, had the best-informed viewers.​


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