John Oliver shreds Tucker Carlson

It would appear Lil Tuck the poor white boy from La Jolla, California (Mitt Romney's stomping grounds) is running not only for Dick of the Month - He'll be running for president as The New Trump and voice of White Nationalism. Don't believe me? - Hide-n-Watch! :rolleyes-41:

Anyone "shredding" or "beat down" that is just some guy talking shit on another guy that is not even there, is just a pussy.

.....and it likely took him a month to write it.

Do you need some DrLove’s Buttbalm? ;)

Maybe a little laughing gas?

Bleach injection? :)
Has John Oliver ever addressed the fact that he begged Trump to run, offered to donor money to him, because he thought he wa such a sure loser?

Oliver has admitted, multiple times, that he is an idiot and that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. :heehee:

And Fox News attorneys admitted that Lil Tuck was a clown that no one should take seriously :D
I'd have a hard time disagreeing. . .

. . . but, most reasonable folks would say that goes doubly so for these lefty comic pundits. ;)

Know what would be really fun? A series of debates involving RW college dropouts, kooks & klowns vs educated (and actually funny) LW klowns like Oliver, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, maybe a couple of the kids from SNL - Borowitz even.

We’ll make it a last man standing event. Winner (judges are u, me & OldLady) decides whether the next POTUS & Veep is DeSantis/ Carlson or status quo. You game? Will be WILD! :lol:
nah. . . all those folks are propagandists for the dirgismestic corporatacracy.

Screw your silly partisan shtick, again, like I said, you just want a pissing contest to make your ego feel better, you never really want to address the issues or solve shit. You don't give a damn about ALL the people in this nation, nor do you care about the world as a whole, you only selfishly care about your narrow self-interests.

How about instead, we take all those corporate sell outs, shills, and con-men, and pit them against Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp? :dunno:

Whaddya? Chicken? Bawkcawka. . . . Sell out!!!!

I could only take about a minute of your squawking loons.
'Wassamatter Beale - Don't ya WANNA have fun!? :)
Y’all crack me up!!!
The Trumpsters follow the lead of people like this by going completely obtuse:

"Huh? What? White what? What does that mean? What do you mean? Huh? What? White who? I don't see a thing!"

Trumpism is sociopathic.

Same 'ol - Same 'ol ;)


. . . hmmm. . .

They are both assholes.

Oliver and Tucker deserve each other.

I would like to see Tucker's rebuttal.


Let's put them in a ring with metal sporks. . . to the DEATH!
If Tucker is smart, he'll see this for the distraction that it is.

Tucker speaks truths they don't want to be said. In order to silence his focus on things they don't want to talk about, they'll do what they do here. Deflect from the story or issue and then try to mire him down in some kind of school girl tit-for-tat.

He'd do best just to point, laugh, and then continue on with his show.
Did you actually watch the piece? It doesn’t sound like you did
Nope. I've heard the guy before. He couldn't think his way out of a paper bag.

Trade you a Carlson/ Noah debate for a Putin/ Biden? :lol:
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.

Arabs have been called sand monkeys and sandn*ggers for decades.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.

Arabs have been called sand monkeys and sandn*ggers for decades.

Fair enough, but Tucker didn’t say sand monkeys. He was speaking on culture, not race as far as I could tell.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.

Arabs have been called sand monkeys and sandn*ggers for decades.

Fair enough, but Tucker didn’t say sand monkeys. He was speaking on culture, not race as far as I could tell.

I find Tucker to be basically dishonest and shallow..
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.

Arabs have been called sand monkeys and sandn*ggers for decades.

Fair enough, but Tucker didn’t say sand monkeys. He was speaking on culture, not race as far as I could tell.

I find Tucker to be basically dishonest and shallow..

I don’t like him either, but I’m not prepared to call him a racist
It would appear Lil Tuck the poor white boy from La Jolla, California (Mitt Romney's stomping grounds) is running not only for Dick of the Month - He'll be running for president as The New Trump and voice of White Nationalism. Don't believe me? - Hide-n-Watch! :rolleyes-41:

If he was to take over 20 minutes to explain how Tucker is a “racist” then it’s a hard fail. He oddly plays a video of Tucker from the 90’s saying we’d be better off ignoring people’s skin color. Well that has certainly been proven true, the left being completely obsessed with skin color is exactly what makes them actual racists.
John Oliver is desperate for attention, he wishes he could get the views and ratings of Tucker. He’s petty, incompetent, and devoid of any logic in his argument, not to mention not funny.
Has John Oliver ever addressed the fact that he begged Trump to run, offered to donor money to him, because he thought he wa such a sure loser?

Oliver has admitted, multiple times, that he is an idiot and that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. :heehee:

And Fox News attorneys admitted that Lil Tuck was a clown that no one should take seriously :D
I'd have a hard time disagreeing. . .

. . . but, most reasonable folks would say that goes doubly so for these lefty comic pundits. ;)

Know what would be really fun? A series of debates involving RW college dropouts, kooks & klowns vs educated (and actually funny) LW klowns like Oliver, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, maybe a couple of the kids from SNL - Borowitz even.

We’ll make it a last man standing event. Winner (judges are u, me & OldLady) decides whether the next POTUS & Veep is DeSantis/ Carlson or status quo. You game? Will be WILD! :lol:
nah. . . all those folks are propagandists for the dirgismestic corporatacracy.

Screw your silly partisan shtick, again, like I said, you just want a pissing contest to make your ego feel better, you never really want to address the issues or solve shit. You don't give a damn about ALL the people in this nation, nor do you care about the world as a whole, you only selfishly care about your narrow self-interests.

How about instead, we take all those corporate sell outs, shills, and con-men, and pit them against Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp? :dunno:

Whaddya? Chicken? Bawkcawka. . . . Sell out!!!!

I could only take about a minute of your squawking loons.
'Wassamatter Beale - Don't ya WANNA have fun!? :)
See. . . that is the difference between you and I.

I am tolerant and informed. I listen to all points of view, b/c I don't have cognitive dissonance. I understand that everyone is necessary for our republic, and I know why everyone holds the views that they do. I listen to, read, and consider ALL points of view, I don't just seek out that which makes me comfortable, and disparage shit that I disagree with.

Sorry about you being closed minded and having little patience for other's POV.

YOU are the one that has no ability to have fun. I have had more fun in a weekend than you have had in your whole life, of this, I have no doubt.
You kids might be better informed if you watched Daily Show, Last Week Tonight (also John Oliver) and NPR as opposed to Fox, Newsmax and OAN. ;)
Both of your suggested sources are nothing more than liberal shitholes.
Fairleigh Dickinson University
...a liberal puppy mill. It's core belief is in globalism. What do you expect from their poll results?
Fairleigh Dickinson University is a center of academic excellence dedicated to the preparation of world citizens through global education. The University strives to provide students with the multi-disciplinary, intercultural, and ethical understandings necessary to participate, lead, and prosper in the global marketplace of ideas, commerce, and culture.

This insignificant college was founded by a man who eventually killed his wife, then committed suicide.
Last edited:
You kids might be better informed if you watched Daily Show, Last Week Tonight (also John Oliver) and NPR as opposed to Fox, Newsmax and OAN. ;)
Both of your suggested sources are nothing more than liberal shitholes.
Fairleigh Dickinson University
...a liberal puppy mill. It's core belief is in globalism. What do you expect from their poll results?

This insignificant college was founded by a man who eventually killed his wife, then committed suicide.

There have been UMPTEEN studies since Fairleigh all with near identical results. Stop feeding in the pig trough!
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.

Arabs have been called sand monkeys and sandn*ggers for decades.

Fair enough, but Tucker didn’t say sand monkeys. He was speaking on culture, not race as far as I could tell.

I find Tucker to be basically dishonest and shallow..

I don’t like him either, but I’m not prepared to call him a racist

He may not be a racist, but Lil Tuck is propagating racist tropes for recognition, profit, and to establish himself as The New Donald Trump for his 2024 run.
Has John Oliver ever addressed the fact that he begged Trump to run, offered to donor money to him, because he thought he wa such a sure loser?

Oliver has admitted, multiple times, that he is an idiot and that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. :heehee:

And Fox News attorneys admitted that Lil Tuck was a clown that no one should take seriously :D
I'd have a hard time disagreeing. . .

. . . but, most reasonable folks would say that goes doubly so for these lefty comic pundits. ;)

Know what would be really fun? A series of debates involving RW college dropouts, kooks & klowns vs educated (and actually funny) LW klowns like Oliver, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, maybe a couple of the kids from SNL - Borowitz even.

We’ll make it a last man standing event. Winner (judges are u, me & OldLady) decides whether the next POTUS & Veep is DeSantis/ Carlson or status quo. You game? Will be WILD! :lol:
nah. . . all those folks are propagandists for the dirgismestic corporatacracy.

Screw your silly partisan shtick, again, like I said, you just want a pissing contest to make your ego feel better, you never really want to address the issues or solve shit. You don't give a damn about ALL the people in this nation, nor do you care about the world as a whole, you only selfishly care about your narrow self-interests.

How about instead, we take all those corporate sell outs, shills, and con-men, and pit them against Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp? :dunno:

Whaddya? Chicken? Bawkcawka. . . . Sell out!!!!

I could only take about a minute of your squawking loons.
'Wassamatter Beale - Don't ya WANNA have fun!? :)
See. . . that is the difference between you and I.

I am tolerant and informed. I listen to all points of view, b/c I don't have cognitive dissonance. I understand that everyone is necessary for our republic, and I know why everyone holds the views that they do. I listen to, read, and consider ALL points of view, I don't just seek out that which makes me comfortable, and disparage shit that I disagree with.

Sorry about you being closed minded and having little patience for other's POV.

YOU are the one that has no ability to have fun. I have had more fun in a weekend than you have had in your whole life, of this, I have no doubt.

If I had no tolerance for other points of view I'd have left USMB (aka Trumpiest Board on the Internets) years ago my friend.

Tell the class about your weekend - Fun is Fun! ;)
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist

Has John Oliver ever addressed the fact that he begged Trump to run, offered to donor money to him, because he thought he wa such a sure loser?

Oliver has admitted, multiple times, that he is an idiot and that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. :heehee:

And Fox News attorneys admitted that Lil Tuck was a clown that no one should take seriously :D
I'd have a hard time disagreeing. . .

. . . but, most reasonable folks would say that goes doubly so for these lefty comic pundits. ;)

Know what would be really fun? A series of debates involving RW college dropouts, kooks & klowns vs educated (and actually funny) LW klowns like Oliver, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, maybe a couple of the kids from SNL - Borowitz even.

We’ll make it a last man standing event. Winner (judges are u, me & OldLady) decides whether the next POTUS & Veep is DeSantis/ Carlson or status quo. You game? Will be WILD! :lol:
nah. . . all those folks are propagandists for the dirgismestic corporatacracy.

Screw your silly partisan shtick, again, like I said, you just want a pissing contest to make your ego feel better, you never really want to address the issues or solve shit. You don't give a damn about ALL the people in this nation, nor do you care about the world as a whole, you only selfishly care about your narrow self-interests.

How about instead, we take all those corporate sell outs, shills, and con-men, and pit them against Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp? :dunno:

Whaddya? Chicken? Bawkcawka. . . . Sell out!!!!

I could only take about a minute of your squawking loons.
'Wassamatter Beale - Don't ya WANNA have fun!? :)
See. . . that is the difference between you and I.

I am tolerant and informed. I listen to all points of view, b/c I don't have cognitive dissonance. I understand that everyone is necessary for our republic, and I know why everyone holds the views that they do. I listen to, read, and consider ALL points of view, I don't just seek out that which makes me comfortable, and disparage shit that I disagree with.

Sorry about you being closed minded and having little patience for other's POV.

YOU are the one that has no ability to have fun. I have had more fun in a weekend than you have had in your whole life, of this, I have no doubt.

If I had no tolerance for other points of view I'd have left USMB (aka Trumpiest Board on the Internets) years ago my friend.

Tell the class about your weekend - Fun is Fun! ;)
You kids might be better informed if you watched Daily Show, Last Week Tonight (also John Oliver) and NPR as opposed to Fox, Newsmax and OAN. ;)
Both of your suggested sources are nothing more than liberal shitholes.
Fairleigh Dickinson University
...a liberal puppy mill. It's core belief is in globalism. What do you expect from their poll results?

This insignificant college was founded by a man who eventually killed his wife, then committed suicide.

There have been UMPTEEN studies since Fairleigh all with near identical results. Stop feeding in the pig trough!
Post links to the "umpteen studies" along with their polling data. I don't trust you.
Has John Oliver ever addressed the fact that he begged Trump to run, offered to donor money to him, because he thought he wa such a sure loser?

Oliver has admitted, multiple times, that he is an idiot and that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. :heehee:

And Fox News attorneys admitted that Lil Tuck was a clown that no one should take seriously :D
I'd have a hard time disagreeing. . .

. . . but, most reasonable folks would say that goes doubly so for these lefty comic pundits. ;)

Know what would be really fun? A series of debates involving RW college dropouts, kooks & klowns vs educated (and actually funny) LW klowns like Oliver, Stewart, Colbert, Maher, maybe a couple of the kids from SNL - Borowitz even.

We’ll make it a last man standing event. Winner (judges are u, me & OldLady) decides whether the next POTUS & Veep is DeSantis/ Carlson or status quo. You game? Will be WILD! :lol:
nah. . . all those folks are propagandists for the dirgismestic corporatacracy.

Screw your silly partisan shtick, again, like I said, you just want a pissing contest to make your ego feel better, you never really want to address the issues or solve shit. You don't give a damn about ALL the people in this nation, nor do you care about the world as a whole, you only selfishly care about your narrow self-interests.

How about instead, we take all those corporate sell outs, shills, and con-men, and pit them against Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp? :dunno:

Whaddya? Chicken? Bawkcawka. . . . Sell out!!!!

I could only take about a minute of your squawking loons.
'Wassamatter Beale - Don't ya WANNA have fun!? :)
See. . . that is the difference between you and I.

I am tolerant and informed. I listen to all points of view, b/c I don't have cognitive dissonance. I understand that everyone is necessary for our republic, and I know why everyone holds the views that they do. I listen to, read, and consider ALL points of view, I don't just seek out that which makes me comfortable, and disparage shit that I disagree with.

Sorry about you being closed minded and having little patience for other's POV.

YOU are the one that has no ability to have fun. I have had more fun in a weekend than you have had in your whole life, of this, I have no doubt.

If I had no tolerance for other points of view I'd have left USMB (aka Trumpiest Board on the Internets) years ago my friend.

Tell the class about your weekend - Fun is Fun! ;)
You love being the troll you are. There are many of your ilk that are attracted USMB for that reason only.

But do not worry. Diversity of POV is welcomed here. Continuing education is thwarted in echo chambers.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.
Oh you never heard it used as a slur on Arabs therefore it can't be racially motivated? Tell me exactly what part of the perceived Iraqi culture would prompt anybody to use the word "monkey"?

As I said I don't care what synonym you use. This is gaslighting at its most idiotic.

No, I’m not slightest bit convinced that was he said had racial connotations. He didn’t say Arabs were monkeys. He said Iraqis have a primative culture similar to monkeys. Again, I don’t like Tucker Carlson. I think he’s a pompous dick, but I have heard him speak on race before and found his views constantly not racist. I’m sorry I’m not convinced by that clip that he’s a racist.
A culture similar to monkeys? What culture do monkeys have?

As to wether you are convinced or not. At this point I think I could show you a picture of Carlson dressed as a Ku Klux Clan grand wizard and you would claim you believe he was attending a bedsheet convention. As I said you are gaslighting.
I’m not a fan of Tucker, but white supremacist he’s not. That dude just calls Tucker that because he’s disagrees with him.
Nope he didn't. If you look at the clip you will see he isn't sure he is one or just being opportunistic. He did say that WHITE NATIONALISTS consider him as one of their own. He did say that Tucker himself has said stuff that is undeniable bigoted.

My question to you is why you don't consider him a white nationalist? You seem to say that with great certainty.

For myself I consider him as a media figure that has found himself a lucrative niche as the official spokesperson for white people who are afraid that they are loosing their dominance in politics and power. I don't care if he does it out of belief or for money.

I’ve yet to hear Tucker Carlson say anything that is remotely racist. If you have please post it and I’ll give you my opinion.
Play the clip in the OP and listen at around the 15 min mark. If you are still not satisfied I will post some myself. You'll have to wait a bit though, can't link at the moment.

maybe what he said about Iraqis was an ethnocentric comment, but I don’t see how it’s racist.
Calling an other ethnicity "monkeys" is not racist?? You don't see how that's racist??? Rocko I don't mind indulging people and I have enough empathy to understand that my worldview isn't necessarily shared by everybody. But if we can't even agree that calling people monkeys is racist I will conclude you are not arguing in good faith.

i never heard the word monkey used as a racial slur applied to Arabs. To black people, yes. And Carlson’s criticism was criticism of the Iraqi culture. Do I think it was a nice thing to say? No. I think his statement was ethnocentric, but I wouldn’t label it as racist. Furthermore I’ve heard Carlson speak on the issue of racism before many times when I used to watch him and never did I consider him say anything the least bit racist.
Oh you never heard it used as a slur on Arabs therefore it can't be racially motivated? Tell me exactly what part of the perceived Iraqi culture would prompt anybody to use the word "monkey"?

As I said I don't care what synonym you use. This is gaslighting at its most idiotic.

No, I’m not slightest bit convinced that was he said had racial connotations. He didn’t say Arabs were monkeys. He said Iraqis have a primative culture similar to monkeys. Again, I don’t like Tucker Carlson. I think he’s a pompous dick, but I have heard him speak on race before and found his views constantly not racist. I’m sorry I’m not convinced by that clip that he’s a racist.
A culture similar to monkeys? What culture do monkeys have?

As to wether you are convinced or not. At this point I think I could show you a picture of Carlson dressed as a Ku Klux Clan grand wizard and you would claim you believe he was attending a bedsheet convention. As I said you are gaslighting.

Just because I didn’t come to the same conclusion based off what he said than you have doesn’t mean I’m gaslighting or anything like that. I’m telling you I don’t believe he’s a racist based on that clip. You believe what you want. He was talking about how Iraqis have a primitive culture from his point of view and I don’t believe he used the term monkeys to describe their racial makeup. And like I’ve said to you before I heard him speaking specifically about race and racism and denouncing it. People called george Bush a monkey? Was that racist? Of course not. It was just a silly word to disparage him because they thought was an idiot. Iraqi isn’t a race and he specifically took issue with their culture. If he would have said those Arab sand n’s then I would say ok that’s racist. I have no reason to defend Carlson, whom I don’t even like, when I think he’s wrong.

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