John Roberts Must Have Meant Midgets


Sep 23, 2010
If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, then the little guy's going to win in the court before me, but if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well then the big guy's going to win because my obligation is to the Constitution. John Roberts at his confirmation hearing

It turned out that Roberts’ declaration of loyalty to the Constitution was nothing more than a lying salesman telling 100 hundred senators “Trust me.”

Interestingly, every Republican did trust Roberts, while approximately half of the Senate Democrats did not trust him. The vote was 78 to 22 in a Republican-controlled Senate. The day the ACA was ruled constitutional they all trust him to do right by the big guy.

Simply implementing Hillarycare II proves that neither the little guy nor the Constitution won when John Roberts gave the country the Affordable Care Act. Think what it will be like for the little guy when the IRS enforces a fully implemented ACA! When horror stories about patient abuse and bureaucratic death panels begin to emerge you can blame one man —— John Roberts. He was the one and only individual who could have stopped the ACA. Other than a presidential veto, no other single person ever had that opportunity in their hands.

Not one of the four liberals who voted with Roberts was going to change their vote; indeed, Elena Kagan was put on the court specifically to uphold the ACA. She lied at her confirmation hearing then went so far as to refuse to recuse herself when the ACA came before the court.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan will be in clear violation of federal law by virtue of her decision to hear the Affordable Care Act case coming before the Supreme Court today.


. . . she lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee during her confirmation hearings by answering “No” when asked specifically if she had any involvement in preparing the government’s defense for ObamaCare.

March 26, 2012 by Doug Book

Elena Kagan Breaks Federal Law By Hearing ObamaCare Case, Republicans Silent

NOTE: I’m becoming suspicious of photographs showing Biden standing alongside every piece of Democrat garbage who just got away with something:


Whenever Biden is seen without that sneaky smile on his puss, I am reminded of Shakespeare’s Cassius:

Julius Caesar
Act 1: Scene 2

Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort
As if he mock'd himself and scorn'd his spirit
That could be moved to smile at any thing.
Such men as he be never at heart's ease
Whiles they behold a greater than themselves,
And therefore are they very dangerous.

But I digress.

Roberts clearly abandoned the Constitution in order to save Hillarycare II, now, Senator Mike Lee tells us that Roberts also caved in to

. . . tremendous pressure coming from the White House and Democrats in Congress.

I’m sure some will see this as a silly question:

1. Did Republicans in Congress pressure Roberts to rule against the ACA?

I cannot answer the question.

I can offer one reason why he did it:

Kupelian added, “That pretty much describes Justice Roberts, who gained the enthusiastic support of conservatives and other Constitution-lovers by virtue of his earlier rulings and judicial temperament, and yet betrayed that trust in a devastating way. And we still don’t know why he did it.”

No Supreme Court decision will ever reduce, limit, or disallow government revenue. Therefore, every decision involving tax revenues must go against the little guy. Keep that in mind should this lawsuit make it to the SCOTUS:

The lawsuit that might kill ObamaCare
By: John Hayward
4/2/2013 10:07 AM

The lawsuit that might kill ObamaCare | Human Events

There is little hope John Roberts, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor will turn around and vote to kill what they created.

Let me close by saying Senator Mike Lee is looking better all of the time. Here’s the link to his fabulous piece.

Senator: Obama pressured Roberts to OK Obamacare
Chief justice endured White House 'counseling him, warning him'
Published: 12 hours ago

Senator: Obama pressured Roberts to OK Obamacare
Last edited:
Don’t pin your hopes on this one:

Chief Justice John Roberts and his cohorts on the U.S. Supreme Court will get a second chance to slap down the health care takeover known as Obamacare.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that the Constitution’s Commerce Clause is enough authority for Congress to demand employers purchase private health insurance for their employees or pay government fines.


Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, which is representing Liberty University, said he’s glad the court “reached the merits on the employer mandate, even though the court got it wrong, because this clears the way for the case to now go to the Supreme Court.”

“The Supreme Court concluded that the individual mandate cannot be upheld under the Commerce Clause because Congress cannot force people to buy an unwanted product,” Staver said. “But this court of appeals has now decided that Congress can force employers to buy an unwanted product. As Congress cannot force individuals to buy an unwanted product, neither can it force employers to do so. I look forward to having this matter before the Supreme Court.”

Court bats Obamacare back to Supremes
Roberts and company get 2nd chance to slap down health care takeover
Published: 10 hours ago

Court bats Obamacare back to Supremes

Chief Justice John Roberts and his cohorts on the U.S. Supreme Court will get a second chance to reaffirm their first decision. You don’t have to waste time following this one. What I said in the OP still applies:

No Supreme Court decision will ever reduce, limit, or disallow government revenue. Therefore, every decision involving tax revenues must go against the little guy.

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