Jojo Biden Spits On The National Anthem

Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

Like they did on January 6, before the Gestapo rounded them up and imprisoned them without charge or trial for opposing the Reich.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom

Which you Nazis have shit all over.

I know, we have the right to protest FOR the Reich, not against it - UBER ALLES DEMOCRAT
Thank you Professor Godwin
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Klanboi found his calling..

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Lol! A photoshopped picture of Terry Crews head on top of a nazi uniform. Hate to state the obvious, but the nazis were the type to make up shit in order to overturn elections.
Biden has been a self serving, greedy, disrespectful liar and a lowlife from the beginning. Once something starts rotting it doesn't stop. Biden has been rotting for decades
The law says we are not required to perform any specific ritual or act pertaining to the flag or anthem. That lady was within her constitutional right as an American.
Biden has been a self serving, greedy, disrespectful liar and a lowlife from the beginning. Once something starts rotting it doesn't stop. Biden has been rotting for decades
You supported trump. He was so rotten that he was fermenting.
Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom
I agree people have the right to protest, but they should do it on their own time.

Storming the Capitol GOOD

"It's the Peoples House" - Eva Braun-Pelosi

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Storming the Capitol BAD

"The People have no right to be in the Capitol" - Eva Braun-Pelosi

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The police opened the doors and let em in. Where is the coffee and crumb cakes.
Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

Like they did on January 6, before the Gestapo rounded them up and imprisoned them without charge or trial for opposing the Reich.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom

Which you Nazis have shit all over.

I know, we have the right to protest FOR the Reich, not against it - UBER ALLES DEMOCRAT
Thank you Professor Godwin
Tell us again how rounding up political prisoners for opposing your Reich supports the first amendment?

Nothing you Nazi vermin hate more than civil rights.
Nobody rounded up political prisoners.

No ones civil rights were violated, except those of the capital police officers.
hundreds have been sitting in solitary confinement with no bail set ....none ! these people did not try to violently overthrow the gov ! the majority of them trespassed and trespassed only ! do you believe libbs that interrupt and disrupt congressional hearings like theyve been doing for years should be thrown in solitary confinement for months with no bail set and no due process ?
She was when trying to be an Olympian

Biden has been a self serving, greedy, disrespectful liar and a lowlife from the beginning. Once something starts rotting it doesn't stop. Biden has been rotting for decades
I got a big smile when I found out a Catholic bishop in S Carolina refused him Communion.
That means he is publicly disgraced in the church.
All of this is Communist tactic. The active destruction of a country, and culture. It has been in the works for many years. The greatest generation spoiled their children. As a result, they were soft, and with them the rot started. Sadly, courts, elected officials, academia, and the press are infiltrated, and compromised. Why? Because they are filled with those children, and subsequent generations who are 'weirder', and softer than their predecessor.
These transitions are never polite, and there will be war. There has to be war, and upheaval because dysfunction by its very nature is unproductive, counterproductive. We are existing on the rotting infrastructure, both literally, and figuratively of a generation of great people. This will not last very much longer.
Look around, everything is in a state of rapid, compounding, decay. Enjoy your beers while they are still cold.
Biden has been a self serving, greedy, disrespectful liar and a lowlife from the beginning. Once something starts rotting it doesn't stop. Biden has been rotting for decades
I got a big smile when I found out a Catholic bishop in S Carolina refused him Communion.
That means he is publicly disgraced in the church.
Hell is full of men who took communion weekly. God is the purifier. No one runs from him.

Son, you have lost your mind.

In order to gaslight others, you have to be at least as smart as them. You're not, Klanboi. Dumb as a dog turd best describes your intellectual prowess.

500 Americans sit in prison without any charge for protesting a highly questionable election at the 1/6 Reichstag Fire.

For you Nazi vermin to claim you support the 1st is a level of chutzpah beyond the pale.
Relax bro.....there aren't actually 500 people sitting in jail because of the Capitol riots...

The people who were arrested were clearly ANTIFA/BLM or FBI actual Trump supporters participated in the riots....

Trust the plan

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