Jojo Biden Spits On The National Anthem

Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom
And with that right to open your pie hole, you also expose yourself as the traitorous, America-hating asswipe that you are.

Don't you just love free speech?

No. You don't. You're the motherfucker who wants free speech for me but not for thee.
Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom
pedophile xiden recognizes nothing...IT has dementia...
pedophile xiden hates AMERICA, and has been compromised by the chinese fux, and the mayors wife in moscow...
my how blind you little sheep are, and brain dead
Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

Like they did on January 6, before the Gestapo rounded them up and imprisoned them without charge or trial for opposing the Reich.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom

Which you Nazis have shit all over.

I know, we have the right to protest FOR the Reich, not against it - UBER ALLES DEMOCRAT

Son, you have lost your mind.
yours is in portland, getting molested by antifa and black flies matter
Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

Like they did on January 6, before the Gestapo rounded them up and imprisoned them without charge or trial for opposing the Reich.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom

Which you Nazis have shit all over.

I know, we have the right to protest FOR the Reich, not against it - UBER ALLES DEMOCRAT
Thank you Professor Godwin
View attachment 510598
i would have more faith in this guy than the QUACK, LYING, fake-i
Our President recognizes the true meaning of being an American

It is not songs, it is not flags it is the right to protest an injustice.

Like they did on January 6, before the Gestapo rounded them up and imprisoned them without charge or trial for opposing the Reich.

So important that our founders included it in our very first freedom

Which you Nazis have shit all over.

I know, we have the right to protest FOR the Reich, not against it - UBER ALLES DEMOCRAT
Thank you Professor Godwin
Tell us again how rounding up political prisoners for opposing your Reich supports the first amendment?

Nothing you Nazi vermin hate more than civil rights.
Nobody rounded up political prisoners.

No ones civil rights were violated, except those of the capital police officers.
look in the mirror, and say---delusional

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