Joke told by the deacon at Mass this Sunday

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that maybe, just maybe, the foot washing story is the most important thing Jesus ever taught us.

Before that night, the Apostles were constantly arguing over who would have the superior position around Jesus' table, and who would have the superior position when seated around Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When Jesus washed the Apostles' feet, he taught them that they had everything backwards.

I liked the parables, specifically the one about the land owner who entrusted 3 servants to safe guard and invest hist money. The one who was most successful was rewarded for his effort. The one who did nothing was fired.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Humility is a lesson I need to learn. I got a lot of flack on another forum because I was tooting my own horn too much. The Bible readings about humility seemed as if they were chosen just for me.
There is a certain group of people known stereotypically for their lack of humility when it comes to God: scientists.

Humility is a lesson I need to learn ...

surely the certain group of people, scientist have no reason to disagree with you ... save only your joke.

I liked the parables, specifically the one about the land owner who entrusted 3 servants to safe guard and invest hist money. The one who was most successful was rewarded for his effort. The one who did nothing was fired.
That's the ultimate message of Christianity, fer shure, greed is good.
I liked the parables, specifically the one about the land owner who entrusted 3 servants to safe guard and invest hist money. The one who was most successful was rewarded for his effort. The one who did nothing was fired.
That's the ultimate message of Christianity, fer shure, greed is good.
I liked the parables, specifically the one about the land owner who entrusted 3 servants to safe guard and invest hist money. The one who was most successful was rewarded for his effort. The one who did nothing was fired.
That's the ultimate message of Christianity, fer shure, greed is good.

Typical bed wetting libturd response.

The point of the parable is being rewarded for doing a good job, but they mindlessly regurgitate some insipid shit about greed.

The deacon gave the sermon this Sunday at Mass, and the sermon was about humility.

Humility is a virtue that was very important to Jesus, he even took it upon himself to wash the Apostle's feet as one of his last acts on Earth to teach them how important humility was. You have to view it in the context of the times to understand how shocking it was for a master to wash the feet of a subordinate in Jesus' time. It was a self-degrading act which modern people don't understand because we don't live in a world of masters and slaves. Also, we are used to hearing about the Pope washing poor men's feet on Easter Sunday, so we no longer consider it such a big deal. But to the Apostles, Jesus' act of washing their feet was shocking to the point where Peter refused at first to allow it, and he only allowed it when Jesus told him that if he didn't allow it, he would not have a place in Jesus' kingdom.

Anyway, the joke.

There is a certain group of people known stereotypically for their lack of humility when it comes to God: scientists.

There are many scientists who believe that with their knowledge of the many facets of the universe, and their competence to accomplish great scientific deeds, they do not need God.

So the joke goes, there was a certain group of scientists who presented to God and said, "We don't need you anymore. We can do anything you can do."

And God said, "What can you do, that you don't need me anymore?"

The scientists said, "We can take clay, and out of it fashion life."

God said, "Show me."

So the scientists pulled out a lump of clay, and began to work, molding it, fashioning it...

God said, "No, you're going to need to get your own clay."
That joke is older than my Grandma's corns on her feet..
The point of the parable is being rewarded for doing a good job, but they mindlessly regurgitate some insipid shit about greed.
I thought a Christian good deed was giving your possessions to the poor and following Christ, not generating a suitable ROI for the investor class. Thanks for pointing out my mistake, getting the dumb fuck rightard view is always rewarding. Greed is good.
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The point of the parable is being rewarded for doing a good job, but they mindlessly regurgitate some insipid shit about greed.
I thought a Christian good deed was giving your possessions to the poor and following Christ, not generating a suitable ROI for the investor class. Thanks for pointing out my mistake, getting the dumb fuck rightard view is always rewarding. Greed is good.
You are not making a good faith argument, you are just trolling to get a reaction. Stop wasting everyone's time with this nonsense.

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