Jon Gruden Fired As Raiders Head Coach.

It is clear from Biden's comments that the president is a racist as many comments he made are referenced below! -OG​

Why aren't the Democrats ashamed of this bigoted president? We used to react to racism, now we're supposed to actively seek it out. So let's seek out some racism.

President Joe Biden is a racist, not because he thinks one race is better than another but because he said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black." That is the definition of racism. If Donald Trump made the same comment about white people the media would talk about it for weeks, Biden says it, he apologizes, they move on.

More Joe Biden narrow-mindedness, “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That was in reference to Obama.) ... If you have a problem figuring out if that is a racist statement, then you ain't smart.

Joe Biden makes Archie Bunker sound like Greg Brady ... Biden, “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”

Here's another gem from Joe — “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You can't go into a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Many of us have had enough of the left's sanctimony and hypocrisy over racism. I challenge Walter Davis, Quddus Snyder, Steve Webster, and their political peers to admit that Biden is a bigot. After reading Biden's racist quotes, for you not to do so is a sign of ignorance, plus a lack of political honesty and integrity.
Hunter says the n word regularly, like father like son.
How did I give him a pass? Saying he would be fired is giving him a pass? Really? have you not had your coffee yet this morning?
You still haven't condemned him for it and by Biden's racist remarks from his past. We know where Hunter got his thoughts on blacks. The thing is, he is the leader of your party.
You still haven't condemned him for it and by Biden's racist remarks from his past. We know where Hunter got his thoughts on blacks. The thing is, he is the leader of your party.

Have I condemned anyone for such comments? Did i condemn Gruden for it?

He is not the leader of my party, we really do not have a leader but if we did it might be her
Unless you're a commie, then it's ok.
No, it's not ok. If there were any justice, the laws of treason would have prevented the FBI from participating in taking out President Trump who was innocent of the charges and the stalking of his staff for four years.
And the NancyPelosi/MaxineWaters Cabal would be fried body parts in the Federal Prison's graveyard from their part in the great American Constitution swindle along with the pencilhead and fatman who brought a false case against President Trump. The Clintons would be there too for Hillary's shameful bad sportsmanship of damaging the Whitehouse with her evil partisan lies by projecting her unconstitutional crimes on the greatest President in our lifetime. What a horrible human being her Ivy League commie professors directed her to be.
I have friends in real life, I do not need to kiss someone's ass on an internet forum so they will like me. There are enough people like you doing that already
You have friends in “real life”? Somehow I doubt you’re less of a sanctimonious asshole in real life but one never knows.
You have friends in “real life”? Somehow I doubt you’re less of a sanctimonious asshole in real life but one never knows.

I yam what I yam.

I treat people how they treat me. It is a good rule to live by.

You and I were having a fine discussion till you started to lie about what I was saying, then all bets were off.
I yam what I yam.

I treat people how they treat me. It is a good rule to live by.

You and I were having a fine discussion till you started to lie about what I was saying, then all bets were off.
See therein lies the problem. Your answer was “I would tell the truth”. That was a bullshit vague response. I explained to you that the “truth” without context would have caused major panic. You dismissed that and lashed out like a petulant child. I asked for specifics and you parroted the same bullshit statement. Finally you said you would mass order masks. You start doing that and telling your people that a plague is coming, you cause massive panic. Markets crash. RE values plummet. It’s not that easy. That was my point and you again lashed out. Like I said you’re a sanctimonious asshole.
People like MarcATL and Lesh call me racist. I ask them to find one racist post and they just deflect. So no, one cannot tell.
If you're're a racist.
People of color cannot be accused of racism...even though they believe in racist doctrine.

See therein lies the problem. Your answer was “I would tell the truth”. That was a bullshit vague response. I explained to you that the “truth” without context would have caused major panic. You dismissed that and lashed out like a petulant child. I asked for specifics and you parroted the same bullshit statement. Finally you said you would mass order masks. You start doing that and telling your people that a plague is coming, you cause massive panic. Markets crash. RE values plummet. It’s not that easy. That was my point and you again lashed out. Like I said you’re a sanctimonious asshole.

and you are still doing it, you are still lying about what I said.

Also, I do not believe that telling the truth would have caused a panic the way you speak of. Yes, the markets would have went down, just like they did when the Govt finally admitted the truth. But, that is for another thread, this one is about Gruden.
and you are still doing it, you are still lying about what I said.

Also, I do not believe that telling the truth would have caused a panic the way you speak of. Yes, the markets would have went down, just like they did when the Govt finally admitted the truth. But, that is for another thread, this one is about Gruden.
Problem with Gruden is that cancel culture is so engrained now that any smidgeon of controversy results in resignations or firings. Gina Carano is a perfect example. The left is slowly ruining this country. Fortunately many are moving out of leftist areas and that will cause those states to lose congressional seats.
Problem with Gruden is that cancel culture is so engrained now that any smidgeon of controversy results in resignations or firings.

There were 7 years worth of emails that were filled with more than just racist tropes. I do not know what you do for a living, but I am willing to bet that if you sent those same emails on your work email you would end up without a job. I know I would.

The left is slowly ruining this country.

The partisans are ruining this country.

Fortunately many are moving out of leftist areas and that will cause those states to lose congressional seats.

Be careful what you cheer for, many of those moving at the "leftist".
Rogue AI Brilliant! That would surely make the Raiders the darlings of Woke America. :auiqs.jpg:
The Wokies are well-supplied by private businessmen and women who are too rich for their own good and have foisted a commie nation minority so willing to destroy the Republican Party who was there fighting the Democrats who wanted free labor from slaves who had zero chance of ever being free from the Democrat henchmen who denied them the vote, denied them of human rights, and forced them to sleep like sardines with only enough food to keep them alive for 16 hour workdays six days a week.

The doggone Democrats now want to defund the police to allow black gangs to kill each other off along with a little help from abortion clinics who were getting rid of a million unborn American blacks who can't live family lives due to the disappearing dads in the black cultural swamp created by low expectations created by the cancel culture Cabal for over a hundred years that has learned to bypass the election system and gives them undeserved power by omeurta silence that covers itself by feeding their flock on hate and rewarding the best liars with cushy appointments for themselves and their sycophants who are doubly rewarded if their lies are published by MSM.

My apologies to Mr. Mudwhistle for going off topic. Using 10-year old emails to destroy a great coach is only one thing Americans have to watch go down because of bad politics. :(
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There were 7 years worth of emails that were filled with more than just racist tropes. I do not know what you do for a living, but I am willing to bet that if you sent those same emails on your work email you would end up without a job. I know I would.

The partisans are ruining this country.

Be careful what you cheer for, many of those moving at the "leftist".
So Gruden may be justified but the fact that we have so much cancel culture out there that the lines are blurred. Many of those moving are also not Leftist, most I would say as the Leftists like the rules they are living under.

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