Jon Stewart Isn't Thinking Or Seeing Things Clearly About The Right

The Rachel Maddow/Jon Stewart Interview Revealed Some Things About Jon I Didn't Like.

As I watched the interview...

the sad thing is reading most of the right wing responses next to mine...on page 1

They could have made a few good points, instead all they did was attack you personally or worse...pretend to know what they were talking about.

Jon Stewart was separting himself into the comedic range.

Its where he should be.

News should not be entertainers they are informers.
I love the assumptions in the piece. It's Jon Stewart who isn't seeing things clearly. Not the author of the article.

BTW when the hell has the left every tried to get along with the right in the last 20 years?

When are you guys going to realize that the reason America rejects you is because we have heard what you want to do. Not because we don't know enough of what you want. The more you argue for your policies, the more people are going to reject them. Why? Because they are bad.
Jon Stewart is a hoot. He's much funnier then his brother..who I've had lunch with..

But both are good at what they do.
They love Stewart when he is bashing the right, hate him when he is bashing the left.

They don't understand that he makes fun of anything that will draw a laugh, that's what he is paid to do.

And there is plenty on both sides to profit from, if you are in his seat.

He's a very funny guy, and I admire his ability to tell ALL of us, no matter left or right, what dumbasses we are, while still being able to make us tune in every night for our daily scolding.

really, cali??? you think that idiota's wingnuttiness was worth 'thanking'?

funny, i think he doesn't know what he's talking about... b/c no one on this mythical "left" that he's talking about "HATES" Jon Stewart. And yes, he's making fun of the idiocy of modern politics, and he makes fun of both "sides", but isn't that the point?

Yea, I do think he was worth 'thanking'. He was right. I constantly see posters on the left accusing the right of 'hate'.... so I see no reason why the shoe should not fit the other way around. Personally, I find all these accusations of 'hate' a trifle moronic. I don't 'hate', I disagree.... two totally different things.

I watched Stewart's closing remarks at the rally. I thought he was funny - and accurate. And the left are screaming at him because he 'let the side down' by criticizing them as much as the right. Don't like that, tough - because he was right. The problem is not with ordinary Americans who support Obama, nor is it ordinary Americans who do not support Obama. The problem is the whole fucking bunch of them - Congress.
Jon Stewart was separting himself into the comedic range.

Its where he should be.

News should not be entertainers they are informers.

For-profit 'news' channels have no interest in being just about news because hard news isn't profitable enough. This is what capitalism in the news business gets you.
Huh? What does Code Pink stand for that the Democratic Party not stand for?

Better yet, what's in the principles of Socialist Party USA that the Democratic Party not stand for?

Socialist Party USA

Doesn't embrace the fringe left? Someone tell me where Democrats differ from any of this.

from the SPUSA Statement of Principles....
THE SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control - a non-racist, classless, feminist socialist society... where working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public agencies; where full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work; where workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions; and where the production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. We believe socialism and democracy are one and indivisible. The working class is in a key and central position to fight back against the ruling capitalist class and its power. The working class is the major force worldwide that can lead the way to a socialist future - to a real radical democracy from below. The Socialist Party fights for progressive changes compatible with a socialist future. We support militant working class struggles and electoral action, independent of the capitalist controlled two-party system, to present socialist alternatives. We strive for democratic revolutions - radical and fundamental changes in the structure and quality of economic, political, and personal relations - to abolish the power now exercised by the few who control great wealth and the government. The Socialist Party is a democratic, multi-tendency organization, with structure and practices visible and accessible to all members Join us today

Anyone who's catching feelings about this needs to check themselves.

Our Country gets more and more fucked because the pussies on both sides boast and boast about how dumb the other side is and noone works this has lead to our Country now. Controlled by whoever's got the $$, and not by Rational decision making.
a "comedian" who is far more sane than you. :thup:

Actually, he's a lot more sane that most of us, mo chara.

um... i think "most" of us are pretty sane. steffie's a nutbar.

Not by what I'm reading. Most of us are doing exactly what Stewart joked about. You may not like it but that's the facts. You're judging people from your own partisan view... you assume, because it's Steph, that she's wrong. She's not.
Anyone who's catching feelings about this needs to check themselves.

Our Country gets more and more fucked because the pussies on both sides boast and boast about how dumb the other side is and noone works this has lead to our Country now. Controlled by whoever's got the $$, and not by Rational decision making.

No it's run by emotion. Decisions by emotion can be very dangerous if they arent checked with the mind.
Anyone who's catching feelings about this needs to check themselves.

Our Country gets more and more fucked because the pussies on both sides boast and boast about how dumb the other side is and noone works this has lead to our Country now. Controlled by whoever's got the $$, and not by Rational decision making.

No it's run by emotion. Decisions by emotion can be very dangerous if they arent checked with the mind.

Yea, we can disagree here. $ makes the world go around. You either know it and integrate, or get left in the gutter.
Anyone who's catching feelings about this needs to check themselves.

Our Country gets more and more fucked because the pussies on both sides boast and boast about how dumb the other side is and noone works this has lead to our Country now. Controlled by whoever's got the $$, and not by Rational decision making.
Complaining about money controlling things?

$ makes the world go around. You either know it and integrate, or get left in the gutter.
The Rachel Maddow/Jon Stewart Interview Revealed Some Things About Jon I Didn't Like.

As I watched the interview a little while ago I shook my head in great disappointment in Jon. How could he get it so wrong? So I turned to one of my friends and had a chat with them and the said the following....

"The failure of Jon Stewart's "Can't We All Just Get Along" argument lies in the fact that we've already BEEN where he's saying we need to go. It didn't work out too well. It didn't work out well because the right wing doesn't WANT to get along. They want to win. They.Want.It.All

We've lived in a world where the so-called left abandoned the broadcast field to the right-wing and all its myriad toxins. That's what the 80's and 90s were, as well as the majority of this decade. It is a fact that for every hour of "liberal" broadcasting, there are ONE THOUSAND hours of right-wing hatecasting in our country.

With no opposition, the right-wing talking points vomited forth daily by the Limbaughs, Savages, Schlesingers et al. ad nauseam became, de facto, the way the nation saw the issues in those decades. Does anyone recall that the incoming '94 Repig freshmen named Limbaugh an honorary member? They didn't do that because he's cute. They did it because he played a major role in shaping and controlling the dialogue and discourse in this country. He was able to do that because there was almost no one (with the exception of Mike Malloy, who has soldiered on through it all; if Stewart heard Malloy he'd probably start having kittens with crocheted tails) opposing them.

So along came "Crossfire," with a pair of democrats giving as good as they got. It was quite popular for awhile. Then Jon Stewart came on, declared them "dicks," "Crossfire" was gone, and liberals were silenced again on cable. Jon Stewart is recycling that schtick again, only this time he's getting some pushback.

There's pushback this time because an itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy few liberals have actually gotten some broadcast time. And they, in their varied ways, are giving as good as we've gotten for decades. In short, they're handing the right-wing what the right-wing's been dishing out with impunity for years and years. Apparently, Jon Stewart doesn't like that.

But again, the problem lies in the fact that Stewart's thesis is just plain wrong. If you take Maddow and Olbermann and Schultz off the air, Fox will not become more benign, more benevolent, less malignant and toxic. They and Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, Beck etc. will continue to spew. The ONLY way to combat that is to oppose them on their own ground, in their own medium, and give the American people a choice between competing points of view.

The other side are bullies. It really IS that simple. One NEVER beats a bully by speaking gently to him in soothing, dulcet tones accompanied by a gentle refrain of "Kum-by-yah" in the background. When you do that, the bully punches you in the face, takes your milk money, spits on you and kicks dirt in your face.

I for one, have long been tired of eating right-wing dirt. I do what little I can to be part of the pushback. It's a wonder to me that some people who call themselves "liberal" and "progressive" want to keep eating the dirt. Then again, why should I wonder? When the Children of Israel sought freedom and wound up in the desert, there were plenty who advocated going back to Pharaoh. After all, they reasoned, Pharaoh gave them three hots and a cot.

You are such a fucking crybaby ready for you wide in you waaaaambalance?
Olbermann just gave Stewart an elegantly understated skewering at the end of his show.

I find it amusing that only two weeks ago everyone who is hating Stewart now was praising him. Ironically for the same comments.
you've totally misunderstood Jon Stewart on that program. So did Rachel on many points.

The echo chamber of people who hang out on cable has you both misreading things.

I do not particularly care for Jon's sophomoric brand of satire. I always found Carlin a bore too. But, I take Jon at his word that he is mainly an artist/entertainer/comedian, and not a newscaster.

I loved his rally and loved the fact that he did not try and make it into what 'others' wanted it to be. It was funny and fun. I know people who went. They enjoyed themselves.

I agree with Rachel that the GOP sometimes embraces the right wing fringe whereas the Dems do not embrace the left wing fringe. You'll never see Code Pink getting the backing from the DNC to run candidates, or worse sitting in Congressional seats. You'll never see the anti-war left making policy (even under Obama they have been used. LOL).

Up until you posted this you were being reasonable. The Only reason Code Pink does not run a candidate is because they already have Senators and Representatives that agree with everything they stand for. They even managed to get an anti war Democrat to run for President in the primaries, or did you forget about John Kerry? Additionally, Democrats routinely allow Code Pink to disrupt Congressional hearings on their pet issues, like the woman who managed to get through all the security on the hill with a jar of oil during the BP hearings.

Can anyone provide examples of right wing wackjobs that routinely disrupt hearings on the hill?

but the point is you are unhappy because you have misread Stewart. He has never pretended to be anything but what he is. That I respect him for. He hasn't changed much since he played in Boston ages ago. Nice guy. Self-centered little twerp. An Emerson College type.


Other than you obvious departure from reality you made some really solid points.
Olbermann just gave Stewart an elegantly understated skewering at the end of his show.

We know for a fact, that at least 50% of Olbermann viewers liked this piece, when rdean will tell us his opinion we'll have covered Olbermann entire audience
We can't get along.

The moment we start to get along the masters will manufacture issues designed to divide the people.

Putting aside the REAL DIFFERENCES that Americans have regarding the purpose of government and how to structure it, there are the real difference we have about social issues that truly motivate some blocks of voters.

And those social differences are the grist for the political mill that have been exaggerated and exascerbated in order to create the GOP and DEM base.
We can't get along.

The moment we start to get along the masters will manufacture issues designed to divide the people.

Putting aside the REAL DIFFERENCES that Americans have regarding the purpose of government and how to structure it, there are the real difference we have about social issues that truly motivate some blocks of voters.

And those social differences are the grist for the political mill that have been exaggerated and exascerbated in order to create the GOP and DEM base.

Dante wrote about this ages ago, The Inferno Canto VII, The Hoarders and Wasters

"Here saw I people, more than elsewhere, many,
On one side and the other, with great howls,
Rolling weights forward by main force of chest.

They clashed together, and then at that point
Each one turned backward, rolling retrograde,
Crying, "Why keepest?" and, "Why squanderest thou?"

Thus they returned along the lurid circle
On either hand unto the opposite point,
Shouting their shameful metre evermore.

Then each, when he arrived there, wheeled about
Through his half-circle to another joust;
And I, who had my heart pierced as it were..."

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