Joni Ernst has gone viral

How any woman can belong to this Progressive/Democrat party is beyond me.

Just look how they treated a Former governor of a state who was running for the Vice President of OUR COUNTRY. In my 60 years 40 of them voting, I've never seen anything so downright vile and nasty from a party that claims they are for Women and minorities. And now look where they are with Mrs. Ernst and all she DID was give a rebuttal to frikken speech. Disgusting think women politicians should be handled with kid gloves?
Every one knows Republicans are for the little people the poor people ....waaaaa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhha
What are you? 10 years old?
You have to be ten years old to believe that Joni Ernst wore bread bags on her shoes ....waqaa hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhah

grow up and stop taking over every thread with your nonsense
why don't you come up with better posts than mine instead of telling me to "shut up"...I ain't listening to that...I do not respect conservatives one tiny little bit...I think you all are do not sound mature you do not sound grown ?

this is the kind of crap you get out of seven out of the ten on the leader board folks.
All nasty stupid remarks. SEVEN out of ten. they rush in and overtake a thread
Let it roll, Stephanie.....Spring is coming.
Do the Repubs get their dumbest, most clueless among them for these so-called "rebuttals"? Every single time, its a disaster so you hafta wonder if they do that on purpose or if these bozos are simply the best they have.

I also wonder if every single Republican was born in a log cabin they built themselves.
I was. I even planted the trees I used.

I really enjoy the left's reaction to Conservative women. They're terrified. Condi Rice Sarah Palin Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and now Joni Ernst.
Wonder bread bags are women now?
Do the Repubs get their dumbest, most clueless among them for these so-called "rebuttals"? Every single time, its a disaster so you hafta wonder if they do that on purpose or if these bozos are simply the best they have.

I also wonder if every single Republican was born in a log cabin they built themselves.
You are correct. Every single Republican was born in a log cabin they built themselves.
Well that didn't take them long on the left for the Democrat party. A new Republican woman and it's off to the nasty attacks. So much for they are the party for women and minorities, eh?
Let me ask you....are Wonder bread bags somehow gender related?

Wonder bread

Wonder woman

See the connection?
I really enjoy the left's reaction to Conservative women. They're terrified. Condi Rice Sarah Palin Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and now Joni Ernst.
And the left's war on women continues.
Very interesting. Show us something in the OP that is "woman specific"? Something that couldn't just as easily apply to a man if he said the same thing.

Go right ahead and show us.
Maybe the left won't be happy until someone attempts to take Mrs. Ernst out of the picture????
I just posted this in a new thread. But it reminds me of the left and how they treat any Republican woman or man. Doesn't matter how low they crawl in their book. We used to have some sense back in the day. Now it seems anything goes. their down syndrome kids and all

Hollywood Left Loved Snipers When It Came to George W. Bush
Posted by Kristinn Taylor on Thursday, January 22, 2015, 2:10 PM

Screen grab via The Smoking Gun

The Hollywood Left is having fits over the success of American Sniper, the box office record-breaking bio-pic of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle directed by Clinton Eastwood that has garnered six Oscar nominations.

As has been reported, there is a campaign to undermine the film’s Academy Awards prospects.

Hollywood figures Michael Moore and Seth Rogen have made comments disparaging Kyle and the film that they have since tried to walk back after fierce blowback.

Back in 2000 however, the Hollywood Left put out an APB seeking snipers to assassinate then Texas Governor George W. Bush the day after he formally accepted the nomination to be the Republican Party’s presidential candidate.

WorldNetDaily graphic via Google cache

ALL of it here:
Hollywood Left Loved Snipers When It Came to George W. Bush The Gateway Pundit
I see this is the talking point you are pushing today, sweetie.
Joni and her sister were so poor that they had to share three bread bags between them. From this, came the "three leg race". The rest is history.
Republicans have overhauled FEMA, which they consider to be nothing but a luxury welfare program. Instead of providing flood insurance for the next Katrina type disaster, you are asked to give...give generously...your used bread bags to FEMA RELIEF for when the levees break again. They will take all sizes, but there is a special need for bags from loaves of bread that are 8 feet long.
I really enjoy the left's reaction to Conservative women. They're terrified. Condi Rice Sarah Palin Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and now Joni Ernst.
And the left's war on women continues.
Very interesting. Show us something in the OP that is "woman specific"? Something that couldn't just as easily apply to a man if he said the same thing.

Go right ahead and show us.
Woman specific? What the fuck. She's a woman. Palin is a woman. Libs HATE Republican women like they hate Republican blacks. The only ones you fool are yourselves.
Joni and her sister were so poor that they had to share three bread bags between them. From this, came the "three leg race". The rest is history.
And Hillary is a two bagger. You'd need a bag over her head to do her and one for yours in case hers falls off.

Golly. This is just like grade school.
I really enjoy the left's reaction to Conservative women. They're terrified. Condi Rice Sarah Palin Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and now Joni Ernst.
And the left's war on women continues.
Very interesting. Show us something in the OP that is "woman specific"? Something that couldn't just as easily apply to a man if he said the same thing.

Go right ahead and show us.
Woman specific? What the fuck. She's a woman. Palin is a woman. Libs HATE Republican women like they hate Republican blacks. The only ones you fool are yourselves.

BINGO!!! but they repeatedly tell themselves how it's they WHO are for the woman, black people, minorities, blaaa blaaa blaaa. all one has to do is go to any site to see the hate they
heap on anyone not Democrat/liberal/commie leaning. I just hope the people learned a BIG lesson from Palin under this regime of Progressives and now they are going after another woman for doing nothing more than giving a rebuttal to that idiot in Chiefs speech.
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Do the Repubs get their dumbest, most clueless among them for these so-called "rebuttals"? Every single time, its a disaster so you hafta wonder if they do that on purpose or if these bozos are simply the best they have.

I also wonder if every single Republican was born in a log cabin they built themselves.
Rebutting the dumbest one of all, Obutthurt.
Now that she's in Congress she's do for an upgrade to what the rich kids wear...
I really enjoy the left's reaction to Conservative women. They're terrified. Condi Rice Sarah Palin Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and now Joni Ernst.
And the left's war on women continues.
Very interesting. Show us something in the OP that is "woman specific"? Something that couldn't just as easily apply to a man if he said the same thing.

Go right ahead and show us.
Woman specific? What the fuck. She's a woman. Palin is a woman. Libs HATE Republican women like they hate Republican blacks. The only ones you fool are yourselves.
So...if someone (who happens to be a woman) says something joke-worthy and we laugh at the joke, we are picking on them because of their gender, not because of what they said? You're just like those people who see racism and sexism in EVERYTHING.
I really enjoy the left's reaction to Conservative women. They're terrified. Condi Rice Sarah Palin Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and now Joni Ernst.
And the left's war on women continues.
Very interesting. Show us something in the OP that is "woman specific"? Something that couldn't just as easily apply to a man if he said the same thing.

Go right ahead and show us.
Woman specific? What the fuck. She's a woman. Palin is a woman. Libs HATE Republican women like they hate Republican blacks. The only ones you fool are yourselves.

BINGO!!! but they repeatedly tell themselves how it's they WHO are for the woman, black people, minorities, blaaa blaaa blaaa. all one has to do is go to any site to see the hate they
heap on anyone not Democrat/liberal/commie leaning. I just hope the people learned a BIG lesson from Palin under this regime of Progressives and now they are going after another woman for doing nothing more than giving a rebuttal to that idiot in Chiefs speech.
You are such a victim.

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