Jordan hanged the filthy suicide whore this morning.

Has there been some facts presented in a court of law against ISIS ..can you link ?

Apparently, you have no idea how LUCKY you are to be a citizen of the United States. Well, let me tell you, you should thank your lucky stars. :D

Most Americans have no clue how lucky they are.
I would have stopped at "most Americans have no clue"...if you doubt it look at the posts directed at me ..:ack-1:

Now don't be paranoid. This is not all about you.
The entire Universe is all about bringing me to existence....

Hey look: the Universe is talking to you!!!

Thou art FULL of it!!

Its not hear say its documented the death of Dilawar by torture at the hands of US troopers is a fact

Start a thread about it.
did someone dictate those words to you to post to me

Nah; but marchy musta read your peabrained little mind a few minutes ago. Same shit; different shovel!!

authorization for these acts of savagery reached the highest levels of the US Military Command, if Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, interviewed in 2006 on the CBS News Show, 60 minutes is to be believed. He claimed to reporter Scott Pelley that he smelled a rat immediately upon learning of the deaths at Bagram:

"I was developing the picture as to how this all got started in the first place, and that alarmed me as much as the abuse itself because it looked like authorization for this abuse went to the very top of the United States government," says Wilkerson.
In 2002, the "top of the government" was divided over whether the Geneva Convention applied to prisoners in Afghanistan. The resulting presidential directive tried to have it both ways ordering that the "…armed forces shall continue to treat detainees humanely" but Geneva would apply only "to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity...."

It's Wilkerson's opinion that the Army chose to ignore Geneva when it issued new rules for interrogations in Afghanistan and Iraq

Opinions are not FACTS, idiot!!

In support of Wilkerson this is the US position on tortures

“It would be unfair to prosecute dedicated men and women working to protect America for conduct that was sanctioned in advance by the Justice Department,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.

The White House has announced that CIA operatives, including contractors, who followed Bush guidelines for torturing prisoners will not be prosecuted for these actions, regardless of the Obama administration’s position on the legality of the techniques they used. “t is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution,” President Obama said in a statement released [April 16, 2009].
Start a thread about it.
did someone dictate those words to you to post to me

Nah; but marchy musta read your peabrained little mind a few minutes ago. Same shit; different shovel!!

authorization for these acts of savagery reached the highest levels of the US Military Command, if Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, interviewed in 2006 on the CBS News Show, 60 minutes is to be believed. He claimed to reporter Scott Pelley that he smelled a rat immediately upon learning of the deaths at Bagram:

"I was developing the picture as to how this all got started in the first place, and that alarmed me as much as the abuse itself because it looked like authorization for this abuse went to the very top of the United States government," says Wilkerson.
In 2002, the "top of the government" was divided over whether the Geneva Convention applied to prisoners in Afghanistan. The resulting presidential directive tried to have it both ways ordering that the "…armed forces shall continue to treat detainees humanely" but Geneva would apply only "to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity...."

It's Wilkerson's opinion that the Army chose to ignore Geneva when it issued new rules for interrogations in Afghanistan and Iraq

Opinions are not FACTS, idiot!!

In support of Wilkerson this is the US position on tortures

“It would be unfair to prosecute dedicated men and women working to protect America for conduct that was sanctioned in advance by the Justice Department,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.

The White House has announced that CIA operatives, including contractors, who followed Bush guidelines for torturing prisoners will not be prosecuted for these actions, regardless of the Obama administration’s position on the legality of the techniques they used. “t is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution,” President Obama said in a statement released [April 16, 2009].

This still doesn't support your claims.
The Saudis tried to detain me until I told them I worked for the Pope of that point they let me go right away and seemed very paranoid....

:cuckoo: Do us all a favor . . . Go take a long walk off a short pier.
wow that line "take a long walk off a short pier" wow just wow ...fucking moron

It's almost as ridiculous as you are, right? Lol.
Gtopa in the dream time
I'll pay his airfare!!!!

So you would like to see me tortured to death that is mighty white American of you


I'll provide the audience!!


Honestly, America could do WITHOUT people like this. We would be far better off as a country, I think. These people are along the lines of ISIS with their support of them. Just rotten people. Unfortunately, we have to try and "tolerate" the monsters.
The Saudis tried to detain me until I told them I worked for the Pope of that point they let me go right away and seemed very paranoid....

:cuckoo: Do us all a favor . . . Go take a long walk off a short pier.
wow that line "take a long walk off a short pier" wow just wow ...fucking moron

Yay: he cracked!! he couldn't keep up the pretense any silly little man you!!

I'll pay his airfare!!!!

So you would like to see me tortured to death that is mighty white American of you


I'll provide the audience!!


Honestly, America could do WITHOUT people like this. We would be far better off as a country, I think. These people are along the lines of ISIS with their support of them. Just rotten people. Unfortunately, we have to try and "tolerate" the monsters.
I have categorically condemned the actions OF on the other hand support the torturing of prisoners to death as long as US troops are doing the torturing...that happens to be your position on the issue of torturing prisoners
I'll pay his airfare!!!!

So you would like to see me tortured to death that is mighty white American of you


I'll provide the audience!!


Honestly, America could do WITHOUT people like this. We would be far better off as a country, I think. These people are along the lines of ISIS with their support of them. Just rotten people. Unfortunately, we have to try and "tolerate" the monsters.
I have categorically condemned the actions OF on the other hand support the torturing of prisoners to death as long as US troops are doing the torturing...that happens to be your position on the issue of torturing prisoners

No, the only thing you've done is to try and insinuate that America is the same as ISIS. Everyone KNOWS you're batshit crazy. :lol: We're just having fun at your expense now. Lol. :whip:
The Saudis tried to detain me until I told them I worked for the Pope of that point they let me go right away and seemed very paranoid....

:cuckoo: Do us all a favor . . . Go take a long walk off a short pier.
wow that line "take a long walk off a short pier" wow just wow ...fucking moron

Yay: he cracked!! he couldn't keep up the pretense any silly little man you!!

I cracked ? I knew that poster was a wing nut from the start ......... I am still standing dreamer boy

apparently, it is still the position of our government that it is better for everyone concerned if the American public knows as little as possible regarding the horrific actions of a vast organized and systematic effort, from lowly CIA operatives, soldiers and independent contractors to the most senior officials in the Executive Branch, to torture (and occasionally kill) people in the custody of our Military and Intelligence Services, despite the inconvenient revelations contained in the Senate Intelligence Committee's Torture Report, practices we routinely condemn as barbaric when committed by terrorist organizations such as ISIS.

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