Jordan's supporters are now sending threats to the wives of Republicans who oppose him.

The party that likes to fuck kids says "Are you shitting me with the mean tweets? Man up and shoot that mother fucker while he's playing baseball!"

"If he doesn't look like this, we really don't need you.... capiche?"


Jim Jordan’s allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.​

“The one thing that will never work with me — if you try to pressure me, if you try to threaten me, then I shut off,” GOP Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart said.

Jim Jordan’s allies attempted to badger House Republicans into making him speaker. Those tactics backfired on Tuesday, and could soon doom his speakership push outright.

The Ohio Republican’s most vocal GOP defectors during Tuesday’s failed speaker vote said they were pressured to back Jordan by party bosses back home and national conservatives with big megaphones. Most of those skeptics viewed it as a coordinated push with a threatening theme: Vote for Jordan — or else.

The arm-twisting campaign, which in many cases included veiled threats of primary challenges, was meant to help rally support behind Jordan’s candidacy. Instead, it has put the Judiciary chair’s bid on life support and threatened to plunge House Republicans deeper into turmoil with no clear way out.


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