Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

Kind of reminds me of when Gary Hart was running for president, and the media asked, "Would you like to comment on the rumors of your infidelity to your wife?", and he replied, "The media is welcome to follow me anywhere. I have nothing to hide". Of course, it was only 2 or 3 weeks later that the media uncovered a photo of him with a bimbo on his lap in front of his boat, "Monkey Business". In his case, I give him credit for just quietly dropping out of the race, instead of whining about it.
If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

I reject forgiveness for any and all transgressions-- There are some things you should not forgive. And I reject Jesus Christ, as described in the NT, as truly knowing the real life consequences of what he is saying..

Or maybe Jesus does not give a damn about this life--as some
would say.

I understand bitterness because I lived in it for many years and it held me captive just as it has held others captive, A. It also kept me from seeking Jesus Christ who came to deliver me from the darkness I was in but there came a point where the light of God's Word overcame the darkness and I was set free because I knew Christ was the only answer.

I've forgiven people who you would most likely say didn't deserve it. They never apologized to me - they almost destroyed me - yet I didn't forgive them for their sakes but for my own. I have no regrets for having made that decision. I should add that I have no contact with those people - some I do not even know where they are at today - whether alive or dead - only God knows. Were I to one day cross their paths I would not trust them still and would never let them near my family / my grandchildren / and I would most likely pass them by as one would a stranger on the street. We are not under any obligation to have communication with those who have harmed us but to forgive them is a gift we give ourselves.

I can understand what you are saying because there was a time when I felt exactly as you feel right now. But do not dismiss what I am telling you without considering that it may be the very thing you need to do (forgive) so that you can open your heart to Christ because I know that he loves you and his plans for you are not to harm you but to give you a good future. While we cannot trust people - we can most definitely trust Him because He is not out to harm us. He truly cares for us more than we realize and even while you are not yet receiving Him - He is still watching out for you and keeping you from many dangers that you will only learn about - perhaps - after you've left this earth. He is watching over your life and protecting your life from dangers you do not even see. He does this because He loves you and cares deeply about you. Jesus is very tender hearted and merciful, A. He knows what is going on inside of you, the pain you are carrying, the disappointments you have endured. The mistrust you feel and the reason for it. He knows everything about you.

I doubt you even thought about the consequences of what Jesus was saying. How is it 'kind-hearted' when you tell people to suffer in order to receive a reward? That is not 'kind-hearted' at all--that is sick and twisted.

Grow-up. Stop begging forgiveness from every spook and spectre in the hollows and face the consequences of your actions like an adult
Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

Sure it does. It is the only civil way to insult somebody.
Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

I reject forgiveness for any and all transgressions-- There are some things you should not forgive. And I reject Jesus Christ, as described in the NT, as truly knowing the real life consequences of what he is saying..

Or maybe Jesus does not give a damn about this life--as some
would say.

I understand bitterness because I lived in it for many years and it held me captive just as it has held others captive, A. It also kept me from seeking Jesus Christ who came to deliver me from the darkness I was in but there came a point where the light of God's Word overcame the darkness and I was set free because I knew Christ was the only answer.

I've forgiven people who you would most likely say didn't deserve it. They never apologized to me - they almost destroyed me - yet I didn't forgive them for their sakes but for my own. I have no regrets for having made that decision. I should add that I have no contact with those people - some I do not even know where they are at today - whether alive or dead - only God knows. Were I to one day cross their paths I would not trust them still and would never let them near my family / my grandchildren / and I would most likely pass them by as one would a stranger on the street. We are not under any obligation to have communication with those who have harmed us but to forgive them is a gift we give ourselves.

I can understand what you are saying because there was a time when I felt exactly as you feel right now. But do not dismiss what I am telling you without considering that it may be the very thing you need to do (forgive) so that you can open your heart to Christ because I know that he loves you and his plans for you are not to harm you but to give you a good future. While we cannot trust people - we can most definitely trust Him because He is not out to harm us. He truly cares for us more than we realize and even while you are not yet receiving Him - He is still watching out for you and keeping you from many dangers that you will only learn about - perhaps - after you've left this earth. He is watching over your life and protecting your life from dangers you do not even see. He does this because He loves you and cares deeply about you. Jesus is very tender hearted and merciful, A. He knows what is going on inside of you, the pain you are carrying, the disappointments you have endured. The mistrust you feel and the reason for it. He knows everything about you.

I doubt you even thought about the consequences of what Jesus was saying. How is it 'kind-hearted' when you tell people to suffer in order to receive a reward? That is not 'kind-hearted' at all--that is sick and twisted.

Grow-up. Stop begging forgiveness from every spook and spectre in the hollows and face the consequences of your actions like an adult

All mankind suffers irregardless of whether they have received Christ or not. Christ suffered a most horrific death but His reward was that those who believed upon Him would have everlasting life. Those who reject Him remain condemned in their sins. It is a choice, A. I am grown up and I am not begging for forgiveness from anyone at the moment. If I feel I owe someone an apology I give them one. There is nothing about Jesus Christ and His Word that is sick or twisted. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news. Your sins have been paid for. Do you want to receive the forgiveness of Christ and let Him heal you or do you want to remain in the state you are in? This is the decision you must make - it's the decision everyone has to make. My intention was not to aggravate you but to let you know that the LORD loves you and has a plan for your life. When you decide to come to Him you'll learn what that is. Until then? You won't know.
Now back to the Dugger issue

What is the extent of his actions? I see the word 'molestation' but I am trying to figure out if it was just fondling the buttocks and breasts of little girls, or something more 'intense'?
Josh Duggar is a sex offender who raped his own sisters. He deserves literally none of the support his defenders have given him.

Josh Duggar has never been even close to being accused of raping anybody. And it is quite dishonest to say that he did. But for what he did do, I haven't seen a single soul defend him in that.
OK, I've got it.

A 14 year old 'sexually curious' boy fingered a couple of young girls in their sleep.

OK, he needed counseling and heavy monitoring. The victims needed counseling and to warn if he did anything like that again.

Hell, the way some of you guys talked, I thought he had sodomized or forced intercourse with them.

Unless one of those girls claimed that 14 year old Josh traumatized her with his night time activity, I don't see how you can demand jail time for him.

This whole issue is overblown. Bring forth one of Josh's 'rape' victims that want to see him locked up. Until then, talking about this is just a bunch of BS.
Btw I've defended people far worse than Josh Duggar. One of the realities of being a defense attorney.

You guys think I ashamed of that. I don't. Christ defends all sinners. We should take a page from his book and seek to heal both victims and sinners. Because sooner or later we will be the sinners. And because quite frankly this world needs the light and healing of the atonement.

You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

That's some really bad theology there. Not even remotely true.
You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

That's some really bad theology there. Not even remotely true.

I'm not sure this is the proper venue for a theological discussion, but according to the bible, salvation is only given after forgiveness. Forgiveness only comes after repentance, which requires change. The death on the cross does nothing for those who don't repent and change. It was never intended to.
Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

Sure it does. It is the only civil way to insult somebody.
For those of us who think rationally, civility and insult do not go hand in hand.
OK, I've got it.

A 14 year old 'sexually curious' boy fingered a couple of young girls in their sleep.

OK, he needed counseling and heavy monitoring. The victims needed counseling and to warn if he did anything like that again.

Hell, the way some of you guys talked, I thought he had sodomized or forced intercourse with them.

Unless one of those girls claimed that 14 year old Josh traumatized her with his night time activity, I don't see how you can demand jail time for him.

This whole issue is overblown. Bring forth one of Josh's 'rape' victims that want to see him locked up. Until then, talking about this is just a bunch of BS.
  • Wow. Just wow. You think there is no molestation unless it is rape or sodomy? Wow. You are so very, very, very ignorant. Wow. Just no big deal what he did? Incredible. Unbelievable.
And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

Sure it does. It is the only civil way to insult somebody.
For those of us who think rationally, civility and insult do not go hand in hand.

So would you say your comment here is irrational? LOL. Or was it intended to be uncivil?

Reminds me of this historical exchange:

During one of his campaigns against President Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson was approached by a supporter.

"Governor, every thinking person will be voting for you," she told Stevenson.

"Madam, that's not enough," he replied. "I need a majority."

But back to the topic, it is obvious that some are able to consider and discuss the topic in a civil manner, and some are determined to make it as uncivil as possible. I myself prefer civility to incivility.
Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

Sure it does. It is the only civil way to insult somebody.
For those of us who think rationally, civility and insult do not go hand in hand.

So would you say your comment here is irrational? LOL. Or was it intended to be uncivil?

Reminds me of this historical exchange:

During one of his campaigns against President Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson was approached by a supporter.

"Governor, every thinking person will be voting for you," she told Stevenson.

"Madam, that's not enough," he replied. "I need a majority."

But back to the topic, it is obvious that some are able to consider and discuss the topic in a civil manner, and some are determined to make it as uncivil in possible. I myself prefer civility to incivility.
You don't even make any sense. It was intended to be uncivil, yes. Insulting someone is never civil. Don't you get that in the la la land you call your mind?

You don't even know the difference between a joke, satire, or irony and an insult cloaked in so called civility. Why do you even bother to try to think?
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Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

Sure it does. It is the only civil way to insult somebody.
For those of us who think rationally, civility and insult do not go hand in hand.

So would you say your comment here is irrational? LOL. Or was it intended to be uncivil?

Reminds me of this historical exchange:

During one of his campaigns against President Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson was approached by a supporter.

"Governor, every thinking person will be voting for you," she told Stevenson.

"Madam, that's not enough," he replied. "I need a majority."

But back to the topic, it is obvious that some are able to consider and discuss the topic in a civil manner, and some are determined to make it as uncivil in possible. I myself prefer civility to incivility.
You don't even make any sense. It was intended to be uncivil, yes. Insulting someone is never civil. Don't you get that in the la la land you call your mind?

Well, thanks for clearing that up but I honestly am in no mood for a food fight, so and I and my mind will mosey on and find something more pleasant to do. Do have a pleasant evening yourself, Esmeralda.
Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

:lol: exactly. not to mention people are NOT responding to the duggar's hypocrisy just "for sport".

that's selective outrage bull shizer... ^ :rolleyes:
pity the PC boogeyman aka common decency doesn't take kindly to evil hypotwits

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