Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

I totally agree with your first paragraph starting with -justice in America ....
I don't agree with the second. What proof is there he is doing this now. Im not talking insignificant things or I saw this so....that's an opinion...and most likely a biased one.
For those of you who base your life on cold hard FACTS ...prove he is doing this now.

Leave potential political agendas & traits of a pedophile out of it. Can someone ( anyone) be guilty because of a few bottom feeding sharks?
Right now he doesn't "owe the world" anything. yikes lol
I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.
If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
By law can he be held guilty now
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.

If I thought Josh Duggar was a pedophile, then of course he should not be in a position with access to children at all. But not a single one of us has any clue about that do we.

I have worked for and with organizations with youth programs, including military and church schools, and we also have been involved with scouting programs our entire adult lives. It is absolutely a fact and an ongoing concern that people with pedophile propensities do gravitate toward those kinds of organizations where they have easy unsupervised access to kids. It was not epidemic, but far too often scout leaders were banned or a chaplain was found engaging in inappropriate behavior with the kids, or we were advised that this volunteer or that employee was just 'not right'.

Oddly it is the same people who most strongly condemn a Josh Duggar who object to what they say is overreach of organizations who do stringent screening to try to protect the kids.

IMO, a moral society does what it reasonably and sensibly can to protect the children. And all we can do is what we can personally control. It is the responsibility of those who know and deal with Josh Duggar to determine whether he is or is not a 'good' person. And I don't see that as anybody else's business.
There is a reason why states require that a convicted sex offender register his address for the rest of his life, long after having been paroled out of prison. There is a reason that this information is available to the general public. The reason is that these people seldom stop their sex offenses, and the public has a right to know where they live so that they can keep their kids safe. This guy is a child molester, and if he lived next door to my granddaughter, I would want to know about. He can work out his forgiveness with his god, but that has nothing to do with me.
Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
By law can he be held guilty now
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2
If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.

If I thought Josh Duggar was a pedophile, then of course he should not be in a position with access to children at all. But not a single one of us has any clue about that do we.

I have worked for and with organizations with youth programs, including military and church schools, and we also have been involved with scouting programs our entire adult lives. It is absolutely a fact and an ongoing concern that people with pedophile propensities do gravitate toward those kinds of organizations where they have easy unsupervised access to kids. It was not epidemic, but far too often scout leaders were banned or a chaplain was found engaging in inappropriate behavior with the kids, or we were advised that this volunteer or that employee was just 'not right'.

Oddly it is the same people who most strongly condemn a Josh Duggar who object to what they say is overreach of organizations who do stringent screening to try to protect the kids.

IMO, a moral society does what it reasonably and sensibly can to protect the children. And all we can do is what we can personally control. It is the responsibility of those who know and deal with Josh Duggar to determine whether he is or is not a 'good' person. And I don't see that as anybody else's business.

I agree, these are my deep down sentiments also.
Common sense and a sense of justice you bring! =)
Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
By law can he be held guilty now
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.
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What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
By law can he be held guilty now
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.
According to some its what "humanity is suppose to do". Probably why humanity is in such a huge mess now.
I really don't understand pedophiles....don't even know all the behavior pedophilia covers. Ive never dealt with in life...directly or indirectly. I was trying to find out if the accusations are legitimate.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
By law can he be held guilty now
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the rest of the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questioned, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way, most especially about something that is in their distant past and they can do absolutely nothing about now. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.
He has admitted to molesting those girls. Why do you want to find out if the 'accusations are legitimate'?
By law can he be held guilty now
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.
By law can he be held guilty now
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.
It depends on the state in which the offense took place. From just a quick perusal of this site, it looks like he could still be prosecuted, but the family has covered it up and rather than sticking up for their girls, have convinced them that they should forgive him and let it go. Sad, very sad. Resource Center/sol-for-sexual-assault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.
If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.
If they covered it up, how is it that the entire country knows about it? That every message board is full of Josh Duggar threads? That social media is all abuzz with it? And by what basis do you decide that the family convinced the girls to forgive him and let it go? I certainly have seen no suggestion of that in their public statements.
Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out Defend Brother VIDEO - Towleroad

One thing that came out in that interview is how violated the girls felt, not by Josh who they are adament did wrong, but they have dealt with all that and everybody had moved on with their lives. They feel violated by those who gave them their solemn promise that they would be protected if they told their story to the police. Whoever leaked that police report did not just punish and publicly humiliate Josh. With the 12-year-old story suddenly splashed across every tabloid newspaper and being discussed on every talk show, this seriously hurts the victims and violates their privacy. And those who continue to make a federal case out of this continue to do so.

Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

especially when your media attention comes from a self-professed moral authority.
Did they feel violated that their parents had kept it out of the media for years, while exploiting them in a reality show, which was doomed to backfire on them when the news came out, only because the parents had made them national icons of Christian family values? Keep in mind that Josh's boss, the network, and the sponsors of the show are the ones who turned their back on the Duggars, not those of us which never watched their show of hypocrisy in the first place. I, personally, have only seen 15 minutes of them on TV, and that was because I was at someone's house, and had no control of the remote.

Whatever they were involved in, or however they were making their living, or however they were living their lives, those girls and the family did not deserve to be publicly humiliated, questions, second guessed, and personally attacked in this way. Who among them thought something they had put behind them many years before would be used by mean spirited people to disrupt their lives now? Re-victimizing the innocent is not the right thing to do.

Well, then, by all means, get in touch with the family, and advise them to stop giving exclusive interviews to FOX news.

And another point made goes sailing right over another head.

Oh, I agree, Fox, but I am convinced that you don't get it, and never will. But, for anyone else who is more cognizant, I will put it another way. If you make a living by being the focus of the media, don't be real surprised when the media starts taking photographs of the skeletons in your closet.

Well I would like to return to a more civil society in which people didn't get off by demonizing and disrupting the lives of people for sport. Most especially people they resent and disagree with. I get that.

insulting people "nicely" doesn't mean you're civil.

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