Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.
OK, I've got it.

A 14 year old 'sexually curious' boy fingered a couple of young girls in their sleep.

OK, he needed counseling and heavy monitoring. The victims needed counseling and to warn if he did anything like that again.

Hell, the way some of you guys talked, I thought he had sodomized or forced intercourse with them.

Unless one of those girls claimed that 14 year old Josh traumatized her with his night time activity, I don't see how you can demand jail time for him.

This whole issue is overblown. Bring forth one of Josh's 'rape' victims that want to see him locked up. Until then, talking about this is just a bunch of BS.
  • Wow. Just wow. You think there is no molestation unless it is rape or sodomy? Wow. You are so very, very, very ignorant. Wow. Just no big deal what he did? Incredible. Unbelievable.
It is sexual molestation.

If it was "no big deal" I would not have suggested counseling, monitoring his actions, nor would have warned the girls to report any of his actions.

What else are we to do with a 14 year old? Try him as an adult? Throw him in jail for 10-20?

What would you suggest his punishment be?
I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

That's some really bad theology there. Not even remotely true.

I'm not sure this is the proper venue for a theological discussion, but according to the bible, salvation is only given after forgiveness. Forgiveness only comes after repentance, which requires change. The death on the cross does nothing for those who don't repent and change. It was never intended to.

You are well intended but incorrect. Forgiveness and salvation are granted to the sinner immediately, and then the new regenerate undergoes a process of sanctification. "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," (Romans 5:8) is an important theological point, that salvation was not merited by our actions, but rather vouchsafed while we were in our wretched state. In fact, it cannot be understated that the initiative in the salvation process belongs to God alone: "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be Firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined He also called, and these whom He called He also justified, and these whom He justified, he also glorified." (Romans 8:29,30). This "golden chain of salvation" as some refer to it posits God as the "author and finisher of our faith". (Hebrews 12:2)

A response on our part is certainly required, to commit to a new way of living, and to act out our faith with good works, a requisite for salvation. But the initial act is not ours, it is God's.
OK, I've got it.

A 14 year old 'sexually curious' boy fingered a couple of young girls in their sleep.

OK, he needed counseling and heavy monitoring. The victims needed counseling and to warn if he did anything like that again.

Hell, the way some of you guys talked, I thought he had sodomized or forced intercourse with them.

Unless one of those girls claimed that 14 year old Josh traumatized her with his night time activity, I don't see how you can demand jail time for him.

This whole issue is overblown. Bring forth one of Josh's 'rape' victims that want to see him locked up. Until then, talking about this is just a bunch of BS.
  • Wow. Just wow. You think there is no molestation unless it is rape or sodomy? Wow. You are so very, very, very ignorant. Wow. Just no big deal what he did? Incredible. Unbelievable.

Even the law stipulates there are varying degrees of sexual offense and simple sexual battery (fondling, etc) does not merit the same legal sanction as anal or vaginal penetration. Recall if you please that this vein of discussion was started by someone on your side erroneously claiming that Josh Duggars raped those girls, shifting the weight of misinformation on your side. Josh Duggars shouldn't have did what he did, but the scandal you people try to make out of this, fueled by political ideology, is laughably exaggerated....even to the point that in your imaginations, the crime keeps growing to the point you're just lying.

You can "wow" all you want, but this thread was designed to point out that we're all guilty of sin and all equally in need of forgiveness. Josh Duggars sought it and will be justified before God. Those like you, who scoff at forgiveness will be condemned regardless of how righteous you think you are in comparison to other sinners. Not molesting children like Josh Duggars will not save you, nor will pointing your fingers at other sinners. When you stand before a holy God, there will be one subject on the docket. You.

And this thread was written to heighten your awareness of that simple fact.
Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter, and it's a fear of my wife and I that we can't always keep our 4 children safe from predators, so I understand where you're coming from very much. The victims of sexual child abuse suffer a life sentence which is why I turn a deaf ear to registered sex offenders complaining about their registration requirements and the impact it has on their lives. In fact, it's sickening that they get better side of the deal and still complain.

Your anger is justified. And my opinion of forgiveness is one lifted straight from Scripture. The parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge (Luke 18) tells about a widow that grievously wronged and pestered a corrupt judge for justice. Because her insistence wore upon him so much, eventually he gave her justice against her adversary. The parable ends by Jesus asking, "Shall not God avenge his own elect, who cry out to him night and day? I tell you he will avenge them speedily." This sentiment was echoed by the vision of the martyrs before the throne of God (Revelation 6:10) saying, "How long, O Lord before you avenge our blood upon the dwellers of the earth?"

You'll hear many Christians paint a false image of forgiveness, but true forgiveness is best described as taking somebody off of your hook and placing them onto God's. It's an act of trust that "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" (Romans 12:9), and so we know that God will avenge us who trust in him and put our adversaries in his dreadful hands.

I think you can forgive, knowing that forgiveness does not mean disregarding what happened to your daughter or the long lasting effects of it, nor does it mean the person gets of scott free. Forgiveness is surrendering that hurt, betrayal, and anger into the hands of God and receiving the peace of Christ in return, knowing that God will take care of it.
Kind of reminds me of when Gary Hart was running for president, and the media asked, "Would you like to comment on the rumors of your infidelity to your wife?", and he replied, "The media is welcome to follow me anywhere. I have nothing to hide". Of course, it was only 2 or 3 weeks later that the media uncovered a photo of him with a bimbo on his lap in front of his boat, "Monkey Business". In his case, I give him credit for just quietly dropping out of the race, instead of whining about it.

Hopefully the media will be just as vigilant in exposing what a disgusting creep Donald Trump is. They certainly have a lot of evidence to the fact.
If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

That's some really bad theology there. Not even remotely true.

I'm not sure this is the proper venue for a theological discussion, but according to the bible, salvation is only given after forgiveness. Forgiveness only comes after repentance, which requires change. The death on the cross does nothing for those who don't repent and change. It was never intended to.

You are well intended but incorrect. Forgiveness and salvation are granted to the sinner immediately, and then the new regenerate undergoes a process of sanctification. "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," (Romans 5:8) is an important theological point, that salvation was not merited by our actions, but rather vouchsafed while we were in our wretched state. In fact, it cannot be understated that the initiative in the salvation process belongs to God alone: "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be Firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined He also called, and these whom He called He also justified, and these whom He justified, he also glorified." (Romans 8:29,30). This "golden chain of salvation" as some refer to it posits God as the "author and finisher of our faith". (Hebrews 12:2)

A response on our part is certainly required, to commit to a new way of living, and to act out our faith with good works, a requisite for salvation. But the initial act is not ours, it is God's.

So you're going with the predestination idea, where you are chosen, and a personal decision isn't required. As I've said before ... believe what you want.
Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter having to deal with that. Probably only those who have experienced it and/or are going through the trauma with a loved one probably fully understand.

And I think that is why nobody that I've seen has condoned or defended Josh Duggar for what he did. Certainly his family has not excused or defended it in any way. But Josh Duggar's victims were not traumatized and don't believe they have suffered any lasting consequences. They all agree that Josh convicted himself and confessed his sins and there have been no subsequent incidents.

And now all these years later, I can imagine that it does traumatize and victimize them to be smeared all over the media and to be the focus of discussion in such a public way. You can imagine how it would affect your daughter if she became a public spectacle based on what happened to her.

I sometimes think we get so caught up in the sensationalism, we don't really pay attention to what we do to people.
No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter having to deal with that. Probably only those who have experienced it and/or are going through the trauma with a loved one probably fully understand.

And I think that is why nobody that I've seen has condoned or defended Josh Duggar for what he did. Certainly his family has not excused or defended it in any way. But Josh Duggar's victims were not traumatized and don't believe they have suffered any lasting consequences. They all agree that Josh convicted himself and confessed his sins and there have been no subsequent incidents.

And now all these years later, I can imagine that it does traumatize and victimize them to be smeared all over the media and to be the focus of discussion in such a public way. You can imagine how it would affect your daughter if she became a public spectacle based on what happened to her.

I sometimes think we get so caught up in the sensationalism, we don't really pay attention to what we do to people.

Has it occurred to you that you are doing your part of keeping this issue alive? I ask. because this thread obviously reflects two sides of the issue, but, for some reason, only the side that condemns Josh's actions is blamed for the trauma that the media is supposedly causing the children. Yet, there would be no discussion on the issue at all, if the other side decided that it is best to leave this in the past, rather than to defend him for his obvious deviant behavior to which he has confessed.
Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter having to deal with that. Probably only those who have experienced it and/or are going through the trauma with a loved one probably fully understand.

And I think that is why nobody that I've seen has condoned or defended Josh Duggar for what he did. Certainly his family has not excused or defended it in any way. But Josh Duggar's victims were not traumatized and don't believe they have suffered any lasting consequences. They all agree that Josh convicted himself and confessed his sins and there have been no subsequent incidents.

And now all these years later, I can imagine that it does traumatize and victimize them to be smeared all over the media and to be the focus of discussion in such a public way. You can imagine how it would affect your daughter if she became a public spectacle based on what happened to her.

I sometimes think we get so caught up in the sensationalism, we don't really pay attention to what we do to people.

Has it occurred to you that you are doing your part of keeping this issue alive? I ask. because this thread obviously reflects two sides of the issue, but, for some reason, only the side that condemns Josh's actions is blamed for the trauma that the media is supposedly causing the children. Yet, there would be no discussion on the issue at all, if the other side decided that it is best to leave this in the past, rather than to defend him for his obvious deviant behavior that he has confessed to.

Nobody has defended his deviant behavior. And you really think you guys wouldn't be bashing Josh Duggar day after day after day if the media had not made it into a huge story? I had never heard of Josh Duggar until this story broke.
My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter having to deal with that. Probably only those who have experienced it and/or are going through the trauma with a loved one probably fully understand.

And I think that is why nobody that I've seen has condoned or defended Josh Duggar for what he did. Certainly his family has not excused or defended it in any way. But Josh Duggar's victims were not traumatized and don't believe they have suffered any lasting consequences. They all agree that Josh convicted himself and confessed his sins and there have been no subsequent incidents.

And now all these years later, I can imagine that it does traumatize and victimize them to be smeared all over the media and to be the focus of discussion in such a public way. You can imagine how it would affect your daughter if she became a public spectacle based on what happened to her.

I sometimes think we get so caught up in the sensationalism, we don't really pay attention to what we do to people.

Has it occurred to you that you are doing your part of keeping this issue alive? I ask. because this thread obviously reflects two sides of the issue, but, for some reason, only the side that condemns Josh's actions is blamed for the trauma that the media is supposedly causing the children. Yet, there would be no discussion on the issue at all, if the other side decided that it is best to leave this in the past, rather than to defend him for his obvious deviant behavior that he has confessed to.

Nobody has defended his deviant behavior. And you really think you guys wouldn't be bashing Josh Duggar day after day after day if the media had not made it into a huge story? I had never heard of Josh Duggar until this story broke.

I have absolutely no idea what point you are trying to make. I had never heard of Josh before the media broke the story, either. Having done so, they got my attention. I want to know the names and whereabouts of every child molester in my granddaughter's neighborhood. As long as people disagree with me, on that, I will speak out.
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?
If a man beats his wife daily, and daily she forgives him, are We, The Peeps under no obligation to protect her anyway by locking his ass up for a spell?
The system should have been properly engaged rather than the parents going to a pedophile trooper friend for help (I mean, does it get more perverse than that?) or sending the boy to a molester's ranch. The system would have actually given him counselling, taken him out of the family and then sealed his record. He would have been better off than he is now. The fact that they didn't meant that the report could be released when he reached 18. Ironically the cover up has led to total exposure. I think that that is God's work.
Furthermore whether the victims "forgive" in a biblical sense is not the point in criminal matters. The state has an interest in people adhereing to the law. This is to protect society as a whole and even victims who have been too intimidated, to free them too from the shackled of pain and abuse. And let us not forget one of the victims was a babysitter and not a sister.
Furthermore whether the victims "forgive" in a biblical sense is not the point in criminal matters. The state has an interest in people adhereing to the law. This is to protect society as a whole and even victims who have been too intimidated, to free them too from the shackled of pain and abuse. And let us not forget one of the victims was a babysitter and not a sister.
My daughter was molested by a man. I don't forgive him and he has never asked for forgiveness. So I don't need to do what is not requested. In fact years later he tried to contact my daughter after she was an adult. As far as I'm concerned he is not repented and is a perp. If he died tomorrow, I'd be happy. The only man I have ever felt that way about.

I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter having to deal with that. Probably only those who have experienced it and/or are going through the trauma with a loved one probably fully understand.

And I think that is why nobody that I've seen has condoned or defended Josh Duggar for what he did. Certainly his family has not excused or defended it in any way. But Josh Duggar's victims were not traumatized and don't believe they have suffered any lasting consequences. They all agree that Josh convicted himself and confessed his sins and there have been no subsequent incidents.

And now all these years later, I can imagine that it does traumatize and victimize them to be smeared all over the media and to be the focus of discussion in such a public way. You can imagine how it would affect your daughter if she became a public spectacle based on what happened to her.

I sometimes think we get so caught up in the sensationalism, we don't really pay attention to what we do to people.

Has it occurred to you that you are doing your part of keeping this issue alive? I ask. because this thread obviously reflects two sides of the issue, but, for some reason, only the side that condemns Josh's actions is blamed for the trauma that the media is supposedly causing the children. Yet, there would be no discussion on the issue at all, if the other side decided that it is best to leave this in the past, rather than to defend him for his obvious deviant behavior that he has confessed to.

Nobody has defended his deviant behavior. And you really think you guys wouldn't be bashing Josh Duggar day after day after day if the media had not made it into a huge story? I had never heard of Josh Duggar until this story broke.
Bullshit. Defended it by excusing it as a "mistake." A youthful "mistake." Who believes that? Only those who want to defend his behavior.
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I am very sorry that your daughter suffered such a thing. There isn't anything worse than being molested as a child. It is the most destructive thing anyone could ever do to a child. I'm a survivor. It has taken many years to overcome some things and that was even after I accepted Christ, Georgio. Many years.

There is no question that you truly love your daughter and I know that she must be very grateful to have a father who cares so much about her well being and safety. I knew a man once who couldn't forgive someone who had harmed him greatly. The person never asked forgiveness. He was diagnosed with cancer and we talked on the phone about his salvation and he prayed with me and I thought it was settled. Later on the Holy Spirit checked me that something was undone. He had unforgiveness in his heart.

So I called him back and I asked him if he had any unforgiveness towards someone and he said yes! And he told me who it was and what had happened. I asked him would you be willing to tell God - I cannot forgive this person but I willing to ask you to forgive them through me. He said, Yes! The moment he said that the burden of that pain lifted off of him and he was free of it. I told him, God is writing your name in the Lamb's book of life right now. He said, I know! I see his hand writing my name on a granite tablet! He was so happy! God actually gave him a vision of Him recording his name in the Lamb's book of life. I have never seen that happen to anyone else in my life before but it happened to him and I've never seen a man more at peace (that I can recall!) - even to the day he went home to be with the LORD.

I am going to be praying each morning for the LORD to watch over and protect you and your loved ones and that He will give you confirmation of what I've told you so that you will know it isn't just some person telling you this.

You are very precious to Jesus and I have no doubt in my heart that you are most sincere. It's rare to see and you are blessing to me today. Thank you, Georgio.

p.s. Although I tell you that I am healed of my childhood - I still cry when I read threads like this and read certain things that bring back that sorrow. It's not all roses, Georgio. I just have to be honest about that.

I'm a grandmother and I still weep over what happened to me as a child when I am reminded of it by threads like these. I never think of it unless someone brings it up by way of a discussion about child abuse. Well, I have to go now. Have a wonderful day, Georgio.

The effect that is has had on my daughters life is devastating, she went to self medicate with the pain, she has a low self esteem and I see the promise of a great life turning to more pain. The guy that molested her is out of prison, and yet his effects on my daughter have continued on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I have issue with Duggar and his parents, in my opinion, minimizing his actions. It tells me that they haven't accepted the gravity of the whole situation and the possible effects it will have on the daughters.

My daughter is coming around to admitting she needs some help other than drugs, I am hoping she can beat it. It is nice to see my daughter have hope, she is truly an amazing girl.

Jeremiah, we may disagree on things but I commend you on surviving the abuse suffered as a child and I am glad you can forgive. I don't know if I'm there yet.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter having to deal with that. Probably only those who have experienced it and/or are going through the trauma with a loved one probably fully understand.

And I think that is why nobody that I've seen has condoned or defended Josh Duggar for what he did. Certainly his family has not excused or defended it in any way. But Josh Duggar's victims were not traumatized and don't believe they have suffered any lasting consequences. They all agree that Josh convicted himself and confessed his sins and there have been no subsequent incidents.

And now all these years later, I can imagine that it does traumatize and victimize them to be smeared all over the media and to be the focus of discussion in such a public way. You can imagine how it would affect your daughter if she became a public spectacle based on what happened to her.

I sometimes think we get so caught up in the sensationalism, we don't really pay attention to what we do to people.

Has it occurred to you that you are doing your part of keeping this issue alive? I ask. because this thread obviously reflects two sides of the issue, but, for some reason, only the side that condemns Josh's actions is blamed for the trauma that the media is supposedly causing the children. Yet, there would be no discussion on the issue at all, if the other side decided that it is best to leave this in the past, rather than to defend him for his obvious deviant behavior that he has confessed to.

Nobody has defended his deviant behavior. And you really think you guys wouldn't be bashing Josh Duggar day after day after day if the media had not made it into a huge story? I had never heard of Josh Duggar until this story broke.
Bullshit. Defended it by excusing it as a "mistake." A youthful "mistake." Who believes that: Only those who want to defend his behavior.

There is too much intention in his actions to call it a 'mistake'

Also, add in the fact that he didn't think the girls noticed leaves the impression that he thought it is ok if no one says or do anything.

So not only he has demonstrated he is a sexual predator, he also lacks enough empathy to fully understand his actions.

That makes him too dangerous not to monitor. I wonder if he is on the sex offenders list? His name should be listed.

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