Journalist Attacked and Mugged by ANTIFA

Update: New footage has been found and uploaded to YouTube by journalist Michelle Malkin. This video shows a clearer view and different angles of Ngo’s assailants. It is hoped that it will lead to the identification and arrest of these suspects who are still at large. You can view the footage here:

I caught it on an aggregate site
UPDATED: Renowned journalist Andy Ngo violently assaulted by Portland Antifa

ready mix quick setting concrete .... how lovely
Nice gay pride sticker on his paper hat ...his mama bought it for him target
1 children of the nazis.jpeg
Will totally appeal to middle of the road tolerant peaceful Christians
1 roflmao.jpeg

This is CNN!
CNN's Brain Stelter defends journalist attacked by antifa
CNN's Chris Cuomo Defends Antifa: Attacks On Police ...
CNN's Don Lemon Defends Violent Antifa: 'No Organization Is ...


1 dirty white trash mama boys nazis.png

Worse still, some PMS/DSA Democrats have actually endorsed the fascist group.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

Uh boy
******* parroting their massirs narratives their anything more pathetic as the ****** slave defending its white leftwing nazi master?

Oh it's a Hannity wanna be, that's why Trump Humpers are defending him.

The ham ..i dont watch the ham

go back to sleep in massir arms

I have zero respect for ****** slaves and their white faggit democratic massirs...
If the country get and more Hispanics from the third world you'll be irrelevant to the nazi left at the voting booth long before us'll be parked and forgotten like old farm equipment ...
The more things change with the white leftwing nazi devil the more they stay the same ....EH?

The voting booth is just a means to an end for them my brotha...dont think so ?
What happens here and in Europe when a vote doesn't go their way ?
The country today might of been a different place with California alone in 1994
The people voted to cut off all benefits for illegals ...DEMOCRACY right !? so much for the vote counts eh ?
Theirs example after example of it Mr slave

The issue is never the issue the issue is always their retarded moronic revolution
The bully’s get owned... when stood up to

I've seen more violence on a playground at recess in OKC where I grew up and it was daily.

I grew up on the pine ridge Indian reservation, the drunkenness was extraordinarily violent. Especially domestically.
AIM(American Indian movement) Was especially active back then.

I grew up in Oklahoma City it had a wide variety of drunks but everyone seemed to drink a lot of booze back then..

There was no meth there in those days... just lots of alcohol.
FBI agents would not even go into the Rez...
Liquid genocide: alcohol destroyed Pine Ridge reservation – then they fought back

They wouldn't allow Indians to buy at the liquor stores in OKC if they got out of their side of town no one would deal with them.

They would just walk over the border into white clay if they had to. And spend their whole government check on alcohol...
Update: New footage has been found and uploaded to YouTube by journalist Michelle Malkin. This video shows a clearer view and different angles of Ngo’s assailants. It is hoped that it will lead to the identification and arrest of these suspects who are still at large. You can view the footage here:

I caught it on an aggregate site
UPDATED: Renowned journalist Andy Ngo violently assaulted by Portland Antifa

ready mix quick setting concrete .... how lovely
Nice gay pride sticker on his paper hat ...his mama bought it for him target
View attachment 267020
Will totally appeal to middle of the road tolerant peaceful Christians
View attachment 267021

This is CNN!
CNN's Brain Stelter defends journalist attacked by antifa
CNN's Chris Cuomo Defends Antifa: Attacks On Police ...
CNN's Don Lemon Defends Violent Antifa: 'No Organization Is ...


View attachment 267023

Portland Police and Prosecutors ain't gonna do jack-shit.
All they are concerned with is that their Commie city commissars sign their next paycheck.
Worse still, some PMS/DSA Democrats have actually endorsed the fascist group.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
It would if there was any truth to it.
Worse still, some PMS/DSA Democrats have actually endorsed the fascist group.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign

The hard truth for the Democrat Party is that 'Geriactric Joe' doesn't know if he is coming or going, in this Brave New World.
Ive been out in meat space I didnt even catch this
this is at least 10 hours old

Dumb brainwashed misfits
click to blow up thumbs

Two tokens
a VC and one slave ...all misfit retarded left wing crackas

1 busted.jpeg



1234 busted.jpeg
He's not a journalist, he's a rwnj blogger who regularly posts hate speech and bigotry.

And he got milkshake poured on him, not a beating.

sure and those uppity blacks sitting at the lunch counter got milk poured over their head and told to leave the diner... not a beating.

thats funny though, if you look at the pictures he has a bruised face, so why do you say he didnt get a beating?
Do we have any proof this actually took place?

I.mean besides daily Caller?

The fact that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS news refuses to run stories like this because it might make ANtifa look bad, doesn't necessarily make the story untrue. The reason alternative news sources even exist in the first place is because way back when all of our news sources were choreographed.

Even still, the video doesn't look fake to me. What about the video and the photos of his injuries lead you to believe it might be fake? I mean, its so hard to believe Antifa would rough someone up and scream obscenities at them isnt it?
Worse still, some PMS/DSA Democrats have actually endorsed the fascist group.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
It would if there was any truth to it.

Translation: " A thing is only true I believe it."

Answered like a 12 year old little boy.
Worse still, some PMS/DSA Democrats have actually endorsed the fascist group.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
It would if there was any truth to it.

Translation: " A thing is only true I believe it."

Answered like a 12 year old little boy.
Here is your big chance, pussy. Here is the campaign ad in question. Point to the time stamp where he endorses antifa. Put up or shut up, pussy.

Worse still, some PMS/DSA Democrats have actually endorsed the fascist group.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
It would if there was any truth to it.

Translation: " A thing is only true I believe it."

Answered like a 12 year old little boy.
Here is your big chance, pussy. Here is the campaign ad in question. Point to the time stamp where he endorses antifa. Put up or shut up, pussy.

(smile) Here you go pussy ;)

"FBI Report Shows Biden’s “Courageous Americans” in Antifa Planned an “Armed Rebellion” at U.S. Border"

FBI Report Shows Biden's "Courageous Americans" in Antifa Planned an "Armed Rebellion" at U.S. Border - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

You probably think Rump praised Neo Nazi's too ;) Your "beef" is with the FBI little boy.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
It would if there was any truth to it.

Translation: " A thing is only true I believe it."

Answered like a 12 year old little boy.
Here is your big chance, pussy. Here is the campaign ad in question. Point to the time stamp where he endorses antifa. Put up or shut up, pussy.

(smile) Here you go pussy ;)

"FBI Report Shows Biden’s “Courageous Americans” in Antifa Planned an “Armed Rebellion” at U.S. Border"

FBI Report Shows Biden's "Courageous Americans" in Antifa Planned an "Armed Rebellion" at U.S. Border - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

You probably think Rump praised Neo Nazi's too ;) Your "beef" is with the FBI little boy.

Your deflection is duly noted.

You can't point to a time in the video because it didn't happen.

Will Biden do?


Joe Biden just announced he is running for president and kicked off his campaign by praising the violent extremist left wing group known as Antifa. Biden called the fringe group "courageous" and stated that it's wrong to "draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them" according to the Daily Caller.

The Antifa group is well known for it's violent antics, showing up at events run by people on the opposite side of politics, and causing disturbances, damage, and overall not really accomplishing anything except making a scene. The group often protests against anyone advocating for free speech and have gone against journalists as well."

Joe Biden praises Antifa to start his presidential campaign
It would if there was any truth to it.

Translation: " A thing is only true I believe it."

Answered like a 12 year old little boy.
Here is your big chance, pussy. Here is the campaign ad in question. Point to the time stamp where he endorses antifa. Put up or shut up, pussy.

(smile) Here you go pussy ;)

"FBI Report Shows Biden’s “Courageous Americans” in Antifa Planned an “Armed Rebellion” at U.S. Border"

FBI Report Shows Biden's "Courageous Americans" in Antifa Planned an "Armed Rebellion" at U.S. Border - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

You probably think Rump praised Neo Nazi's too ;) Your "beef" is with the FBI little boy.

You need to be careful old man.
He isn't a part of media, dumb shit.
Read your own posts then, shitforbrains.

Give us a break down of the media, idiot.
I thought Trump Humpers loved seeing the media being attacked.

Moron. You’re the one saying he’s the media.

He is a part of the media, dumbass.
He isn't a part of media, dumb shit.

He is a part of the media, dumbass.

There you have it folks. Leftardism in all of its glory.

What we see is dumbass, right wing morons.

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