Journalists flood to work in Obama administration…

The left has gone Full Orwell.

Did they need to be told "1984" was a warning, not a blue print?
It's a 'short walk across the street' philosophically from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to a dimocrap regime.

And when dimocraps are shown the door in 2016, they'll just simply 'walk back across the street' to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM but this time, with more laurels after having served the Kommissars in the dimocrap party.

There's no difference in the two entities. It's like Hitlerian Germany. There's just no difference between the State Run Media and the State. Same people, same philosophies, same goals........

Total control
not 1 peep from the left
I could never allow my beliefs to be lied about for me
not 1 peep from the left
I could never allow my beliefs to be lied about for me

Liberalism is founded on lies.

Common liberals are devoted to ignorance. They're mindless zealots to whatever fuhrer manages to attract their attention. If it wasn't for "people" like these, criminally insane authortarian sociopaths like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao etc could never gain the power to murder millions.

Liberal ignorance is mankinds greatest liability.
not 1 peep from the left
I could never allow my beliefs to be lied about for me

Liberalism is founded on lies.

Common liberals are devoted to ignorance. They're mindless zealots to whatever fuhrer manages to attract their attention. If it wasn't for "people" like these, criminally insane authortarian sociopaths like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao etc could never gain the power to murder millions.

Liberal ignorance is mankinds greatest liability.

Pete many of them are just been lied to so much they are not strong wnough to admit how wrong it really is
Global warming is based on the premis that the sun can get through C02 emissions one way, but cannot get back throught the other way
another new report came out this morning and the weather channel at 5 AM was having orgasams
Temp sense 1900 was up 1 degree and the oceans had risen 7 inches I think
tried to explain how a glass of ice with water would not rise but a ocean with ice and water could
I mean from tides to wind direction to moon cycles to the where, the when, the dredging, hell I dont know

this year where I am had more record lows than any I can remember and I do not recall 1 record hi here this year
not 1 peep from the left
I could never allow my beliefs to be lied about for me

They don't care, JRK.

They just don't care.

They're like little worker ants, they just keep mindlessly doing what it is they're programmed to do.

They don't care what you think. They only want to push 'the narrative' -- whatever it is that day.

They'll come in here, scream a lie and not even look back to see if anybody believes it or not. They just want to get the narrative out there and whether it's believed or not is irrelevant.

Unfortunately, it works.

How many lies has the piece of fucking shit we have in office told and how many has he been held to account for?

Think about it.

As long as the dirtbags on the left have the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM on their side, they control the conversation. And they know it.

They just don't care what you or I..... Or anybody else thinks.
not 1 peep from the left
I could never allow my beliefs to be lied about for me

They don't care, JRK.

They just don't care.

They're like little worker ants, they just keep mindlessly doing what it is they're programmed to do.

They don't care what you think. They only want to push 'the narrative' -- whatever it is that day.

They'll come in here, scream a lie and not even look back to see if anybody believes it or not. They just want to get the narrative out there and whether it's believed or not is irrelevant.

Unfortunately, it works.

How many lies has the piece of fucking shit we have in office told and how many has he been held to account for?

Think about it.

As long as the dirtbags on the left have the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM on their side, they control the conversation. And they know it.

They just don't care what you or I..... Or anybody else thinks.

It is truly sad
I just googled about how much Obama had added to the debt and 50% of the items that came in return talked about how BHO spends less than any president sense DE in the 50s because tarp, the failed stimulsu as well as the Omnibus he signed into law in 2009 all got counted against GWB
They know W did not sign for any of it but 270 billion of tarp, that we got back'the other 1.4 to 1.6 trillion BHO signed for
the defict (the last GOP budget) was in 07 was 161 billion, we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent closew to 3.6 trillion
and people actually blame GWB for that increase when the last 350 biilion of tarp. the 800 billon in stimulus and the 500 billion Omnibus are all the dems and BHO
not one peep
Those journalists who recently got a job in the Obama administration are, without a doubt, faithful Republicans, who got tired of hearing time after time that the media is liberal, and decided to prove that rumor wrong.

P.S. I am not a comedian, so if my attempt at humor goes over like a lead balloon, blame me.
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those journalists who recently got a job in the obama administration are, without a doubt, faithful republicans, who got tired of hearing time after time that the media is liberal, and decided to prove that rumor wrong.

P.s. I am not a comedian, so if my attempt at humor goes over like a lead balloon, blame me.


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