Jr just destroyed a key part of Muellers case

Unfortunately getting "dirt" on one's opponent is just the nature of the beast known as politics.
And you are a lying little bitch. The proper course for Trump Jr. would have been to immediatly notify the FBI concerning that e-mail. That is according to Larry Pinetta, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director. Essentially, Don Jr. was agreeing to treason when he failed to do that.
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

Gathering opposition research on your opponent is very much common in politics. This has been going on for over 200 years. To pretend that there is suddenly something "unethical" about it is a joke.

I don't know if the left realizes this but the whole entire incident completely buries the "Russian collusion" narrative. If Trump was colluding with the Russian government, why would his son need to meet with this lawyer to get dirt on Hillary?

What is coming out now is, this woman is tied to the same group who orchestrated the Trump Dossier.
No disagreement here. We are still left with the fact that the administration's ham handed way of handling this has hurt our agenda. We have to live with that result until some legislation of some kind that actually changes things is passed.
Not going to happen until a large number of the GOP agree to work with the Dems to get this done. You see, the GOP is so fractured that they can get nothing done in spite of having majorities in both Houses and the Executive. As long as they kowtow to the "Conservatives", they will get nothing done.
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

Don't you worry your little head about it, there is plenty left for Mueller to ask.
Unfortunately getting "dirt" on one's opponent is just the nature of the beast known as politics.
And you are a lying little bitch. The proper course for Trump Jr. would have been to immediatly notify the FBI concerning that e-mail. That is according to Larry Pinetta, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director. Essentially, Don Jr. was agreeing to treason when he failed to do that.

Really? That's worse than paying unknown Russian informants for dirt on Trump?
Good piece at the Hill. Thanks the Dude.

Trump Jr. did, however, have full reason to suspect Clinton had operated nefariously in her dealings with Russia. Bill Clinton had given a $500,000 speech in Russia. Clinton had given her approval in handing one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia, after which her foundation received $2.35 million from the Russian-controlled company. Suspiciously, Clinton did not disclose the transaction.

Likewise, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta sat on the board of a company that received $35 million from the Russian government alongside fellow board members Anatoly Chubais, a senior Russian official, and Ruben Vardanyan, an oligarch.

Given this context, why wouldn’t Trump Jr. be open to taking a meeting that offered evidence of incriminating Clinton dealings with Russia, particularly when most of the media refused to look into Clinton’s question-raising actions?

Trump Jr. honestly stated days ago that he was interested in “claims of potentially helpful information.” His email chain confirms his intentions even though, in the end, the information was merely a pretext for the Russian lawyer to push her own agenda related to the impact of Western sanctions on adoption of Russian children.

OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

Clinton had no part in the approval of the sale of the uranium mine, nor was any uranium sold to Russia.

This lie has been debunked so many times but Donnie keeps repeating it and the idiot faction continues to parrot the lies.

9 agencies had to approve the deal including the State Department and she was head of the agency. Uranium is considered a "strategic asset". Her ties to the Ukraine and the Ukrainian oligarchs are far more worrisome than the Russian ties.

ETA: Uranium One was sold to Rosatom. Russian government and they got the uranium.

Rosatom owns the uranium and it's still in the United States. Uranium One has no export permit for the uranium and it cannot be sold abroad.

Hillary was Secretary of State, but she personally had no part in reviewing or approving the deal. State's approval was not high up on the approval ladder. The big player was the Energy Department.
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.
I don't think you understand how perjury or proving it works.
Unfortunately getting "dirt" on one's opponent is just the nature of the beast known as politics.
And you are a lying little bitch. The proper course for Trump Jr. would have been to immediatly notify the FBI concerning that e-mail. That is according to Larry Pinetta, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director. Essentially, Don Jr. was agreeing to treason when he failed to do that.

Really? That's worse than paying unknown Russian informants for dirt on Trump?
When, who, and where, little Russian bitch.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
"I have nothing to do with Russia." January 10, 2017. President Trump. Tweeted again on Jan 11. Many more examples. You can be an ostrich on this issue that is your right.

I thought we were talking about Don Jr.? So what if Trump tweeted "I have nothing to do with Russia"? What would you expect such an open statement to mean? Are you saying Jr. reported the incident to daddy, and daddy conveniently forgot and therefore broke something by tweeting "I have nothing to do with Russia"?

Say, if someone accused me of Russian conspiracy, I suppose I could conspire to say "I have nothing to do with Russia". Then someone would remind me my great-grandfather was Russian, a flaming conspiracy.
Do you really think Jr set up a meeting with a Rep from the Russian government that claimed to have damning info on Clinton, called in Manafort and Kushy and Trump had no Idea?? Do you REALLY think that?

Furthermore, do you really think Flynn took it upon himself to call the Russians and tell them not to react to Obamas sanctions without Trumps knowledge. Do you REALLY think that happened?

I see. So Trump had his head in all things. The dude is amazing
So you don't think he knew about either of these things? Whats your best guess?
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

Just about everybody loves sausage. How it tastes, smells, etc. . .

Very few people care to see how it is made.
Yeah dude, are you reading this shit? All he is doing is spamming

Actually I find his posts a touch funny, a bit telling, and they kinda make sense. He is equating all the fake news (crap) posted in here by your people with the "news" from sites like the HuffPo and Mother Jones, etc. Said "news" has a lot in common with the fake emails from Nigerian Prince in that both Democrats and Nigerians are, in effect, trying to sell us a blind mule.

I find that Trees' approach a novel one because I think most of us never looked at it quite in this way.

I applaud you, Tree, for the entertainment you have provided by your humorous posts and the holier than thou responses that followed. Well done my friend!
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.
I don't think you understand how perjury or proving it works.
Yeah could be. But then I'm always learning. Please help.
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

Oh for god's sake, what a rationalization. Has it crossed your simple mind that Mueller may know about this meeting already? Good fucking grief. Sorry Bob didn't email you with an update on his findings.
It was reported today that Mueller just found out about it when we did.
If Hillary colluded with Russia, why did they release the DNC emails and not the RNC emails?

I believe the IF the Russians were involved, I think that they were trying to disrupt the whole process, but they were unable to defeat the firewalls and security measures of the RNC's cybersecurity team.

If the Russians were helping Hillary, why were all of the leaked emails detrimental to her campaign?

Another alt-Left ploy. Focus on the leaking/hacking (Phishing Expedition) instead of the truths revealed in the damaging emails that Hilary/Democrat Party are corrupt, and unethical, cheaters.

Why was Trump thanking WikiLeaks and asking the Russians to hack her emails?

If the tables were turned, you (meaning the Left) would be praising and glorifying WikiLeaks, and Hilary as President would be giving Assaunge the Medal of Freedom

Trump keeps lying but his lies have no basic in fact or in logic.

Okay, now I understand.

If YOU don't agree with what Trump said because it doesn't meet YOUR narrative, it MUST be a lie.

To YOU, if Obama or Hilary lied, well, "they just miss-spoke". If Trump miss-speaks, well, "he is a dirty rotten lying bastard!"

I think Democrats need to change the name of their party to "Double Standards-R-Us".
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Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

He released the chain to try to be in front of a NYT story.

But I expect that you Trumpettes would defend his collusion with the Russians.

After all, you support a business cheat, liar, fraud & groper to be President.

What next, defending Trump on child rape? Wait, you already did that.

Your orange buddy said no one in his campaign had contact with the Russians let alone collude with them. Yet another lie that you feeble mind people will ignore.
the GOP agree to work with the Dems to get this done

I've got a better idea. How about the obstructionist DEMS work with the GOP to get anything done?

Your statement implies that "work with the Dems" means the Dems are in charge and the GOP must help them get what THEY want.

NEWS FLASH! Dems don't hold the Presidency, either house of congress, or the SCOTUS. DEMS DON'T TOTALLY GET THEIR WAY!

Live with it Lefty's
Yeah dude, are you reading this shit? All he is doing is spamming

Actually I find his posts a touch funny, a bit telling, and they kinda make sense. He is equating all the fake news (crap) posted in here by your people with the "news" from sites like the HuffPo and Mother Jones, etc. Said "news" has a lot in common with the fake emails from Nigerian Prince in that both Democrats and Nigerians are, in effect, trying to sell us a blind mule.

I find that Trees' approach a novel one because I think most of us never looked at it quite in this way.

I applaud you, Tree, for the entertainment you have provided by your humorous posts and the holier than thou responses that followed. Well done my friend!
Would be nice if our country could have mature and intelligent conversations... I don't see how applauding grade school retorts helps that situation. Grow up
Yeah dude, are you reading this shit? All he is doing is spamming

Actually I find his posts a touch funny, a bit telling, and they kinda make sense. He is equating all the fake news (crap) posted in here by your people with the "news" from sites like the HuffPo and Mother Jones, etc. Said "news" has a lot in common with the fake emails from Nigerian Prince in that both Democrats and Nigerians are, in effect, trying to sell us a blind mule.

I find that Trees' approach a novel one because I think most of us never looked at it quite in this way.

I applaud you, Tree, for the entertainment you have provided by your humorous posts and the holier than thou responses that followed. Well done my friend!
Would be nice if our country could have mature and intelligent conversations... I don't see how applauding grade school retorts helps that situation. Grow up

Okay, I get it. Because YOU can't recognize the humor or subtle truth in what Tree said, WE need to "grow up"

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll get right on it! /sarc
Yeah dude, are you reading this shit? All he is doing is spamming

Actually I find his posts a touch funny, a bit telling, and they kinda make sense. He is equating all the fake news (crap) posted in here by your people with the "news" from sites like the HuffPo and Mother Jones, etc. Said "news" has a lot in common with the fake emails from Nigerian Prince in that both Democrats and Nigerians are, in effect, trying to sell us a blind mule.

I find that Trees' approach a novel one because I think most of us never looked at it quite in this way.

I applaud you, Tree, for the entertainment you have provided by your humorous posts and the holier than thou responses that followed. Well done my friend!
Would be nice if our country could have mature and intelligent conversations... I don't see how applauding grade school retorts helps that situation. Grow up

Okay, I get it. Because YOU can't recognize the humor or subtle truth in what Tree said, WE need to "grow up"

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll get right on it! /sarc
It was fine the first time he posted it, I got the point. But when I tried engage with him and talk substance he ignored my questions and kept copy and pasting spam emails, he lost all respect and became an immature troll... and you're applauding that
If Hillary colluded with Russia, why did they release the DNC emails and not the RNC emails?

I believe the IF the Russians were involved, I think that they were trying to disrupt the whole process, but they were unable to defeat the firewalls and security measures of the RNC's cybersecurity team.

If the Russians were helping Hillary, why were all of the leaked emails detrimental to her campaign?

Another alt-Left ploy. Focus on the leaking/hacking (Phishing Expedition) instead of the truths revealed in the damaging emails that Hilary/Democrat Party are corrupt, and unethical, cheaters.

Why was Trump thanking WikiLeaks and asking the Russians to hack her emails?

If the tables were turned, you (meaning the Left) would be praising and glorifying WikiLeaks, and Hilary as President would be giving Assaunge the Medal of Freedom

Trump keeps lying but his lies have no basic in fact or in logic.

Okay, now I understand.

If YOU don't agree with what Trump said because it doesn't meet YOUR narrative, it MUST be a lie.

To YOU, if Obama or Hilary lied, well, "they just miss-spoke". If Trump miss-speaks, well, "he is a dirty rotten lying bastard!"

I think Democrats need to change the name of their party to "Double Standards-R-Us".
LOL So you think that Putin doesn't have the full contents of the GOP computers? What a trusting little feller. I guess that would be a good reason why the GOP seems to be an arm of the Russian government at present.

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