Juan Williams: Liberal media will ‘shut you down, stab you, kill you, fire you’ if yo


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Grae Stafford

Fox News political analyst and “Special Report” panelist Juan Williams said in an interview with The Daily Caller’s Ginni Thomas that mainstream media outlets “stab” and “kill” dissenting voices.

Williams was fired from National Public Radio in 2010 after saying he sometimes gets “nervous” when seated on an airplane with Muslims, while making a broader point about the importance of religious tolerance.

“I always thought it was the Archie Bunkers of the world, the right-wingers of world, who were more resistant and more closed-minded about hearing the other side,” he said. “In fact, what I have learned is, in a very painful way — and I can open this shirt and show you the scars and the knife wounds — is that it is big media institutions who are identifiably more liberal to left-leaning who will shut you down, stab you and kill you, fire you, if they perceive that you are not telling the story in the way that they want it told.”


Read more:
Juan Williams: Liberal media will shut you down, stab you, kill you, fire you if disagree [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
Even though I rarely agree with him, I do respect him.

Even though I believe many of his beliefs are wrong, he truly believes them and he is rarely nasty with those who disagree with him.
By Matthew Boyle
Investigative Reporter

National Public Radio spokeswoman Anna Christopher told The Daily Caller on Friday afternoon that she wasn’t sure which information NPR would release regarding Chief Executive Vivian Schiller’s salary and bonuses – but some of those numbers appeared in a Washington Post story late Friday night.

“I most certainly don’t need to answer to you,” Christopher told TheDC when asked for further clarification on Saturday.

NPR’s board of directors is withholding Schiller’s next bonus as a penalty for her mismanagement of the Juan Williams debacle. The partially taxpayer funded media outlet won’t say how much that bonus would have been, but the Post reported that last year Schiller was paid a bonus of $112,500.

Read more:
NPR misleads on bonus CEO Vivian Schiller lost over Juan Williams firing | The Daily Caller
That doesn't make him any less of a disinfo-spreading liar. There's no honor in believing lies.

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