Judge advises jurors to never disclose they were on the jury.

At least we know from Merrick Garland it is ok to protest and riot in front of the home of a judge.

He testified as much to Congress. So its a green light to protest this corrupt judge.
What a POS judge. So corrupt.

I take Maxine Waters speech about harassing the opposition party in public and apply it to this judge.
Or in danger if media asked them, "how did you determine that a woman with a modest career and means was worth $83M for a few mean words"? "Also, if you believe this is a nice value, what would someone in NY who was physically beaten by a cop or someone on the street be worth in a civil suit"?
You don't know what purpose punitive damages serve; do you?
Or in danger if media asked them, "how did you determine that a woman with a modest career and means was worth $83M for a few mean words"? "Also, if you believe this is a nice value, what would someone in NY who was physically beaten by a cop or someone on the street be worth in a civil suit"?
the verdict , only $83M was not enough to have the necessarty effect - go get an azzwhole to shut up.

the founders had a better solution to this "defamation" business, one that would certainly have the desired effect.
What purpose does it serve for the jurors to remain secret? Sounds like a Red Star court case.
Why would you complain about the amount of the punitive damages if you knew their purpose and why are you changing the subject?

You really don't know the purpose of the jurors keeping this secret?

I guess you have some reading to do?
I just love your admission that your justice or a sense of right/wrong is based on political bias.
Pointing out that all of these so called trials are taking place in liberal districts...brought by liberal DA's...overseen by liberal judges...and with juries selected from overwhelmingly liberal pools...isn't "political bias", Otto...it's simply the fact. Is there really "justice" when you're brought to trial with the deck totally stacked against you? Thankfully we have a Justice System that allows appeals to higher courts so that political show trials like this one aren't allowed to stand.
Sounds advice IMHO.

They could be in real danger if the MAGAts get ahold of their names.

Trump's mob reminds me of the brown shirt mobs of the 1930's in Germany conducting thuggish vigilantism. In this case against participants in the legal system trying to hold Don accountable for his crimes.
Trump's mob reminds me of the brown shirt mobs of the 1930's in Germany conducting thuggish vigilantism. In this case against participants in the legal system trying to hold Don accountable for his crimes.
A very accurate analogy indeed.

Expect whataboutism and false equivalence in response.
They didn't do that. You're very confused.

Those are mostly punitive damages based on Trumps worth, not hers.
Again, I use the simple comparison. The world sees this financial punishment differently.

P&G, a MASSIVE, multi billion dollar company paid $333M for poisoning and impacting the health of 600 American citizens. Allegations from cancer to various, serious health issues.

How is what Trump said even in the same ballpark?

You are weaponing agencies to protect the career political Oligarchs. America will fall if this is the case, just as Gorbachev warned America after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. "Do not become arrogant".

It seems you are becoming more like the nation your Forefathers left behind. It will be the end of the West and the American system that succeeded for 250+ years.
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Speaking as a lawyer, Crepitus? Or as a devoted fan of The View? :)
I'm definitely no lawyer, but I regularly associate with a few and I read a lot.

To my understanding every time something went into evidence and tRump's lawyer failed to object was a lost opportunity for appeal, and there were many many other failures on the part of his counsel. Additionally incompetent counsel isn't grounds for appeal in a civil trial.

That he will try to appeal is a given, that it will be heard is not.

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