Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

I think I smell the stench of a wedge issue here.

I'm pretty sure apple, if given the phone, would happily make available to whatever extent is possible, the data on that phone for law enforcement to review at their leisure. And I'm ok with that.

Unfortunately and I suspect that's not what law enforcement wants. Law enforcement wants apple to give them the technology to open every iphone. Not just the terrorist iphone.

And so If that's the case, I'm on apples side.
Well the ruling, if it stands, allows the government to tell private biz what to do and when to do it.

for our own good.

don't ask and pay for Apples help, force them

I for one support apple in this case. The government as we all know spends a lot of time on fishing expeditions without rhyme, reason, or warrant. They are not worthy of our trust.
I think I smell the stench of a wedge issue here.

I'm pretty sure apple, if given the phone, would happily make available to whatever extent is possible, the data on that phone for law enforcement to review at their leisure. And I'm ok with that.

Unfortunately and I suspect that's not what law enforcement wants. Law enforcement wants apple to give them the technology to open every iphone. Not just the terrorist iphone.

And so If that's the case, I'm on apples side.
We all know about your infantile "suspicions".
The Government is required to go before a Federal judge and get a ruling to mine the data in private business's or individual's cell phone, computer etc. in the interest of national security on a case by case bases.
The legal precedent was established decades ago.

Said the full blown idiot.

Your reply ignores everything in my comment. In it's entirety. So get back to me when you wise up.If it even possible.
YOUR WORDS! "Unfortunately and I suspect that's not what law enforcement wants. Law enforcement wants apple to give them the technology to open every iphone. Not just the terrorist iphone."
You stupid creep.
I responded by saying LE/Government are not legally able to make Apple "give up the technology to open every phone".
LE/Government must convince a Federal judge the data could bevital to national security.
You childess paranoia is just that. Wise up asshole.

Dude, you're euther a deeply stupid man for actually thinking the government is always honest, or you're a liar.
I have a 10 year old grandson who could hack that phone in 15 minutes.

You are really quite delusional, ignorant, misinformed and low information. You don't vote do you?

Not so fast pal. My 14 year old grandson and 16 year old granddaughter were able to provide me with tech support on my iphone 6 plus that was beyond the capability's of my cell service provider. Just saying.
so now the Fed gov can order a privately owned company around.

for our safety, of course.

mmmm, love that little slice of tyranny
Trump says apple should cooperate
thanks for letting me know

fyi; I'm not a republican and wouldn't vote for trump who I think is nothing more than another statist.
I'm just thinking, shouldn't Republicans have a problem with making a private company do something they don't want to do? What about privacy?
I think I smell the stench of a wedge issue here.

I'm pretty sure apple, if given the phone, would happily make available to whatever extent is possible, the data on that phone for law enforcement to review at their leisure. And I'm ok with that.

Unfortunately and I suspect that's not what law enforcement wants. Law enforcement wants apple to give them the technology to open every iphone. Not just the terrorist iphone.

And so If that's the case, I'm on apples side.
That's exactly what this is about. . .

Read the letter yourself.

February 16, 2016 A Message to Our Customers

The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand.

This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake.
Customer Letter - Apple
so now the Fed gov can order a privately owned company around.

for our safety, of course.

mmmm, love that little slice of tyranny
Trump says apple should cooperate
I'm beginning to think Trump is a Brzezinski pawn, just like Obama was. This will just mean more of the same screwed up foreign policy and international entanglements.

As weird as it may sound, I think secretly, Obama may want Trump to win.

MSNBC Gives Trump-Loving Hosts An Hourlong Special With Trump
MSNBC Gives Trump-Loving Hosts An Hourlong Special With Trump

Barack Obama and Zbigniew Brzezinski - Obama's Real Motives
Barack Obama and Zbigniew Brzezinski - Obama's Real Motives : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

NBCNews.com Video Player
so now the Fed gov can order a privately owned company around.

for our safety, of course.

mmmm, love that little slice of tyranny
Trump says apple should cooperate
thanks for letting me know

fyi; I'm not a republican and wouldn't vote for trump who I think is nothing more than another statist.
I'm just thinking, shouldn't Republicans have a problem with making a private company do something they don't want to do? What about privacy?
If a terrorist kidnapped your daughter and left their cell phone behind would you want the government to be able to open the phone? That is essentially the case here. Who knows what future terrorists murders of innocent people the cell phone in this case might prevent?
Charles Krauthammer offered the perfect solution:
Just give the cell phone to Apple. Tell them "Take the cell phone anywhere you want. Do whatever you need to look at what's on the cell phone. Give us what you find on the cell phone. You keep the cell phone and destroy it if you want. How you get the data is your business. Your people already know how to do what you need to do. You have been able for decades to keep your secrets secret within your company. Just do it again."
If in the future the Government needs to go to Apple again in the future both parties know there's no problem.
I have a 10 year old grandson who could hack that phone in 15 minutes.

You are really quite delusional, ignorant, misinformed and low information. You don't vote do you?

Not so fast pal. My 14 year old grandson and 16 year old granddaughter were able to provide me with tech support on my iphone 6 plus that was beyond the capability's of my cell service provider. Just saying.

Pressing the ON button has nothing to do with the operating system nitwit.
Trump says apple should cooperate

IMO The Donald does not understand the situation. He does not realize that by Apple having engineers hack their operating system that has been refined for decades and is much more secure than Windows, it endangers millions and millions of users and the entire Apple concept.

The Muslim Terrorists did what they did because of Obama and the zionist controlled Congress make Muslim Terrorists safe in America. It has nothing to do with Apple.
Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

Associated Press
By TAMI ABDOLLAH and ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press
1 hr ago


WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. magistrate ordered Apple Inc. on Tuesday to help the Obama administration hack into an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the December attack in San Bernardino, California, in a first-of-its-kind ruling that pits digital privacy against national security interests.

The ruling by Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym, a former federal prosecutor, requires Apple to supply highly specialized software the FBI can load onto the county-owned work iPhone to bypass a self-destruct feature, which erases the phone's data after too many unsuccessful attempts to unlock it. The FBI wants to be able to try different combinations in rapid sequence until it finds the right one.

The decision gives the Justice Department a significant victory in an entrenched technology policy battle, as more-powerful encryption services threaten the ability of federal agents to uncover important evidence in criminal or terrorism cases. The Obama administration, which has embraced stronger encryption as a way to keep consumers safe on the Internet, had struggled to find a compelling example to make its case.

The ruling Tuesday tied the problem to the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people in a Dec. 2 shooting at a holiday luncheon for Farook's co-workers. The couple later died in a gun battle with police.

Federal prosecutors told the judge in a court application Tuesday that they can't access a work phone used by Syed Farook because they don't know his passcode and Apple has not cooperated. Under U.S. law, a work phone is generally the property of a person's employer. The judge told Apple to provide an estimate of its cost to comply with her order, suggesting that the government will be expected to pay for the work.


"It is a big problem for law enforcement armed with a search warrant when you find a device that can't be opened even when a judge says there's probable cause to open it," Comey said. "It affects our counterterrorism work. San Bernardino, a very important investigation to us, we still have one of those killers' phones that we have not been able to open, and it's been over two months and we're still working on it."

Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

Aside from the obvious question already posted (i.e., the feds incapable without Apple's help?) --- I would like to know why these kinds of matters are leaked into the public domain? Should this not be a more secret matter between the FBI and a judge or Apple top brass? Should they not be doing this kind of clandestine operations without barking to the public "Apple won't help us?"
Trump says apple should cooperate

IMO The Donald does not understand the situation. He does not realize that by Apple having engineers hack their operating system that has been refined for decades and is much more secure than Windows, it endangers millions and millions of users and the entire Apple concept.

The Muslim Terrorists did what they did because of Obama and the zionist controlled Congress make Muslim Terrorists safe in America. It has nothing to do with Apple.
Bye asshole!
The first thing I do when I see a member here use the word "zionist" is to put them on Permanent Ignore.
Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

Associated Press
By TAMI ABDOLLAH and ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press
1 hr ago


WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. magistrate ordered Apple Inc. on Tuesday to help the Obama administration hack into an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the December attack in San Bernardino, California, in a first-of-its-kind ruling that pits digital privacy against national security interests.

The ruling by Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym, a former federal prosecutor, requires Apple to supply highly specialized software the FBI can load onto the county-owned work iPhone to bypass a self-destruct feature, which erases the phone's data after too many unsuccessful attempts to unlock it. The FBI wants to be able to try different combinations in rapid sequence until it finds the right one.

The decision gives the Justice Department a significant victory in an entrenched technology policy battle, as more-powerful encryption services threaten the ability of federal agents to uncover important evidence in criminal or terrorism cases. The Obama administration, which has embraced stronger encryption as a way to keep consumers safe on the Internet, had struggled to find a compelling example to make its case.

The ruling Tuesday tied the problem to the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people in a Dec. 2 shooting at a holiday luncheon for Farook's co-workers. The couple later died in a gun battle with police.

Federal prosecutors told the judge in a court application Tuesday that they can't access a work phone used by Syed Farook because they don't know his passcode and Apple has not cooperated. Under U.S. law, a work phone is generally the property of a person's employer. The judge told Apple to provide an estimate of its cost to comply with her order, suggesting that the government will be expected to pay for the work.


"It is a big problem for law enforcement armed with a search warrant when you find a device that can't be opened even when a judge says there's probable cause to open it," Comey said. "It affects our counterterrorism work. San Bernardino, a very important investigation to us, we still have one of those killers' phones that we have not been able to open, and it's been over two months and we're still working on it."

Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

Aside from the obvious question already posted (i.e., the feds incapable without Apple's help?) --- I would like to know why these kinds of matters are leaked into the public domain? Should this not be a more secret matter between the FBI and a judge or Apple top brass? Should they not be doing this kind of clandestine operations without barking to the public "Apple won't help us?"
It's great advertising for Apple obviously. "See not even the government can break into your Apple devices".
Apple is playing a PR game.
Behind the scenes Apple would very much like to keep its multibillion dollar contracts with the US Government.
Apple, a virtual radical LIB rat's nest KNOW if they are still fucking around when Trump is inaugurated they are fucked. There is LOTS of competition to APPLE of there. Maybe it's time to start awarding all the contracts to APPLE'S competitors for a decade?
A REP. President who don't take no 'Apple' shit. Every fucking 'appropriations dollar controlled by a REP controlled Congress. A REP controlled Senate. A Rep controlled SC for decades to come.
Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

Associated Press
By TAMI ABDOLLAH and ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press
1 hr ago


WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. magistrate ordered Apple Inc. on Tuesday to help the Obama administration hack into an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the December attack in San Bernardino, California, in a first-of-its-kind ruling that pits digital privacy against national security interests.

The ruling by Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym, a former federal prosecutor, requires Apple to supply highly specialized software the FBI can load onto the county-owned work iPhone to bypass a self-destruct feature, which erases the phone's data after too many unsuccessful attempts to unlock it. The FBI wants to be able to try different combinations in rapid sequence until it finds the right one.

The decision gives the Justice Department a significant victory in an entrenched technology policy battle, as more-powerful encryption services threaten the ability of federal agents to uncover important evidence in criminal or terrorism cases. The Obama administration, which has embraced stronger encryption as a way to keep consumers safe on the Internet, had struggled to find a compelling example to make its case.

The ruling Tuesday tied the problem to the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people in a Dec. 2 shooting at a holiday luncheon for Farook's co-workers. The couple later died in a gun battle with police.

Federal prosecutors told the judge in a court application Tuesday that they can't access a work phone used by Syed Farook because they don't know his passcode and Apple has not cooperated. Under U.S. law, a work phone is generally the property of a person's employer. The judge told Apple to provide an estimate of its cost to comply with her order, suggesting that the government will be expected to pay for the work.


"It is a big problem for law enforcement armed with a search warrant when you find a device that can't be opened even when a judge says there's probable cause to open it," Comey said. "It affects our counterterrorism work. San Bernardino, a very important investigation to us, we still have one of those killers' phones that we have not been able to open, and it's been over two months and we're still working on it."

Judge: Apple must help US hack San Bernardino killer's phone

Apparently Apple has unlocked over 70 phones for the feds in the past.
Why are they protecting this one?
so now the Fed gov can order a privately owned company around.

for our safety, of course.

mmmm, love that little slice of tyranny

Unfortunately the precedent was set under Bush that the government can over-reach in terms of fighting against what the government labels as "terrorist" thanks to the so called "War on terror" that was coined and given power under Bush. That's not to say Obama hasn't continued the same thing, only that Pandora's box was opened and it's going to take a long time for that one to close if ever.

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