Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

We'll? Since the other goober couldn't answer, can you?
Is Trump above the law?


But he is not supposed to be beneath it either. He's not supposed to be hounded and harassed by political activists pretending to be law enforcement and acting at the behest of his chief political rival.
Show where Trump " stole millions from a * Charity ".
Where was this determined.In what report of major News.
A Charity that was supposed to go to Children.
The Charity being St.Judes Childrens Hospital.
I find that unbelievably absurd.The most premier Childrens
Hospital in the United States.Started by a living saint Danny Thomas.
Plus he used his Office of the President in this scandal.
Where did the money Trump stole { according to Yuz } while
Potus end up.There would have been a major accounting of.
I think yer making this up and rearranging the deck chairs
to make it sound as horrible as possible.Like virtually everything
out of the babes of juvenile scumbags of the Democrat ilk.
You find it unbelievably absurd, minus a failed counter argument to my link. Lol! What a loser and a failure. You ain't got shit Jim Bob.
Is Trump above the law?


But he is not supposed to be beneath it either. He's not supposed to be hounded and harassed by political activists pretending to be law enforcement and acting at the behest of his chief political rival.
We'll, evidence says he's not benath it, because above it, there's an incredible amount that proves he has. And the DOJ and the FBI are going to follow through.

And if you can't live with that, then we are waiting for the riot.
BINGO!...You think you know the law because you read a few Links.
You're an idiot.
The guy is sick in love { hell bent and Hell awaiting } to prove
his absurd loyalty or fealty to proven Unamerican liars and
twats { Democrats }.
I already did with my links. Since you can't read, you become boring and dull with your spin. :spinner:
I could suggest that you need medical help real quick.Not for
yourself but those nearby yer hovel.No way could you live
near sane healthy citizens.They'd be left with having to call
the closest funny farm with men in white coats { think Professor
Irwin Corey } to use their Paddy Wagon.
But since there's shortage of available electricity I guess that
means that the Electric Shock room would be unavailable.
Thereby meaning other Nutters at the Funny Farm would have
to put up with yer antics.Like around here.
Where replys are about as meaningless as watching pigeons
poop off New York City apartment complex.
Just a nutter day in the park.
Unless yer one them nuts from Scarsdale.
I bet yer more disgusting looking than Jerrold Nadler.
Washing yer mouth out with soap only makes soap
The guy is sick in love { hell bent and Hell awaiting } to prove
his absurd loyalty or fealty to proven Unamerican liars and
twats { Democrats }.

I could suggest that you need medical help real quick.Not for
yourself but those nearby yer hovel.No way could you live
near sane healthy citizens.They'd be left with having to call
the closest funny farm with men in white coats { think Professor
Irwin Corey } to use their Paddy Wagon.
But since there's shortage of available electricity I guess that
means that the Electric Shock room would be unavailable.
Thereby meaning other Nutters at the Funny Farm would have
to put up with yer antics.Like around here.
Where replys are about as meaningless as watching pigeons
poop off New York City apartment complex.
Just a nutter day in the park.
Unless yer one them nuts from Scarsdale.
I bet yer more disgusting looking than Jerrold Nadler.
Washing yer mouth out with soap only makes soap
More boring say nothings/ debate nothing. You are a sad case boy. Just remember, you got caught lying, making you a liar.
Negative! You are an ignoramus as always;
a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare.
"a bombing raid"
This is a raid you stupid ass clown.

Definition of raid

"(Entry 1 of 2)
1a : a hostile or predatory incursion
b : a surprise attack by a small force
2a: a brief foray outside one's usual sphere
b: a sudden invasion by officers of the law"
Merriam Webster Dictionary
Actually my first job out of college was working as a copy editor, BWK! I'm rather well versed in what different words mean. Did you really think I wouldn't know that you deliberately skipped one of the most common uses of the word raid? Who's REALLY the ass clown?
Last edited:
THat shit is worth tits on a bo hog after his term is up fool. And that's what I'm telling you. Get a fucking clue.
Ah, so what you're claiming is that the documents that a President declassifies during his term automatically revert to their previous classification when he leaves office?
You can show us proof of that...right? :)
Is Trump above the law?


But he is not supposed to be beneath it either. He's not supposed to be hounded and harassed by political activists pretending to be law enforcement and acting at the behest of his chief political rival.

Yes, presidents and vice presidents are specifically listed as being above the classified document laws.
Presidents and vice presidents to not have to get clearance, and can do whatever they want with classified docs.
Yes, presidents and vice presidents are specifically listed as being above the classified document laws.
Presidents and vice presidents to not have to get clearance, and can do whatever they want with classified docs.
The Left on this site seem to struggle with the concept of an "ultimate authority", Rigby.
Oh I am far left and anti-Trump, but anyone reading the law can clearly see Trump did nothing illegal with classified docs, and there really is nothing he could have done that would have been illegal.
I agree. Which makes this a true tempest in a teacup. The President doesn't need permission from anyone to take any document. If the National Archive wants something that an ex President has in his possession then they can ask for it...they can go to court to force him to hand it over...but never in the history of our nation has an Administration had it's DOJ raid the home of a previous President to seize things! NEVER!
Ponder this:

A rebuke and a vote of no confidence. I love it when the first major frays appear in the tapestry of the conspiracy. And what Brandon and his DOJ is doing is a nefarious conspiracy.

Conspiracies do exist. Hell, it’s even a crime in many casess. Some conspiracy theories are Bull shit. But some are fucking real. And the “game” being played by Brandon’s handlers are all to real.

Hashtag time. #StopBrandon.

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