Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

Apoplectic Rage Follows Special Master Decision in Trump Raid Case

5 Sep 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

On Monday, the judge handling the case of the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid made an official decision to appoint a special master to review the documents seized. That came after she dropped a preliminary notice that she intended to do so at the end of August.
The DOJ’s subsequent arguments apparently weren’t very convincing, and now they will be forced to cease their investigation as the process plays out. The judge found numerous instances of privileged material making it through the government’s filter team, and revelations that medical records and tax returns were taken only provided more reason to move ahead with a special master.
Besides, as the judge essentially said in her decision, what can the move hurt? The special master will have a security clearance, and they won’t be leaking to the press what they’ve found. How is too much transparency a bad thing?
The protestations of the left say one thing: Due process goes out the window when dealing with the bad orange man. He’s not allowed to file a motion and have it granted. In fact, that must mean the judge is in his pocket and has to be removed from office.
That’s how insane the far-left has become. For all their talk of defending “democracy,” there is no part of it they aren’t willing to burn down if it results in one of their political wants. That should give Americans observing this spectacle immense pause. Are these the kinds of people you want in charge? People with no boundaries and who will use the force of the government to crush you if you so much as disagree with them?

Indeed, Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are apoplectic over this move whuile they continue to withhold Hunter Biden's criminal activities and Joey Biden's corrupt and despotic actions to hide his family's dark and traitorous actions.
Not only did the Stasi confiscate Trump's Passport and two expired passports, they also grabbed his medical records which is a Federal HIPPA violation..
How disgusting. They grabbed everything they could get their grubby little fingers on. They were casting a wide net hoping to find something they could get him on. Trump must feel pretty violated. They even raided Melenia's wardrobe and her pantie draw and Barron's room. Did they expect to find Top Secret documents there?
For all their talk of defending “democracy,” there is no part of it they aren’t willing to burn down if it results in one of their political wants.
THIS^ They will do whatever it takes to retain power. I predict that they will stir up violence in Blue cities when they lose the House. They've decided not to play the game by the rules we've had for 240 years and they will use their media 5th column to stir up the masses to get into the streets. When/IF large numbers of non-democrats join them in a fight in the streets the DC crowd will use that to put troops in to "crush the rebellion".
THIS^ They will do whatever it takes to retain power. I predict that they will stir up violence in Blue cities when they lose the House. They've decided not to play the game by the rules we've had for 240 years and they will use their media 5th column to stir up the masses to get into the streets. When/IF large numbers of non-democrats join them in a fight in the streets the DC crowd will use that to put troops in to "crush the rebellion".
Pretty much.

The smaller sins of lying and cheating does not even register on the consciences of those that support killing babies, sexual confusion and stealing money from taxpayers.
The goons and hanflers within the W.H. have opened 'Pandora's Box of Constitutional crisises' that will NEVER be closed. Seems like it's all by design, no? Never-ending turmoil... Keeps them in power. Fear mongering, false accusations' and arrests are their M.O.
They took medical records? ???

That's a total violation of federal law !!!

Take someone's medical records, it's 5 to 20 in the federal slammer. It's called the Paparazzi Law, it started in CA. It's part of HIPAA
They took medical records? ???

That's a total violation of federal law !!!

Take someone's medical records, it's 5 to 20 in the federal slammer. It's called the Paparazzi Law, it started in CA. It's part of HIPAA
Why would his medical records be co-mingled with state secrets? Sounds like the Trumpistas are grasping at straws. Perhaps his doctor needs to be debriefed. Who knows what he read, given the sad state of security in MaL.
Why would his medical records be co-mingled with state secrets? Sounds like the Trumpistas are grasping at straws. Perhaps his doctor needs to be debriefed. Who knows what he read, given the sad state of security in MaL.
LOL....Sounds to me like the judge took your straw and pissed in it.....Enjoy the salty taste.

Yes sir, I really thought you had him this time for sure. :laughing0301:

Apoplectic Rage Follows Special Master Decision in Trump Raid Case

5 Sep 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

On Monday, the judge handling the case of the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid made an official decision to appoint a special master to review the documents seized. That came after she dropped a preliminary notice that she intended to do so at the end of August.
The DOJ’s subsequent arguments apparently weren’t very convincing, and now they will be forced to cease their investigation as the process plays out. The judge found numerous instances of privileged material making it through the government’s filter team, and revelations that medical records and tax returns were taken only provided more reason to move ahead with a special master.
Besides, as the judge essentially said in her decision, what can the move hurt? The special master will have a security clearance, and they won’t be leaking to the press what they’ve found. How is too much transparency a bad thing?
The protestations of the left say one thing: Due process goes out the window when dealing with the bad orange man. He’s not allowed to file a motion and have it granted. In fact, that must mean the judge is in his pocket and has to be removed from office.
That’s how insane the far-left has become. For all their talk of defending “democracy,” there is no part of it they aren’t willing to burn down if it results in one of their political wants. That should give Americans observing this spectacle immense pause. Are these the kinds of people you want in charge? People with no boundaries and who will use the force of the government to crush you if you so much as disagree with them?

Indeed, Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are apoplectic over this move whuile they continue to withhold Hunter Biden's criminal activities and Joey Biden's corrupt and despotic actions to hide his family's dark and traitorous actions.
Not only did the Stasi confiscate Trump's Passport and two expired passports, they also grabbed his medical records which is a Federal HIPPA violation..
How disgusting. They grabbed everything they could get their grubby little fingers on. They were casting a wide net hoping to find something they could get him on. Trump must feel pretty violated. They even raided Melenia's wardrobe and her pantie draw and Barron's room. Did they expect to find Top Secret documents there?
They were within their duty. Anywhere they searched for papers were okay.
Why would his medical records be co-mingled with state secrets? Sounds like the Trumpistas are grasping at straws. Perhaps his doctor needs to be debriefed. Who knows what he read, given the sad state of security in MaL.

They raided Melania's panty drawer and Barron's video games, they took passports and tax returns, you "think" they were all co-mingled?
They took medical records? ???

That's a total violation of federal law !!!

Take someone's medical records, it's 5 to 20 in the federal slammer. It's called the Paparazzi Law, it started in CA. It's part of HIPAA

Hippa laws is bannned from receiving anything about abortion. Republican states.
We'll, evidence says he's not benath it, because above it, there's an incredible amount that proves he has. And the DOJ and the FBI are going to follow through.

And if you can't live with that, then we are waiting for the riot.
You don't get it, do you?

Raid-gate is over. They aren't going to prosecute, they aren't really going to investigate seriously any more. What's to investigate?

All they wanted was the breaking news about violating a former president's home and the photo op, staged like all photo ops. This was unique in that it was only a picture of empty folders, but it was still a staged photo op.

You never came up with an answer about why they took the former first lady's underwear, so I guess you don't know. Allow me to enlighten you. They took the first lady's underwear so that we would talk about it. They raided Trump's home so we would talk about it. They dressed up Independence Hall in a Nazi motif so we would talk about it.

Two months before the midterms and they want us talking about anything at all besides the economy and the border.
You don't get it, do you?

Raid-gate is over. They aren't going to prosecute, they aren't really going to investigate seriously any more. What's to investigate?

All they wanted was the breaking news about violating a former president's home and the photo op, staged like all photo ops. This was unique in that it was only a picture of empty folders, but it was still a staged photo op.

You never came up with an answer about why they took the former first lady's underwear, so I guess you don't know. Allow me to enlighten you. They took the first lady's underwear so that we would talk about it. They raided Trump's home so we would talk about it. They dressed up Independence Hall in a Nazi motif so we would talk about it.

Two months before the midterms and they want us talking about anything at all besides the economy and the border.
Surname fits post theses? :cool:
See? I knew that would be your next step. You are so plodding and predictable.

You’re not fun. You’re just another dishonest run of the mill libtard troll.

Yeah, ok. Weird how these unmanned sources are dismissed with the wave of when you do not agree with what they are selling.
They raided Melania's panty drawer and Barron's video games, they took passports and tax returns, you "think" they were all co-mingled?
God only knows what goes on in the fevered mind of Donald Trump. Maybe he played with them all during his 3 am Tweet Truth fests.

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