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Judge Bans Use Of “Illegal” and “Aliens”

Originally Posted by catzmeow View Post
Let's see if you can go an entire day without a logical fallacy.

Pray tell, what is a logical fallacy? The use of the term, illegal alien?

There are many kinds of logical fallacies. What usually happens is the person making the claim that another person's statement is a logical fallacy engages in logical fallacies as well.

Here's a resource on logical fallacies:

Here is an example of a logical fallacy that used in one of her posts and I quote catzmew--

"The simple fact of the matter is that most poor Latinos are also the most contemptuous of illegal aliens because they have to deal with them the most often and the most directly."

It is an example of the logical fallacy called generalization, assumption or stereotype.
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Try posting without an insult for one day. That would be an awesome accomplishment for you. I know you can do it.

Do you?

Illegal: adjective

1. forbidden by law or statute.
2. contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.:

Alien noun

1. a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen ).
2. a foreigner.
3. a person who has been estranged or excluded.

Alien adjective

5. residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship there.

Alien can be a noun or an adjective. When used with the adjective illegal, it is a noun. Hence, illegal alien. Get over the whole grammar thing.

That makes 60% of illegal aliens entering the US . . .um, what's the word? Oh yeah, illegally.

The judge is WRONG.

In a previous post you wrote ". They have violated immigration law. They ought to have a hearing and then be deported."

If you believe this then why are you ok with a judge changing the term 'illegal alien' to 'undocumented immigrant?', as this will make it even harder to find and deport illegal aliens?

There are those on this board that do not seem to know the "function" of an adjective and a noun.
John Tanton is pivotal to the discussion on reactionary anti-immigration rhetoric.

He is the founder of the movement.

There is nothing reactionary about the term illegal alien. It's nothing more than the purest term to use to describe a person who has entered this country illegally, and is not a native.

The only thing reactionary in this whole thread is you trying to use every possible form of spin and obfiscation to clowd the issue. You are an illegal alien supporter. We get it. You don't care about the poor people of this country that were born here, or legally migrated, you only care about those who snuck in here and broke our laws. How your priorities got so fucked up is hard to tell, but they are FUCKED UP!

Here is a prime example. You invite a relative over for dinner and they tell you they've fallen on hard times, but your response is tough shit, get the hell out of my house. In contrast an illegal alien breaks into your house, eats your food, steals your money, fucks your spouse and kids, and then demands you give them more because they're not going to leave, to which you reply yes, is there anything else I can do for you?

Yeah, you're fuck up.
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There are many kinds of logical fallacies. What usually happens is the person making the claim that another person's statement is a logical fallacy engages in logical fallacies as well.

Here's a resource on logical fallacies:

Here is an example of a logical fallacy that used in one of her posts and I quote catzmew--

"The simple fact of the matter is that most poor Latinos are also the most contemptuous of illegal aliens because they have to deal with them the most often and the most directly."

It is an example of the logical fallacy called generalization, assumption or stereotype.

Thank you! :eusa_angel:
Sky dancer has every right to tell me what a idiot racist moron I am. It's her deluded right and I defend it. But, She can't defend illegal aliens. Well she can try. She has done a bang-up job, Kudos. Why she does this, damned if I know. Plenty of poor Americans that deserve better. I am one of them but, hey, she is an intellectual and that seems to trump real experience, right, lassie? Tell me it's GOOD FOR ECONOMY? Why is the economy tanking now? Who can say what is good for the ECONOMY or AMERICA? Not you pseudo-intellectuals. Not anymore.You don't know what it is all about.

I won't call you an idiot, a racist or a moron.

I'm not defending people who break the law. I am saying that they are human, and I understand the economic and political causes and conditions that lead to people enter the US illegally.

I happen to agree with the Arizona Supreme Court Justice's decision to be more mindful of terminology that can express judicial bias.
I support the stopthehate campaign sponsored by the Ntional Council of La Raza. I support the Hispanic Journalists request for mainstream meadia to use less inflammatory terms about Latinos and Hispanics in their news stories.
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There is nothing reactionary about the term illegal alien. It's nothing more than the purest term to use to describe a person who has entered this country illegally, and is not a native.

~Snipped for inflammatory rhetoric language~

Hispanic Journalists see it differently. The National Council of La Raza--a civil rights group for Latinos sees it differently. The Hispanic Lawyers in Arizona and the Supreme Court Justice in Arizona sees it differently.

The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League
see it differently.

I see it differently than you. I think it's a small thing to do to change the terminology and I have no problem with calling these folks undocumented immigrants, or illegal immigrants.

I don't call them 'illegals' and I don't call them 'aliens' either.

I won't call their children 'anchor babies' or refer to undcoumented immigrants or illegal immigrants 'wetbacks', 'cockroaches', 'invaders', 'criminals' or 'diseased', or 'hordes' or 'swarms'.
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There are those on this board that do not seem to know the "function" of an adjective and a noun.

Yes it's a shame you don't have a grasp on it. Here maybe this will help.

Adjectives are used to describe the noun.

Illegal - adjective
Alien - noun

Illegal alien

What kind of alien? A green alien? No. An ILLEGAL alien.

Get it?

Good, now get over it.
Yes it's a shame you don't have a grasp on it. Here maybe this will help.

Adjectives are used to describe the noun.

Illegal - adjective
Alien - noun

Illegal alien

What kind of alien? A green alien? No. An ILLEGAL alien.

Get it?

Good, now get over it.

Adjective: modifer

Noun: Name, of a person, object, place, quality, thing or action. It's can function as subject or object of a verb.

"illegal" by the proper definition is an adjective.
Yes it's a shame you don't have a grasp on it. Here maybe this will help.

Adjectives are used to describe the noun.

Illegal - adjective
Alien - noun

Illegal alien

What kind of alien? A green alien? No. An ILLEGAL alien.

Get it?

Good, now get over it.

Nice to see that you used the term 'illegal' as an adjective. You didn't use it as a noun. Good for you.

You did not call these folks 'illegals'.
Demonizing isn't the point, Anglo or Hispanics. Funny though, how some of you aquaint anti-illegal immigants with ...racism . Funny that these same people can't immigrate legally, funny how pretending we are EVIL for noticing they IGNORE immigration laws. Funny how that works. We are racist because we noticed.... they ignore international laws, or any other laws like, rape, murder, trespassing, fire arms possession , YOU name it, they IGNORE IT....Hmm makes ya wonder what they are about. What do ya think, SKY? That seem fair to ya intellectually? They can ignore ANY LAW? HMMM? Tell me. Got anymore fancy- ass excuses for that crap?
I did not call you or anyone else racist--silver.

I pointed out the truth--that John Tanton, a nativist responsible for starting many anti-immigration groups--including many that are mainstream--is racist.

This is not disclosed on mainstream media and it should be. People ought to know when they send money to these groups who is behind them.

I think immigration law needs to change. All immigrants who come here illegally are not the same. Some come do to economic necessity and the promise of work and a better life.

Some illegal immigrants--aka undocumented immigrants are criminal--drug smugglers--human traffickers.

Demonizing is thinking that all who have entered the US illegally are the same--criminals. I don't agree.

Similarly, I don't think they're all here for economic survival reasons either. There is a serious problem at our borders.
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I did not call you or anyone else racist--silver.

I pointed out the truth--that John Tanton, a nativist responsible for starting many anti-immigration groups--including many that are mainstream--is racist.

This is not disclosed on mainstream media and it should be. People ought to know when they send money to these groups who is behind them.

I think immigration law needs to change. All immigrants who come here illegally are not the same. Some come do to economic necessity and the promise of work and a better life.

Some illegal immigrants--aka undocumented immigrants are criminal--drug smugglers--human traffickers.

Demonizing is thinking that all who have entered the US illegally are the same--criminals. I don't agree.

Similarly, I don't think they're all here for economic survival reasons either. There is a serious problem at our borders.

Yes we do---we have an entire country that won't take care of it's own people and encourages them to break American laws and get out.
Yes we do---we have an entire country that won't take care of it's own people and encourages them to break American laws and get out.

I disagree with your statement because it is an overgeneralization. The 'entire country' does not encourage law breaking or an unwillingness to take care of our citizens.
I don't know or care about John Tanton is. So, every nation has it's version of NATIVISM, even...MEXICO. Give it a break already. I know you won't. Neither will I. Of course, HITLER invaded Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Illegal aliens are being a little more subtle. A little less violent. But they are still invading using massive numbers. A passive-aggressive version of BLITZKREIG without tanks. Zeig Heil, la raza. La RAZA ubber alles? Isn't that a little... FACIST or something?
Don't tell me you pro illegal folks bailed already, I had so much respect for you people, What would you say if we said : UP WITH THE RACE? Well , what if we said VIVA LA RAZA? Then what would you say? It's racist? I would agree totally. I think rational HUMANS or all ilk's would agree. Either immigrate legally or shut your big fat smart shallow minded MOUTH. Please.
ya its like saying china violates human rights in Tibet...or china's governmet does....right ?

No. Generalizations work like this "All conservatives are idiots". It can't be qualified.

That's different than saying China violates human rights, and then providing some evidence of the assertion.

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