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Judge Bans Use Of “Illegal” and “Aliens”

I don't call my friends 'aliens'. I don't call human beings of any legal status 'aliens'.

Are you purposely misreading me? What do your LEGAL IMMIGRANT friends, that you helped to get here LEGALLY think of your calling illegal aliens, IMMIGRANTS and putting them on the same level as your friends?

The LEGAL immigrants I know object vehemently to illegals being called immigrants.
Are you purposely misreading me? What do your LEGAL IMMIGRANT friends, that you helped to get here LEGALLY think of your calling illegal aliens, IMMIGRANTS and putting them on the same level as your friends?

The LEGAL immigrants I know object vehemently to illegals being called immigrants.

All the immigrants I know do not object to sharing being all considered immigrants. They are happy to have legal status and they have kind regard for those less fortunate than they are.
Do you think referring to large numbers of human beings as 'invading locusts' is going to win friends and influence people?

Yes, because I spend huge amounts of time worrying myself into ulcers about whether or not people like me, particularly people who have invaded my country and are busily destroying my state.

You have obviously mistaken me for you. I just wish you would play Miss Congeniality with them using YOUR state instead of mine. How many community hospitals in YOUR city have closed because of the influx of illegals who don't pay their bills? How much does YOUR state spend educating the children of illegals and providing them with social services?
Yes, because I spend huge amounts of time worrying myself into ulcers about whether or not people like me, particularly people who have invaded my country and are busily destroying my state.

You have obviously mistaken me for you. I just wish you would play Miss Congeniality with them using YOUR state instead of mine. How many community hospitals in YOUR city have closed because of the influx of illegals who don't pay their bills? How much does YOUR state spend educating the children of illegals and providing them with social services?

I certainly haven't mistaken me for you.

I live in California. California is a border state with Mexico. This is a big issue in our state as well. We have a budget crisis.

Regardless, you and I don't share the same world view or attitude about the immigration problem and how to resolve it.

I don't harbor alot of hostility toward immigrants nor toward people I disagree with on this issue.
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All the immigrants I know do not object to sharing being all considered immigrants. They are happy to have legal status and they have kind regard for those less fortunate than they are.

Oh please, you're saying that you only know legal immigrants and all of them are just thrilled when illegal aliens are put on the same level with them. I don't believe you for a second. Perhaps those "immigrants" you know are also here illegally?

An illegal alien is not less fortunate than a legal immigrant, in fact they have an advantage. Our hospitals don't go after them for their bills, since they don't "legally" own anything in this country. They steal social security numbers which causes all kinds of problems for americans and legal immigrants. Or have you not read that LEGAL hispanics are having their ids stolen in record numbers? You really think they are thrilled that an illegal stole their id?

One more thing, if a legal immigrant or american citizen steals someone's ss#, they got to jail. Illegals do it with impunity.
Oh please, you're saying that you only know legal immigrants and all of them are just thrilled when illegal aliens are put on the same level with them. I don't believe you for a second. Perhaps those "immigrants" you know are also here illegally?

An illegal alien is not less fortunate than a legal immigrant, in fact they have an advantage. Our hospitals don't go after them for their bills, since they don't "legally" own anything in this country. They steal social security numbers which causes all kinds of problems for americans and legal immigrants. Or have you not read that LEGAL hispanics are having their ids stolen in record numbers? You really think they are thrilled that an illegal stole their id?

One more thing, if a legal immigrant or american citizen steals someone's ss#, they got to jail. Illegals do it with impunity.

That's correct. I only know legal immigrants. I'm a Buddhist. The legal immigrants I know are also Buddhists. We have kind regard for others--especially those less fortunate than ourselves.

If you don't believe me, fine.

Not all US citizens and legal immigrants feel the same animosity toward undocumented or illegal immigrants as you do.
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She looks like a woman with an open heart, completely relaxed and at peace. Yes, that is a look that I find delightful.

She looks wasted... and you have my pity.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed is a much better look. Like you actually have something on the ball. You're alert, responsive. Not out in the ozone.

Illegal aliens are the scourge of America. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be, and stop trying to sugar coat them. It's dishonest, and it spits on America.
She looks wasted... and you have my pity.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed is a much better look. Like you actually have something on the ball. You're alert, responsive. Not out in the ozone.

Illegal aliens are the scourge of America. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be, and stop trying to sugar coat them. It's dishonest, and it spits on America.

She looks ravaged. I kind of like that.
That's correct. I only know legal immigrants. I'm a Buddhist. The legal immigrants I know are also Buddhists. We have kind regard for others--especially those less fortunate than ourselves.

It's easy to welcome illegal immigrants with open arms when you don't pay any taxes or have any children in school who are being deprived of educational services.
I don't call my friends 'aliens'. I don't call human beings of any legal status 'aliens'.

You act as if the word 'alien' means these people are the scum of the earth. It doesn't and I don't believe that majority of illegal aliens who are in this country are bad people. I don't believe that -- but I do believe that they should be rounded up and given the boot out of here because they came here illegally. Do you not get that the illegal part is what we are all objecting to?

Here is the definition of 'alien'. How do you not see that this word IS what these people are? How do you argue that the bolded definitions are inaccurate in describing these people who are in this country illegally?

Alien, noun
1. a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen ).
2. a foreigner.
3. a person who has been estranged or excluded.

Alien, adjective
5. residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship there.

An illegal alien is not less fortunate than a legal immigrant, in fact they have an advantage. Our hospitals don't go after them for their bills, since they don't "legally" own anything in this country. They steal social security numbers which causes all kinds of problems for americans and legal immigrants. Or have you not read that LEGAL hispanics are having their ids stolen in record numbers? You really think they are thrilled that an illegal stole their id?

One more thing, if a legal immigrant or american citizen steals someone's ss#, they got to jail. Illegals do it with impunity.

Skydancer -- I don't think you understand what 'impunity' means. Here is some information for you.

Impunity - exemption from punishment or loss. In the international law of human rights, it refers to the failure to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice and, as such, itself constitutes a denial of the victims' right to justice and redress.

You've yet to answer my question of why, if you believe that illegal aliens violate immigration law and should have a hearing and be deported, are you ok with a judge changing the term 'illegal alien' to 'undocumented immigrant?', as this will make it even harder to find and deport illegal aliens? Don't hand me some nonsense that it won't; you can't be so blind that you don't see this is what will happen. It's the whole point of changing what they are called.
Believe it or not, some people can welcome foreigners with open arms even though we pay taxes and have children in school.

Alien and 'illegals' are terms that are being used negatively-- along with the terms; 'invaders', 'swarms', 'hordes', 'wetbacks' and 'anchor babies'.
Believe it or not, some people can welcome foreigners with open arms even though we pay taxes and have children in school.

Alien and 'illegals' are terms that are being used negatively-- along with the terms; 'invaders', 'swarms', 'hordes', 'wetbacks' and 'anchor babies'.

How many are you going to welcome? According to a study done in 2006, at the current rate of population growth, our state will run out of water by 2016. Can you live without water? I can't. Now Americans are having children at less than replacement rate but immigrants are having an average of 7.5 children per family. Do you really think we can handle this influx? When I was in school we were taught all about over population. We were urged to control the number of children we bring into the world because the world has finite resources. Now, we have more immigrants entering this country than all the other countries in the world combined. Just how many do you think we can support?

Now our state has been trying to solve traffic problems for the past 40 years. Do you really think they are going to solve the water problem in 8 years?

Why do those of us who've been responsible should have to suffer because of those that are irresponsible and our government letting them in uncontrolled?
"The solution to the immigration crisis, if there is such a crisis, does not rest in guest worker programs or higher visa quotas, but in the one possibility nobody is mentioning: eliminating visas altogether within the NAFTA countries, and allowing Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans with legitimate passports to travel freely among our three countries for any reason or for no reason. This was the early vision of Ronald Reagan, and it was certainly an implied outcome of the North American Free Trade Agreement. "NAFTA had an effect on the Mexican economy, in terms of encouraging campesinos to leave the farm and seek better opportunities," says Fred Tsao, policy director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant Rights, "but we've shut off the legal opportunities for people to do that."

More at link.....

"Since all parties to this debate draw a line between legal and illegal immigration, we should note that visaless borders would greatly increase the former and virtually eliminate the latter. Is that a problem? I don't think so, and people who oppose the idea need to explain why they think it would be."
Open the Borders: Forget guest workers—why should citizens of NAFTA countries need visas at all? - Reason Magazine
She looks ravaged. I kind of like that.
That's entirely different. Your new avatar also bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain female part.

"The solution to the immigration crisis, if there is such a crisis, does not rest in guest worker programs or higher visa quotas, but in the one possibility nobody is mentioning: eliminating visas altogether within the NAFTA countries, and allowing Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans with legitimate passports to travel freely among our three countries for any reason or for no reason. This was the early vision of Ronald Reagan, and it was certainly an implied outcome of the North American Free Trade Agreement. "NAFTA had an effect on the Mexican economy, in terms of encouraging campesinos to leave the farm and seek better opportunities," says Fred Tsao, policy director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant Rights, "but we've shut off the legal opportunities for people to do that."

More at link.....

"Since all parties to this debate draw a line between legal and illegal immigration, we should note that visaless borders would greatly increase the former and virtually eliminate the latter. Is that a problem? I don't think so, and people who oppose the idea need to explain why they think it would be."
Open the Borders: Forget guest workers—why should citizens of NAFTA countries need visas at all? - Reason Magazine
Well, you're talking about throwing away everything Americans have worked, fought and died for, for two centuries. Dissolving it into a land with no borders. Turing it over to every piece of filth with no job, no education, diseased, terrorists, criminals, just let them all come and go as they please. Let me ask you, how long to you think Mexiamericanada would last?
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Alien and 'illegals' are terms that are being used negatively-- along with the terms; 'invaders', 'swarms', 'hordes', 'wetbacks' and 'anchor babies'.

Of course it's used negatively -- because they are here illegally! Duh. It is also 100% accurate. Again, duh.

Four dodges on my question; guess I have my answer.
If we take a simple word, like "ILLEGAL" and add it to another simple word, "ALIEN", it magically transmogrifies into an vile and hateful slur. Wether or not this word is insulting is just a matter of opinion, isn't it? Sky, you and this judge may agree, I doubt either of you have to deal with this issue other than as a abstraction... It doesn't make me a minion of the great Satan, John Tanton, either. We all get lumped together because..., tell me again, something about...Guilt by association. So, what guilt do you ascribe too? Do you hire them to clean your pool or is it some white guilt complex? Hmm. If we see the Buddha, we kill him. Yeah, right. Tanton isn't my spiritual guide, I just despise liars and frauds. That's it. Forgive me. Why you apologize for them, some of us would like to know. Why all this...ya know...defensiveness and rationalizations? I know plenty of legal immigrants too, mostly European and they had to follow all the protocols to get in. They got all their immunizations. That had to prove they weren't violent criminals or mentally ill. Trivia like that, and I don't think NAFTA lets these pecker heads from Latin America off the immigration hook. And I doubt you that you do, either. Or you could just live with them and see just how wonderful they really arnen't. But you wont do THAT either.
That's entirely different. Your new avatar also bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain female part.

Well, you're talking about throwing away everything Americans have worked, fought and died for, for two centuries. Dissolving it into a land with no borders. Turing it over to every piece of filth with no job, no education, diseased, terrorists, criminals, just let them all come and go as they please. Let me ask you, how long to you think Mexiamericanada would last?

Really? You've got a thing about my avatars.

I'm open to new ideas. We haven't considered open borders.

Does our current immigration policy work well? I don't think so.
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