Judge Blocks Oklahoma’s Ban on Using Shariah Law in Court

OK... so the fucking muzzies want to impose their laws straight out of their religion on American courts. Right... so then I guess it's time for every religion there is to start demanding the same thing. If the fucking muslims think they're going to get given the go ahead to impose their sharia bull shit in American courts, then it should be applied straight across the board to whatever the hell it is every other religion on earth dreams up as their laws too. In fact, I think I'll start my own religion, and I'll demand the same right. I want MY laws imposed on the courts too. Let's just have a fucking FREE FOR ALL.

Why are these sons a bitchin' muslims ALWAYS the ones whining and bitching wanting EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to BEND TO THEIR DEMANDS?! I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about these goddamn, mother fucking MUSLIMS and their DEMANDS!

Here's an idea rag heads... if you don't like the way our American courts are, THEN GET YOUR COCK SUCKING ASSES BACK TO WHERE EVER THE HELL IT WAS YOU CAME FROM... GET THE FUCK OTTA HERE!!!
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Here's an idea rag heads... if you don't like the way our American courts are, THEN GET YOUR COCK SUCKING ASSES BACK TO WHERE EVER THE HELL IT WAS YOU CAME FROM... GET THE FUCK OTTA HERE!!!
So I should go back to Texas?? :eek:
Sunni, how many Muslims in the world would support Christian law in their Muslim countries?
Would you support Christian law in a Muslim country?
I was born and raised here in America.

So I am only concerned about what happens here in America.

What they do or don't do in other countries is really of no concern to me. :cool:

Your language is very slick.....you say you are only concerned about what happens here IN America.....but you don't say you are concerned about what happens here TO America....

...but that is typical of a muslim whose allegiance is to the political religion of Islam above all else...

It's obvious you support Islamic theocracy and ultimately really don't give a damn about American secular law...you welcome its demise via creeping sharia....

If you truly cared about America......you would realize that Islam is nothing more than a pustule upon the landscape of American freedom.....and you would support the Oklahoma law against Sharia....

If you don't... I suggest you adopt a new country....
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Sunni, how many Muslims in the world would support Christian law in their Muslim countries?
Would you support Christian law in a Muslim country?
I was born and raised here in America.

So I am only concerned about what happens here in America.

What they do or don't do in other countries is really of no concern to me. :cool:

Your language is very slick.....you say you are only concerned about what happens here IN America.....but you don't say you are concerned about what happens here TO America....

...but that is typical of a muslim whose allegiance is to the political religion of Islam above all else...

It's obvious you support Islamic theocracy and ultimately really don't give a damn about American secular law...you welcome its demise via creeping sharia....

If you truly cared about America......you would realize that Islam is nothing more than a pustule upon the landscape of American freedom.....and you would support the Oklahoma law against Sharia....

If you don't I suggest you adopt a new country....
I am a loyal American who supports the Constitution and has served in the military to defend this country.

I believe in the democratic process and voting in order to make changes in the government and laws.

Since you seem to be against these things and view them as unamerican.

I suggest that you are the one who needs to move to another country. :evil:

When will your people using cultural Sharia, take away our toilet paper as you are taking away pictures of pigs in the UK?
I was born and raised here in America.

So I am only concerned about what happens here in America.

What they do or don't do in other countries is really of no concern to me. :cool:

Your language is very slick.....you say you are only concerned about what happens here IN America.....but you don't say you are concerned about what happens here TO America....

...but that is typical of a muslim whose allegiance is to the political religion of Islam above all else...

It's obvious you support Islamic theocracy and ultimately really don't give a damn about American secular law...you welcome its demise via creeping sharia....

If you truly cared about America......you would realize that Islam is nothing more than a pustule upon the landscape of American freedom.....and you would support the Oklahoma law against Sharia....

If you don't I suggest you adopt a new country....
I am a loyal American who supports the Constitution and has served in the military to defend this country.

I believe in the democratic process and voting in order to make changes in the government and laws.

Since you seem to be against these things and view them as unamerican.

I suggest that you are the one who needs to move to another country. :evil:

You're not a loyal American....your loyalty is first to Islam....which is diametrically opposed to the freedoms of this country....therefore by definition you cannot be a loyal American...

...you support Sharia law in this country....that is UN-American...

....why not move to Iran....or how about Afghanistan....? i hear Sharia law is first class there...:alirulz:
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Is that statement only true for Muslims or other religions too?

Which major religion....other than Islam....prefers to establish its own religious law and courts....which usurp established American law.....?

So between God and the Constitution, Christians and Jews pick the Constitution?

There is no "between" to pick....at least for Christians and Jews.....and most other religions...

That is why our Constitution is so successful.....it was created by God-fearing Christians who believe in the individual's responsibility to God....thus our Constitution is quite compatible with most all religions...each individual is free to follow his own individual path to God...or not...

If the Constitution had been created by Muslims....ha that's a laugh....it would NEVER have been created by Muslims....because for Muslims the only law is the law of Islam....and Islam is not just a religion.....it is a political and societal mandate which is not compatible with the Western legal system...and it rules just about every facet of peoples lives...the individual must submit....or else...

Sunni Man said:
Any church that I ever attended.

They taught;

#1) God

#2) Family

#3) Country

Yes...God and Family are definitely first priorities for Americans.....but that does NOT mean theocracy can be instituted in our country....which is exactly what Sharia is...
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I was born and raised here in America.

So I am only concerned about what happens here in America.

What they do or don't do in other countries is really of no concern to me. :cool:

Your language is very slick.....you say you are only concerned about what happens here IN America.....but you don't say you are concerned about what happens here TO America....

...but that is typical of a muslim whose allegiance is to the political religion of Islam above all else...

It's obvious you support Islamic theocracy and ultimately really don't give a damn about American secular law...you welcome its demise via creeping sharia....

If you truly cared about America......you would realize that Islam is nothing more than a pustule upon the landscape of American freedom.....and you would support the Oklahoma law against Sharia....

If you don't I suggest you adopt a new country....
I am a loyal American who supports the Constitution and has served in the military to defend this country.

I believe in the democratic process and voting in order to make changes in the government and laws.

Since you seem to be against these things and view them as unamerican.

I suggest that you are the one who needs to move to another country. :evil:

What changes in the government and laws to you support?
Does the Muslim religion infulence you when you vote to change American goverrnment and laws and how so?
Does the Muslim religion infulence you when you vote to change American goverrnment and laws and how so?
Yes, of course it does.

Same as Christians who vote for candidates who's politics agree with their moral values.

Or gays who vote for politicians who will further their homo agenda.

So it's logical that Muslims will support politicians who are sympathetic with he issues of Muslim Americans. :cool:
Does the Muslim religion infulence you when you vote to change American goverrnment and laws and how so?
Yes, of course it does.

Same as Christians who vote for candidates who's politics agree with their moral values.

Or gays who vote for politicians who will further their homo agenda.

So it's logical that Muslims will support politicians who are sympathetic with he issues of Muslim Americans. :cool:

I agree with all of that but you have yet to answer anything specific.
What politicians do you support and what specific laws and changes do they support?
What part of our government and laws do you support changing based on your support of the Muslim agenda?
Does the Muslim religion infulence you when you vote to change American goverrnment and laws and how so?
Yes, of course it does.

Same as Christians who vote for candidates who's politics agree with their moral values.

Or gays who vote for politicians who will further their homo agenda.

So it's logical that Muslims will support politicians who are sympathetic with he issues of Muslim Americans. :cool:

I agree with all of that but you have yet to answer anything specific.
What politicians do you support and what specific laws and changes do they support?
What part of our government and laws do you support changing based on your support of the Muslim agenda?
As for me;

I am Pro 2nd Amend., death penalty, school vouchers, closing the borders, no amnesty for illegals, cutting off all aid for Israel, etc.

And against, gay marriage, homo adoption, abortion, legalization of marijuana, prostitution, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, profiling at airports, illegal immigration, etc.
Yes, of course it does.

Same as Christians who vote for candidates who's politics agree with their moral values.

Or gays who vote for politicians who will further their homo agenda.

So it's logical that Muslims will support politicians who are sympathetic with he issues of Muslim Americans. :cool:

I agree with all of that but you have yet to answer anything specific.
What politicians do you support and what specific laws and changes do they support?
What part of our government and laws do you support changing based on your support of the Muslim agenda?
As for me;

I am Pro 2nd Amend., death penalty, school vouchers, closing the borders, no amnesty for illegals, cutting off all aid for Israel, etc.

And against, gay marriage, homo adoption, abortion, legalization of marijuana, prostitution, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, profiling at airports, illegal immigration, etc.

LOL, ok.
Currently, the demographic's of American muslims is too small for most politicians to care about them or their concerns.

But with the high birth rates within muslim families..

It will only take one or two generations for muslims to become a large voting block.

And have politicians pandering for their votes and championing their issues. :cool:
But you say a lot of things with regards to the future, which is not in your hands. I have seen your intellectual extensions before and they are quite....

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