Judge Chutkan has denied Donald Trump's motion to stay her gag order

How did he put them in danger? By calling them the scumbags that they are?

The Gag Order does NOT prevent P01135809 from defending himself. The Gag Order does NOT allow P01135809 to attack the witnesses who would be testifying against him. The Gag Order prevents P01135809 from intimidating the witnesses testifying against him (ala Mark Meadows).

P01135809 has attacked people who dare to speak out against him.

P01135809 encourges violence against the people who testify against him.

The judge knows that the demented assholes that support P01135809 happily engage in harassment and make death threats against anyone who dares speak out against him.

P01135809 is a thug and a bully. He engages in personal attacks. The Gag Order does NOT prevent defending himself, it does however STOP him from encouraging violence against people he sees as his enemies.
Translation: People shouldn't have first amendment rights.

It is NOT a First Amendment to attack a Woman because she has a pictrue of her and Chuck Schumer. It was P01135809 who called her "Schumer's Girlfriend", which was of course another lie spilling out his bigmac mouth. He accused the Woman of being biased against him simply because of that one picture. He is professional victim. He personal attacks as a means to stoke up his base. He is walking pile of Orange Dog Shit.

The order says P01135809 cannot attack courtroom staff. It does NOT prevent him from defending himself.
Not during a trial. First Amendment rights bend to the needs of the court. Thats very old tradition.
Thanks for going on record that you think people shouldn't have first amendment rights. I'm willing to bet that you also want to take away 2nd amendment rights too.
Thanks for going on record that you think people shouldn't have first amendment rights. I'm willing to bet that you also want to take away 2nd amendment rights too.
You're a literal idiot. How do you have enough brain cells to order your lungs to breath?

The court can hamper your rights during a criminal proceedings. Thats law from BEFORE the Constitution. The judge has the right to revoke bail and throw his ass in jail if desired.
You're a literal idiot. How do you have enough brain cells to order your lungs to breath?

The court can hamper your rights during a criminal proceedings. Thats law from BEFORE the Constitution. The judge has the right to revoke bail and throw his ass in jail if desired.
I love being called names by lefties. It just proves that you have nothing else to debate with. I won.
As is often the case, you've made my point for me and don't even know it.

Some of you tRumplings are less self aware than most housepets.
So suddenly the leftards are the arbiters of propriety?

Excuse me while the coke sprays out of my nostrils.
Thanks for going on record that you think people shouldn't have first amendment rights. I'm willing to bet that you also want to take away 2nd amendment rights too.

That is NOT what zinc wrote. He correctly pointed out that in order to prevent a person who is on trial from harassing and/or intimidating witnesses against him, the judge can and in this case has imposed a LIMITED GAG ORDER.

P01135809 is free to spew what shit falls out of his bigmac hole, the judge's order stops him from harassing and/or intimidating witnesses who testify against him. Nor can he attack member of courtroom staff.

P01135809 still has his 1st. Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech. He cannnot use that right attack, harass or intimidate. That is the Gag Order prevents.
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Thanks for admitting you have nothing to offer in debate but insults.

Zinc has had you on the mat more times than I count. You do not offer resonable arguments, you shit out talking points and use lies.

You use your own brand of insults, you just cannot,handle it people make better and well thought out arguments than you.
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If ignorance is truly bliss, indpendent thinker (he is not, indendent thought IS NOT ALLOWED IN MAGA...) has reached a true state of nirvana.
Me and him both, I just am more familiar with this topic.

Why? Judges are letting the man get away with witness intimidation, incitement of violence, and influencing the juror pool. Every other dependent should be given the same allowance.

Intimidate witnesses, demean prosecutors and influence jurors....trump has soiled our judicial system...just like he soiled our electoral system.
jimboliar loves the word "gag" when he thinks of his Trumpy doll....
It's been reinstated

The judge overseeing Donald Trump’s federal election subversion criminal case has reinstated the gag order she issued on the former president earlier this month.

US District Judge Tanya Chutkan also denied Trump’s request to issue a long-term stay of the order – which bars the former president from publicly targeting court personnel, potential witnesses or the special counsel’s team – while his appeal of it played out.
cotex and skrewey.....gag buddies.

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