Judge Chutkan has denied Donald Trump's motion to stay her gag order

Why? Judges are letting the man get away with witness intimidation, incitement of violence, and influencing the juror pool. Every other dependent should be given the same allowance.

Intimidate witnesses, demean prosecutors and influence jurors....trump has soiled our judicial system...just like he soiled our electoral system.
Your claims are built on lie's.... How much proof do you need to be shown to you ? Ohh that's right, it's all about your leftist agenda's, and to hell with justice.. My bad.
Because P01135809, unlike HRC sent a tweet, "Be There It Will lBe WIld". P01135809 encouraged violence.

HRC DID NOT call a Governor or Secretary of State to have them "Find" votes.

HRC DID NOT file over 60+Lawsuits to overturn the election.
What's wrong with asking to find lost votes if they are out there, and in the fog of what could have been a very corrupt election ? Hint - absolutely nothing is wrong with it, just like the phone call with Ukraine - nothing was wrong with that one either.
By asking Kemp and Raffspenberger to "Find 11,800 Vote, One More Than What We Need" he conspiring to commit Election Fraud.
Not to ruin your day but Raffensperger testified under oath that Trump wasn't asking him to gin up votes.......just recount. Well within the presidents right.

To quote our beloved long lost friend, Miss Truthmatters: "Lair!":tongue:
Sadly it is true that if you vote republican you are supporter of mass murder.

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