Judge Chutkan has denied Donald Trump's motion to stay her gag order

You do realize they were mostly liberal democrats that were testifying and even told you what party they were registered as and have voted for.-as if in honest truth party should matter, you just admitted your views are via party not reality and that Dems can't be reliably honest.-oops!
That is untrue.
You do realize they were mostly liberal democrats that were testifying and even told you what party they were registered as and have voted for.-as if in honest truth party should matter, you just admitted your views are via party not reality and that Dems can't be reliably honest.-oops!

Can you prove that? You're making a sweeping statemen without proof.
Good. Even the ACLU has come to Trump's defense saying this gag order crap is unconstitutional and illegal.

Why does Hillary have the right to say her election was stolen but Trump doesn't get that privilege?

Because P01135809, unlike HRC sent a tweet, "Be There It Will lBe WIld". P01135809 encouraged violence.

HRC DID NOT call a Governor or Secretary of State to have them "Find" votes.

HRC DID NOT file over 60+Lawsuits to overturn the election.
Can you prove that? You're making a sweeping statemen without proof.
I don't have to, they said it in testimony and you not looking it up is proof you don't care, you just want to top post your propaganda which proves you have no policy or governance to offer so you resort to cheap tactics. Prove me wrong.🕵 🤷😄
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You deny the lawful democratically elected President.
Show where I did that, Actually I never did, I wanted everyone to see how incompetant the Dem party was so they'd never elect corrupt socialist leaning fascists again.-and they did not disappoint. 👍😏

Why? Judges are letting the man get away with witness intimidation, incitement of violence, and influencing the juror pool. Every other dependent should be given the same allowance.

Intimidate witnesses, demean prosecutors and influence jurors....trump has soiled our judicial system...just like he soiled our electoral system.

It’s funny to watch the TDS afflicted descend into these “episodes”.
That is exactly what he wanted them to do. God you are that fucking dense. By asking Kemp and Raffspenberger to "Find 11,800 Vote, One More Than What We Need" he conspiring to commit Election Fraud. He want them find the votes he needed to win Georgia, not that his winning would changed the outcome of the election, he still had lost.

He needed those votes, he for them to find those votes. He wanted to commit Election Fraud.
Nope he new based on polling there were more votes out there he just did not expect for the fraud that occurred
And not to soon after losing that motion, P01135809 open his big machole and violated the gag order.
You're not placing President Trump under house arrest for his exercise of the First Amendment with its freedom of speech are you? :eek:
I don't recall Trump putting these thugs in danger. Many democrats certainly don't give a crap about putting Republican lives in danger or Supreme Court justice's lives in danger. Hell, Bernie Sanders repeatedly called for a revolution and one of his followers took him up on it and went to DC to shoot up Republicans and many prominent Democrats have told their supporters to fight like hell. Trump has a first amendment right to call out these biased people who are abusing their power for political reasons.

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