Judge Chutkan has denied Donald Trump's motion to stay her gag order

Why? Do you think he threw stuff when he lost the popular vote?
Fake news with no proof, but we literally saw with our own eyes the dem tantrums:
Hillary (or her handlers)killed people, dems burnt cars and businesses and even tried to burn out a mother and her new born child by burning down her garage, they rioted and looted.
-you lose your argument.
Fake news with no proof, but we literally saw with our own eyes the dem tantrums:
Hillary (or her handlers)killed people, dems burnt cars and businesses and even tried to burn out a mother and her new born child by burning down her garage, they rioted and looted.
-you lose your argument.
Very few black ghetto rioters are registered Democrats. Unfortunately, some Democrats sympathize with them. I am a life long Democrat. I hate black ghetto rioters. I want black ghetto riots to be crushed by coalitions of policemen, military men, and deputized gun owners. I want them to be crushed as quickly as possible, and as violently as necessary.
4-Felony Indictments.

91 - Felony Charges including 13-Counts of violating RICO Statutes in Georgia.

It did happen. P01135809 has gotten away with a lot shit in the past, but his criminal actions have caught up with him.
91 False accusations based on Deep state fear and yours
He has accumulated 91 false accusations because the deep state fears him as do you!
We fear Trump because he is a dangerous and evil man. Fortunately he is also impulsive and reckless. That is why he will end his life in prison. :yes_text12:
91 False accusations based on Deep state fear and yours
Persecution Complex MUCH!!!

No such thing as a deep state, except in the minds of MAGA MAGGOTS who have polluted by the lies of P01135809 and his cabal lying shysters.

There is audio of P01135809 asking Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (Republican) for "11,800 Votes". That call and call(s) to Georgia Secretary of State Raffspensberger requesting those votes crossed state lines, which is part of 13-RICO Counts against P01135809. Also, before you get bleating and bloviating those calls being taped, both Washington, D.C. (Where the calls originated) and the State of Georgia (Where the calls were received) allow recording of telephonic communcations.

P01135809 was deeply and directly involved in the fake elector's scheme.

P01135809 retained classified material at his Shit-A-Lago bed bug ridden hotel. And before you start saying he had a right to hold on them because he, just looking at those document declassified them, he has already said he had so such power.

4-Indictments - Very Real and supported by solid evidence.

91-Felony Counts - Very real and supported b solid evidence

Your lying sickly, squeezy sack of liquid shit cult leader is guilty as fuck.
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What? Where did I say that? They have first amendment rights to say whatever the hell they want, while they are in jail locked up. If they are an obvious and known danger to society they should not be free. As far as I know there is no second amendment right for those in jail to have a gun in jail.
Are they really 'rights' when they can easily be taken away?
They were the same. Trump didn't have the power to stop it either for two reasons:

1. He didn't order an insurrection. He encouraged protesters to peacefully protest at the Capital

2. They were not under his control. They were doing their own thing with their own plans, which Trump knew nothing of. That has been proven but you choose to ignore that fact.

P01135809 encouraged violence. He condoned violence. When he sitting in front his television in WH, he replayed his favorite part of the violence. He refused to authorize the use of the D.C. National Guard. You are once again lying out your unwashed ass.

Trial: Trump Tweet About "Wild" Protest Energized Extremists

Trump Tweet Invited "Wild" Mob To Block Transfer of Power On Jan. 6, House Panel Says.

Trump Summoned Supporters To "Wild" Protest and Told Them To Fight, They Did


So yes, the Insurgents were under his control.

Your lies are truly pathetic. But then again you a brain dead sycophantic follower of P01135809.
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He has accumulated 91 false accusations because the deep state fears him as do you!
Persecution Complex MUCH!!!

No such thing as a deep state, except in the minds of MAGA MAGGOTS who have polluted by the lies of P01135809 and his cabal lying shysters.

There is audio of P01135809 asking Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (Republican) for "11,800 Votes". That call and call(s) to Georgia Secretary of State Raffspensberger requesting those votes crossed state lines, which is part of 13-RICO Counts against P01135809. Also, before you get bleating and bloviating those calls being taped, both Washington, D.C. (Where the calls originated) and the State of Georgia (Where the calls were received) allow recording of telephonic communcations.

P01135809 was deeply and directly involved in the fake elector's scheme.

P01135809 retained classified material at his Shit-A-Lago bed bug ridden hotel. And before you start saying he had a right to hold on them because he, just looking at those document declassified them, he has already said he had so such power.

4-Indictments - Very Real and supported by solid evidence.

91-Felony Counts - Very real and supported b solid evidence

Your lying sickly, squeezy sack of liquid shit cult leader is guilty as fuck.

He is not asking him to produce them
He is not asking him to produce them

That is exactly what he wanted them to do. God you are that fucking dense. By asking Kemp and Raffspenberger to "Find 11,800 Vote, One More Than What We Need" he conspiring to commit Election Fraud. He want them find the votes he needed to win Georgia, not that his winning would changed the outcome of the election, he still had lost.

He needed those votes, he for them to find those votes. He wanted to commit Election Fraud.

Why? Judges are letting the man get away with witness intimidation, incitement of violence, and influencing the juror pool. Every other dependent should be given the same allowance.

Intimidate witnesses, demean prosecutors and influence jurors....trump has soiled our judicial system...just like he soiled our electoral system.
The Judge should recuse herself after her overbearing sentences against Republicans, and in particular she seems dedicated to humiliating people who were just attending a protest, according to the Constitution. She was unfair to peaceful protesters, she'll be unfair to Trump.

I just read this: "
  • U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan will preside over Trump's challenge to a congressional investigation over Jan. 6.
  • Chutkan, an Obama appointee, has been outspoken about the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
  • She's also presided over high-profile cases such as that of Maria Butina and the Trump administration's resumption of federal executions.
U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has been outspoken in her sentencing of defendants charged in the attack on the U.S. Capitol, will preside over former President Donald Trump’s lawsuit seeking to block a congressional committee from obtaining records about Jan. 6.​

Trump, represented by attorney Jesse Binnall, filed the lawsuit Tuesday, asking for a judge to throw out subpoenas issued by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, and to prevent federal officials from providing the requested records. The Biden White House declined to invoke executive privilege over the documents.​

She sounds like a charter member of the Deep State Democrats who go after Trump.
Judge FInds John Eastmann Culpable For Ethics Breaches In 2020 Bid To Keep Trump In Power.

A California judge made a “preliminary finding” Thursday that attorney John Eastman breached professional ethics when he aided Donald Trump’s bid to overturn the 2020 election, a significant milestone in the lengthy proceedings over whether Eastman should lose his license to practice law.

Eastman said Thursday that the extensive disbarment proceedings — which delved deeply into his allegations of election fraud and irregularities, as well as his fringe theories about the vice president’s power to unilaterally choose the winner of the presidential election — had strengthened his belief that the 2020 election was tainted. Now, state bar officials are preparing to present “aggravation” evidence aimed at justifying their call to strip Eastman, a veteran conservative attorney who once clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, of his law license.

The proceedings, which began in June, featured 30 days of testimony from witnesses that included former Vice President Mike Pence’s legal counsel Greg Jacob, former Bush administration attorney John Yoo, officials from numerous state election offices, statisticians and data analysts that Eastman relied on for some of his claims of widespread election irregularities, and constitutional law experts who delved into the history of the counting of electoral votes.

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